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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. LOL - so late replying. I am too, between the gaps in news I just sit back and look at the pretty photos (Photoshop or not). Price be damned, I'm not going to let a little thing like going broke stop me from enjoying my hobby. -b.
  2. LOL - either way, you're not wrong on your observations. I've noticed the same thing (other sites, I haven't mastered looking thru YJA). They aren't gigantic price increases like they were after Yamato first disappeared, but they are inching up ever so slowly. -b.
  3. Cool, thank you. Then I need to get back to it then. And as far as farming for ores, spin metal, etc. that's something that I'd gotten accustomed to doing as far back as the beta so that should be a breeze. Sorry, I know Destiny has it's own dedicated thread. I also need to trade in a bunch of games for PS4 that I have just collecting dust, like Killzone Shadow Fall, Battefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, and Second Son. I'll probably NEVER get around to playing any of them. -b.
  4. Hey, said more eloquently and with more details about the various design/design elements than I could have put it. Thank you. -b.
  5. Ha! It's very likely that folks are realizing that Arcadia is not going to pump out tons of re-issues so that people can stock up or fill holes in their collections. Actually surprised it's taken this long for prices to creep up, you can see the same thing at other sites as well. -b.
  6. Picked up Shadow of Mordor over the weekend, I'll give it a go in the next couple of days or so. I also really need to get back into Destiny, I stopped at level 20 since now you really have to grind, grind, grind along with playing in the Crucible (which I'm not a fan of) to level up. -b.
  7. LOL The Terminus folks just may not have checked, they didn't bother to remove any clothing besides that one..."section". He could have had the wound elsewhere (I was thinking chest/torso based on how the event played out) since the infection spreads. But thinking on how myk called the writing dumb I have my doubts now, as it could be just a big ole red herring. -b.
  8. Deal of the year. -b.
  9. Kind of OT and probably old news for anyone that owns an SV-51 but it's interesting to see how many of the design, or transformation elements of the 51 made it into the VF-27 (which looks like an evolution of the design) and the 171. -b.
  10. ^LOL Too bad that Tara probably isn't long for the Walking Dead world. I wonder though... -b.
  11. Nope. No way I'm getting into a scientific debate as it concerns two factions of mass-shifting-sentient-homicidal robots from outer space. I'll just watch you guys go at it. Besides my enjoyment (or whatever) of these movies is pure popcorn, I like seeing things get blown up by the military, by random humans that happen to be in the right place at the right time and by said mass-shifting-sentient-homicidal robots. -b.
  12. Relatively speaking I can't decide which I thought was better between this and Dark of the Moon. -b.
  13. That is awesome. I'm looking at so many Valkyries that I'd love to pair together. Or even combinations of Fighter and Battroid, or Battroid and Gerwalk, or, or, or, or... -b.
  14. Very nice. What struck me, besides just the sheer number of Valkyries shown and not shown in that clip was how "clean" everything looked. I felt like I was looking at a museum or store display vs. someone's home and that's awesome. -b.
  15. Love that enthusiasm! I'm going to hold off on any declarations of "buy" or "pass" until more details are confirmed. -b.
  16. If they deviate that much then how do you know where this is going by having read the comic compendiums? That said, personally I look forward to reading the comics once the series (spin-off included) are over. -b.
  17. *Fingers Crossed* for multiple Cybertrons. The sight of hardcore and casual fans alike sh!tting bricks would be worth it. -b.
  18. ^ !!!!!! -b.
  19. ^Good luck! Hopefully neither of us have to sell any organs - if so that person would win this thread hands down. -b.
  20. Yeah, I agree with no3ljm, that's a really good buy. Hopefully whatever is missing is something minor. Good luck chyll2! -b.
  21. *please be a solid release*please be a solid release*please be a solid release* The Photoshop color (still) doesn't bother me because it shows that they've acknowledged the need for a change in color/hue/warmth/whatever and that they have an idea of how it should look more or less. -b.
  22. ^No, no. There should/are no hard feelings either way. I'm glad you got your holy grail and I needed to let it go (mostly because I shouldn't have bought it at the time anyway). Besides I still have (2) - one sealed and one on display. I just like the thrill of the hunt when I collect so that's what I'm looking forward to. -b.
  23. Probably this; http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1361546.html It's the first thing I noticed when I checked this morning, but there is a missing "polystyrene". -b.
  24. Well it certainly is now. I just looked at the nose of my 25G and wouldn't you know it, there is the tiniest of gaps in that same area (off to the left if you're looking at the Valkyrie from the front). You get a sarcastic "thanks" my friend. -b.
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