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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Starbuck acknowledged this possibility herself in the frst Season 4 episode. If they did clone her, they managed to get all of the tattoos right.
  2. Starbuck's actions (linking up with the rebel cylons, convincing Adama to work with them, and telling Roslyn about the hybrid) led to the kidnapping of the President and the loss of more than half of their fighters. She probably feels like even more of a frak-up now. Gotta be humbling after a while.
  3. Based on what Battlestar Wiki has, Baltar was in custody at least two to three months before his trial. If he got Caprica Six pregnant, they'd know it.
  4. After rewatching the episode, I enjoyed it a bit more. The bit with the cat made sense once I saw that it was all from Romo's perspective. So will we get an episode that flashes back to the destruction of the resurrection hub? I hope so.
  5. The cat being a hallucination of Romo's makes sense, but I guess I was remembering it appearing to and interacting with Lee. Anyway, I was a little disappointed in Romo's freak-out, and in the episode in general.
  6. And... Hedging your bets?
  7. Okay, now that it's aired, SPOILER WARNING... Maybe I need to watch again. 1) If Romo or someone else killed his cat weeks before the episodes started, than what was the cat doing walking around the apartment? Was it a hallucination? Another cat that he adopted after the first one died? 2) Why exactly was Adama taking the Raptor out alone at the end? In the past they showed that Racetrack and her ECO would hang out after the fleet jumped to see if any cylons were tailing them, is that what he was doing? If so, why didn't he have an ECO?
  8. Also: http://english.tamashii.jp/
  9. Yamato has a product page up for the Tomahawk: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1184
  10. Patrick Macias has a new podcast up that includes a brief interview with Adam Newman, Ambassador of the Bandai Tamashii Nation: http://patrickmacias.blogs.com/er/2008/05/...st-otaku-1.html
  11. Speak for yourself, Ray, I'm still getting a tremendous amount of entertainment value for my dollar. Popcorn, anyone?
  12. Terminator 3 takes place in 2003. Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles takes place in 2008. Unless the characters in the TV show get sent back to 2003 with no memory of what happened, I think it's safe to say that they're alternate timelines. Terminator 4 supposedly follows the timeline set up by Terminator 3.
  13. These must be garage kits. Have any garage kits of the other Inbit types ever surfaced? I think the Toynami bookend with the Gosu is the only time I've seen that design realized in 3-D.
  14. Quoted for truthiness.
  15. I want to hear a DAPDX podcast that reviews Macrossworld, as if it were a movie.
  16. SPOILERS... For those of you who couldn't suspend your disbelief for certain scenes or the plot macguffin, consider the first three films and what they establish as "reality" within the Indiana Jones universe: Temple of Doom: Hinduism is real. Raiders: Judaism is real. Last Crusade: Christianity (and possibly Islam, by extension) is real. To add "extradimensional aliens are real" to that list isn't much of a stretch, isn't it? And once you've done that, you can pretty much forgive every scene where Indy should have broken his tail bone, drowned, gotten electrocuted, etc. (Especially if you consider that there could be "higher powers" looking out for him.)
  17. No, I didn't.
  18. No, they can't.
  19. First person to post this! http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/23/yamaha-...main-just-that/ I WIN! I WIN!!!
  20. I agree, I like my action adventure movies to have more slow parts and a slower pace.
  21. For those of you complaining about the anti-anything sentiment in this thread, go back a few dozen pages to where the guy on the Macrossworld masthead called the guys at Bandai "dicks." That pretty much set the tone. Also, for the person who suggested getting the original Macross toy designers involved, most if not all of those guys are retired now. In fact, a friend who used to work there told me that the last couple of Takatoku employees that were still at Bandai left the company when the first round of 1/55 reissues were released, back around 2000. They got to see one of their toys reborn as they rode off into the sunset.
  22. Robot horses make me think of: 1) That atrocious Galaxy Rangers show. 2) Steel Jeeg, and his clones Force Commander, Baron Karza, and the Emperor. The idea of armor-clad horses just crapping whenever and wherever they wanted to makes me giggly.
  23. I like to think that they were suits of armor for real horses.
  24. http://blog.nbc.com/DwightsBlog/2008/05/th..._tentacle_s.php
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