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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I think the model boxes called his bike a "Ley Type." I also recall that the invasion waves were referred to as "dive operations," and maybe even the unit patches said that.
  2. Yeah, "Transport Legioss Escort Armored Dreadnought" came from some of the Imai documents that I found. I've never seen the text in any final products, but I'm told that there's a scene in the show where it shows up on a display screen as "TLEAD." I don't know where that acronym for "TREAD" came from, whether it's a fan creation or something else, but CM's called it a "TREAD" on the box for their toy, and Lansay called it a "TRED." I always thought the "Dive" in MOSPEADA had something to do with the Gerwalk mode of the Legioss (Armo-Diver), or the fact that it was deployed after diving through the atmosphere, but "Drive" works well, too.
  3. Don't believe me, watch the shows yourself.
  4. Adama never knew Tigh during the first Human-Cylon war. They met for the first time as civilians, on a freighter 20 years after the war. This was revealed in flashback in Season 2. Like everything else in his head, Tigh's memories of the war are a fabrication, as are his military records from that time period.
  5. In the episode it was clearly stated by Anders that Tigh was inserted into Colonial society after the first Cylon-Human war. I don't see what question you're trying to answer with this theory.
  6. I like to think that some deity will appear at the end and let them know that it's been putting them through hell because it despises them. And then eat them.
  7. Yeah. Take that, Frank Miller!
  8. Didn't know anything about this show until I read Joe Haldeman's blog today, pointing out the similarities between Dollhouse and All My Sins Remembered: http://joe-haldeman.livejournal.com/122242.html Ron Moore also seemed to be ripping off Old Twentieth for a new show he was developing. Joe gets no respect!
  9. Yes, but Caprica Six is a Cylon. Anders, Tory, and the rest, who also had visions appear to them before the war on Earth, were Cylons. Maybe the visions only appear to Cylons. Maybe the One True God only cares about them. If she did save a copy of Daniel, and knew John hated him so much, she probably wouldn't discuss it in front of John. Well, none of the Final Five exhibited traits of their former personalities and affinities, did they, with the possible exception of Tyrol. Ellen seems to have been a completely different person in her Earth-based life, warm and analytical. Anders decided to pursue sports instead of science, Tory went into politics, and Tigh went into the military. None of them gravitated towards the pursuit of scientific endeavors as they did in their former lives. We'll see.
  10. My belief that it's Baltar comes from the parallels between his character and the Biblical figure, and the hope that Moore wouldn't have the actors waste so much oxygen on something that didn't go anywhere. I've been wrong before, though (see Grand Unified Cylon Theory). In the podcast commentary, Moore admits that the only reason there was any dialogue at all about a Type 7 is because early on in the series they said Boomer was a Type 8, and they felt that they had to explain that gap in the numbering. If the discussion about Daniel was more than just a minor patch, they'll find a way to turn it into a full-fledged plot point, and given Moore's love for Biblical references I think it will turn out to be Baltar.
  11. I just rewatched the episode. Let's see if I've got it all straight: 2,000 years ago, on Kobol, there are 12 tribes of humans and a 13th tribe of humanoid Cylons (who may or may not have been created by the humans.) There's some kind of schism and everybody splits town. The 12 tribes find habitable worlds and form the 12 Colonies (Caprica, Tauron, Virgon, etc.). The 13th heads back towards Earth. Before reaching it, along the way they leave a contaminated satellite and make a brief stop on the Algae Planet, where they build the Temple of Hopes and pray to their One True God. Along the way they also ditch their resurrection technology when they discover that they can procreate on their own. Soon after settling Earth, they create mechanical Centurions to serve as workers, but eventually they rebel, resulting in war. Five scientists (Saul, Ellen, Tory, Sam, and Galen) see the writing on the wall, or are warned via divine powers, and re-create the resurrection machinery on a ship orbiting Earth. The war between the humanoid Cylons and Centurions goes nuclear and everyone dies. The five scientists are reborn on their ship, and embark on a journey at sublight speeds to the 12 colonies, to warn them against the dangers of creating mechanical Centurions to serve as slaves. Too late. By the time their slowboat reaches the 12 colonies, the humans there are already at war with their own mechanical Centurions. The Centurions are already trying to become humanoid to emulate the living God they believe in, but aside from creating the Hybrids they are unsuccessful. The scientists strike a deal with the Centurions: we'll make you humanoid like us, to emulate the living God that you worship, as long as you stop waging war against the humans. The Centurions agree, and the first Cylon-Human war ends. The first new-generation humanoid Cylon, John (Cavil) is developed by the scientists, as well as the resurrection network. Seven more models are created, for a total of eight. John becomes jealous of Model #7, named Daniel, so he destroys all copies of it and the means to make more copies. John eventually rebels against his creators. He tricks the five scientists into a situation where he suffocates them, and then makes them resurrect in new bodies with altered memories. One by one, over the course of decades, he inserts them into human society, thinking that life in the 12 Colonies will teach them that humans are worth exterminating. The first one is Saul, who has a military record fabricated for him and ends up serving on a freighter with Bill Adama, 20 years after the First Cylon-Human war. 20 years after that, when the Second Cylon-Human war begins, and John finds out that all five of the brainwashed scientists have survived it, he inserts copies of himself into different factions of the survivors to make their lives even more hellish. To go along with this, he alters the memories of the other six humanoid Cylons and the Centurions so that they can't remember or recognize the scientists, but he leaves in the knowledge that they exist, and that they shouldn't be thought about or researched. On top of all this, there is apparently a God out there, whispering things in the ears of the Hybrids, providing divine revelations to D'Anna, Roslyn, Baltar, and Caprica Six, providing signposts for people to get to and from Earth, Kobol, and the Twelve Colonies, broadcasting All Along The Watchtower, rigging fleet-wide power failures, and whatever supernatural apparatus duplicated Starbuck and her Viper, right down to the dog tags and wedding ring. What a mess.
  12. I tried to listen to Doug's podcast but it was just 4 1/2 hours of "gurgle gurgle gurgle."
  13. Who is the bigger fool? The fool who makes a movie, or the one who makes a movie complaining about that movie? The filmmakers should have seen this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903849/
  14. It is apparently dog poo: http://toyboxdx.com/phorum/read.php?1,187183
  15. Zeist! Zeist! Zeist! Yes, divine insight always comes with brain damage on these shows. There's always a price to pay. In the podcast commentary, Moore said that Daniel will figure into the Caprica series, but the real reason that he even exists is because the writers realized they goofed by assigning Sharon the number 8 so early on in the series before they figured out what they were doing with the cylons.
  16. BTW, does the idea of taking aliens, erasing their memories, and dumping them into a society remind anyone of Highlander 2?
  17. The chain of events is also open for Tigh to be Kara's father. He's certainly capable of knocking people up. I think you're selectively ignoring a lot of what's going on in the show. There is "one true god" that's a part of all of these events, from the Six in Baltar's head, to the temple on the Algae planet that gave D'anna her revelations (and, according to Ellen in this episode, gave the 13th Tribe the way to Earth), to the heavenly glow that Anders experienced before being incapacitated. Some higher power is manipulating things. It doesn't seem so. According to Anders, the Cylons had already developed the hybrids before they encountered the Final Five.
  18. Read up on Daniel, the Biblical figure, and see how many things remind you of Gaius Baltar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel (Did you know that Saul Tigh was originally going to be named Paul until Moore had to change it due to legal issues?)
  19. I never heard this, but you could ask the authors of the Wikipedia entry.
  20. Did anyone recognize the old Battlestar Galactica red alert sound during Tigh's flashback to the bank vault?
  21. DRONE!!! http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/digitamin/ya78.html
  22. The look on Gaeta's face and the reaction of Skulls and Zarek ("he won't be the last") made it clear to me that he was dead, as well as the way he was dragged off. You can certainly kill someone by whacking them on the back of the head with a heavy wrench like that.
  23. AGAIN with the friggin' plasma rifle!!! Some of the soundtrack has been leaked: http://www.quality-schnallity.com/mp3/terminator.mp3
  24. They killed Laird! AND JAFFE!!!
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