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Rick Ichijo

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. The original SDF Macross:CLASSIC. The other Macross shows and movies just didn't appeal to me. That's just my opinion.
  2. My name is Rick Ichijo. For those that don't understand (but most if not all of you probably do), my name's a combination of Hikaru Ichijo, and Rick Hunter (needless to say, is Hikaru's Robotech name). I've been a fan of RT since '01, and today, I bought the first volume of ADV's re-dub of Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, and it felt kinda strange hearing the ADV voice actors play the characters. I'm looking forward to the second volume with Chris Patton as Max Jenius. I don't expect it to be as good as Cam Clarke, but I'm a big fan of Mr. Patton (I talk to him on MSN Messenger sometimes), and I'm hoping he did a good job with my favorite Macross character.
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