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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. that's the government for ya...
  2. I saw that as well. I think it's part of the underside...
  3. wrong plane dude. The JSF is the F-35, not the YF-23... F-35: YF-23:
  4. but big gunz on little planes look soooooooooo cooooooooooolll!!!!
  5. hmm....you got me there. I'd have to say the former.
  6. so they still don't know if the stupid thing can even get off the ground yet?
  7. ummmkay.....that dash has waaaaayyyyy too many buttons...
  8. Vinnie has too, I'm too broke to get one....lol
  9. just started watching the dubbed version that's on CN.....i know they probably edited the crap outta the show, but it's pretty good. The VA's arent bad either...
  10. ah, my mistake, I misread it.
  11. actually, the mouse wheel thing doesnt apply to just the boards, it messes with IE as well.
  12. maybe because it's more fun to watch your enemies blow up really close than really far away?
  13. Can one retrofit these to go in a car?
  14. as far as the 0D with the booster goes: no, we don't see it. I'm not sure if it'll fit...
  15. This thing'll be great for FPS games, I wonder how the next Super Smash Bros game will be...
  16. weird.....if they were 18 and had breasts, I'd actually be interested, lol.
  17. a VF-0D with the Ghost booster would be really cool...
  18. I have to agree, whenever she's yelling at Hikaru she has just that right pitch/battyiness to her...Vic's doing a pretty good job being Hikaru.
  19. no biggie, it's gonna be weird seeing new camaros on the road once again...
  20. Lightning

    stop motion

    that was neat!
  21. yeah, you're right. you know....the more I look at them, the more car parts I'm starting to pick out on the robot modes....
  22. actually, he very well might be the 5th gen (the '08 when it comes out), cause on those spy pics, there's a new Camaro in the same paintscheme...
  23. anybody wanna buy one? it's just missing the pitot spike that attaches to the nose...(I lost it somehow when I was transforming the first time)
  24. ok, after reading the new copy of Hot Rod Magazine, I think it's kinda cool they made Bumblebee a 2nd Gen Camaro......(I had thought he was gonna be a 4th gen, that's what was turning me off)
  25. maybe Claudia secretly raided his sperm bank?
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