Believe it or not, I actually do enjoy Robotech and the story, have for 20 years. I also own Macross 2 and Macross Plus. It is frustrating to see HG really doing nothing with the license. Yes, after 20 years they are making an OVA finally with new material. The irritating part is that the characters can look nothing like their Macross counterparts due to this BS rights deal with HG. They had to make a five part comic series just to explain why all the ships look different now. Now, after it was going to come out two years ago, they can't find a distributor even. The website censors delete any posts asking what's wrong, so you can't even talk about it or find any information. HG is like the RIAA and can't seem to get with the times.
They are too worried Macross imports will harm robotech sales, yet they do nothing for robotech. 20 years ago they made the same mistakes, which buried the Sentinels. They tried to control the toy market and when Matchbox pulled out, we were left with nothing. As a result, I am still stuck with my Jetfire transformer, and my VHS copy of "Clash of the Bionoids". They made the mistake of trying to market Robotech to 5-year-olds. Today- same difference. If they don't want us to see Macross Zero and buy other cool toys like the destroids, then why don't they pull their heads out and just make these things available? It's not like people wouldn't pay or there is not an interest. Hell, if people are still buying remastered remastered dvd versions of the original, why not put their name on it and let us at it? It would continue with their strategy of not actually having to do anything new.
Anyway, sorry this is so long. I thought I had posted this in that other topic. Still figuring out site navigation, I guess.