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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Are ya'll sure that Destroyer's # is 77? it looks like a 79 at one time, and when I look at it again it looks like a 71......it's almost like it was painted in a different font than usual...
  2. as to all the ships floating in the air: maybe it's 'cause the APHOS wanted a better shot at the ships? (it's a lot easier to hit something floating in the air that's at "eye-level" than something sitting 1000 feet below you in the water...)
  3. well, at least it's not dead. This thing was the only reason why I bought HW2.
  4. nah, hopefully it's a VF-4...
  5. that last page I almost thought a -0A was breakdancing...weird.
  6. isn't that the only answer we really need?
  7. I still wish that the PS2 game would've given the VF-4 it's beam cannons........having the gatlings in the arms was such a letdown...
  8. ugly front end, nice ass end. since when did SEAT start making so many supercars?
  9. it makes me wonder how the LV I used to have is doing these days...
  10. .......thank god.
  11. Even Hikaru's magic bike was able to go in space!
  12. I got mine from back when Boinger had iMacrossIV up....
  13. yep, here in Florida we haven't had it since the early nineties. Unfortunately it means that we have some really crappy cars on used car lots...
  14. well....you could always move to a state that doenst do emissions testing....
  15. Lightning

    Graham's Sig

    I really, really, really hope it's a 1/48 VF-4....
  16. that Apollo....wow.
  17. I'll be damned, maybe I can land a really high-paying job just 'cause I can solder wires...
  18. my god!! Max lives!!!! *croaks*
  19. Hikaru used that "mode" in the Episode "Bursting Point" (the one right after "Pineapple Salad")
  20. the Boss is coming....2 more years of waiting.... that Mustang's kinda nice, just one little thing wrong with it....the back "gas cap" needs to be chrome to match the accents all over the car.
  21. my favorite's the Liger Zero Jager....or did they call it something different?
  22. so....still no explanation as to where these babies hide in fighter mode, eh? (well, since that was the topic question being asked, thanks for the screencap UN Spacy)
  23. The VF-1 can partially accomplish this, it can use the thrusters to get the valk off the ground enough to get it into GERWALK mode. Vinnie- nice to see you found the "Little Valk" strip, it was funny. keep up the good work, I should've noticed this thread sooner...
  24. when I'm not broke I'll go see it
  25. they were only down for a day, he didn't hit them as hard as he hit us.
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