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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Ha ha! He's a decent enough actor and I can see him in the role. Better than Captain Sparrow, but maybe not as good as Commodus. -b.
  2. Current events on Agents of Shield (maybe). -b.
  3. Seriously, it's about time. And I love the casting choice, Chadwick Boseman is an amazing actor. -b.
  4. Agreed. Also glad that they're going to try and contain this in Captain America as opposed to the story spilling into Avengers. However that means the story and scope will be noticeably compressed. -b.
  5. Comes out on Blu Ray/DVD December 2nd or 9th, it's worth a buy! Especially if you enjoy Marvel's other films and especially if you enjoy a good action Sci-Fi movie. -b.
  6. FYI - that post of mine you quoted was just a joke. In response to another joke related to the fan-rumor that The Walking Dead is just a coma dream by Rick. The rumor was shot down by series creator Kirkman BTW. -b.
  7. ^Agree, I will say that Chloe from 24 wasn't bad (can't remember her real name) but in combo with Slash and Gareth it wasn't the best group of guests. -b.
  8. Ooohhh. For some reason I didn't even view the ending as a cliffhanger, but I suppose that it was, ha. Agreed and same. And regarding Talking Dead, that pseudo flirting between Chloe and Gareth was borderline awkward!!!! Hopefully I'm not the only one that noticed. -b.
  9. So no more Tweets or random pictures of test shots or color updates? Really jonesing for some news. -b.
  10. Kanedas Bike

    Macross figures

    Might be down for the Banpresto figures, I already have another Sheryl and Minmay - the New Orleans versions and both are nice enough figures (I don't collect them so my opinion is pretty limited). -b.
  11. Mine shipped as well from N-Y. One sold on Mandarake for 15,000 JPY (last night or early this morning). -b.
  12. LOL - why upset? Personally I thought the episode was solid (Rick has on his big boy pants on now/still), but I'm not happy that once again there are two or more groups. -b.
  13. Not bad, not bad. Well I like the hidden 25F in Fighter mode with the Tornado Parts. -b.
  14. ... Maybe, MAYBE, if they've done a 3rd run of renewal 25S, a 2nd run of 25G and 25A. IMO Another blue tinted 25F wouldn't entice most people after 4 runs of 25F's while the other variants are still sought after. -b.
  15. Well. That answers that. -b.
  16. ^Valkyrie display pr0n. -b.
  17. Me too! It looked to be one of those too good to pass type of deals. Nice! The 30th Anniversary YF-29 is a really nice scheme. -b.
  18. Marvel. (and I agree with your thought process, check the AoS thread for how much I like and follow Whedon's work, but this isn't Buffy, Angel, Serenity/Firefly or Dollhouse) -b.
  19. Keep peeking my head in here to see if it was one (or more) of our members taking advantage of some of the great prices I've seen on Mandarake. VF-25A for 8,000 JPY VF-25S for 15,000 JPY (sealed) etc. -b.
  20. That's probably how he got left there to begin with. Mid-festivities and all hell breaks out and they're like - SORRY RICK, GOTTA GO, GOTTA GO! -b.
  21. ^ -b. *this post brought to you by half-time of the Michigan / Michigan State game **Go State
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