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IIRC, Toho was responsible for that train wreck. They had been awarded (before the legal FUBAR) distro rights outside of Japan. Those rights are either gone or on legal hold pending a resolution of the BW/HG-Tat legal circus. 385458[/snapback] So, is it then impossible to buy in the US a copy of DYRL? I would like to see a version of this that isn't on a 15 year old vhs tape with sound that resembles talking inside a tin can, and a dubbing so terrible that the voice actors must be mentally challenged.
Then what exactly was "Clash of the bionoids"? How did that horrible version released here in the U.S.?
I wish the two worlds would seperate. Robotech fans got thier versions of macross valks, while at the same time macross fans could buy macross valks and games. Everyone getting what they wanted and leaving the fanbase to decide with thier wallet. I mean in macross we don't have Jack Archer! If you are a fan of both robotech and macross you got to take sides due to the legal probs. They really need to sort this out lest the very macross franchise gets old and worthless for the sake of the fans who have the money and don't want to waste it importing. 371483[/snapback] Yes, and at the same time, Robotech fans don't have Major Nex... I did like the Battlecry game- much better than Invasion. But it would have been nice to be able to get the imports as well without having to mod a console and pay up the butt.
Exactly. If I recall, the old robotech toys said UN Spacy on them anyway. I just have a hard time seeing why we aren't allowed those products in the US if robotech is not even using any macross images in the shadow chronicles. The characters in the new comics aren't recognizable as macross, and even the SDF-3 looks like a mospeada ship now. They both would only stand to gain by generating interest again. Instead, they continue bashing shields while macross and robotech collect dust.
How so? And since when did the consumers of either Coke or Pepsi start insulting each other’s products and each other’s consumers? Someone who for example prefers Coke over Pepsi is not going to be gleefully waiting for the day when Pepsi goes out of business and vice versa for the Pepsi Drinkers. You can portray Robotech and Macross in both lights depending on which fan you are. A Robotech fan may say the same about Macross Who cares? And what does it matter to you what HG does and does not do? How is your life negativley affected by HG not brining Big West "to the table?" You purists out there on both sides of the fence are going to have to learn to live with the fact that both genres exist and they aren't going away. Just because you may be a fan of one genre does not mean that your fandom means more to the world than another persons fandom. Nor does it mean that your belief in one product being your favorite mean that the genre that you do not like must not exist. 370729[/snapback] Ladies and gentleman, I believe we just heard from Tommy Yune...
Idiot... don't try to play victim. You're the one that started with the mom jokes. I'm jus not above playing your games. But you're just too stupid to realize it. Much like MGREXX, when you can't win you start trying to be the persecuted saint. No one is telling you to leave, we're just asking you to make better use of yourself. Seriously, the more you cry the more you prove my point. Now you'll be known on the boards as the useless n00b that likes to whine. 370621[/snapback] STILL name-calling? Pathetic...Actually, you did try telling me to leave several times, and continue your juvenile name calling. Too bad if my presence here bothers you so. It is an added benefit for me now since you started acting like a little child.
407th Civil Affairs Battalion 370598[/snapback] Where are you stationed? 370619[/snapback] I was in Bosnia a few years ago, now back in school to make some real money. Motivations change when you get older, or you just want more money.
I feel the same way about explanations now. I mean look at this guy, me3. He was told countless times by different people why his thread was closed, yet he ignored the explanation each time and continued his complaints and cries about unfairness. If that's the way people are going to take it then, I wouldn't waste my time in the first place. 370678[/snapback] So, who is now unable to let it go and move on, EXO? Still trolling, I see?
407th Civil Affairs Battalion
I didn't say all that stuff. Only the last quote was mine.
Could it just be the he was just so angry with Robotech's boards that he assume that MW would be the exact opposite? I admitt alot of things are different but message boards are still gone censor people. We might do it for different reasons but its still gonna happen. When it does happen it not be because the board might have something against them. 370587[/snapback] Look, I got over it already. I pressed the wrong reply tab when I made my first post is all. My mistake. This EXO wasn't even the one who did it, so who knows what his problems are? And yes, I thought people here would share some of the disappointment with HG. Instead I just get mobbed for pressing the wrong tab, then harrassed/called names by EXO. Relax, people...
Dude, you misunderstand. I was initially just wondering why that happened and who these mini-mods are. This >EXO< seems to have taken a personal interest in harrassing me, so if you interpret any hostility, I was merely responding to him and not taking any crap from the troll. Unlike him, I'm not calling people derogatory names or being mean, or trying to drive people away. It really doesn't look good for the site to have a mini-mod doing things like that. The topic closing isn't a big deal- just seems funny how some are so intolerant of new people that they need to resort to attacking them.
Life is actually pretty good, but I have to come back to my roots because I owe it to them to point out morons like you. 370579[/snapback] Ahh, he has run out of options and has resorted to name calling. The last resort of the weak-minded. I'm sure this doesn't look good for the site, coming from a little person, er, mini-mod...
Go right ahead. This is my only account. Why are you people so scared of this MGREXX guy? 370571[/snapback] scared? that only makes me think you are him when I didn't even think that in the first place... I'm glad that you're here to take his place though, we all needed someone new to kick around. 370574[/snapback] If that's how you really feel, your life must be in a pretty sad state to have to go online to an anime message board to find someone to 'kick around'.
Great- another one of THOSE people. I'll take the wine and cheese to your mother's house then... 370546[/snapback] yeah, ummm... you're taking the whine and cheese to your own mother's house? Man, if anyone needs one of those STFU n00b pics, it's this guy. 370548[/snapback] No, YOUR mother's house. You really need to work on those reading/listening skills, and less on attemting to chase 'noobs' away. It really isn't good for the board... 370553[/snapback] HAHA, but you quoted yourself and proceeded to say you going to your own mother's house... kinda creepy dude... As far as I can tell you haven't contributed anything to the boards except one useless thread and screwing up this one. So chasing you away would be no big loss. I welcome any other Macross fan except for the whiny type. 370570[/snapback] Whiny type? You mean you despise those like yourself? All we've heard from you is complaining about me for trying to start a topic. If that upsets you so greatly, you should try to get out more. Oh, and call your mom- she says she misses you...