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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Marvel did well in this instance. This guy is a pretty good actor too and at least he's Black, from that standpoint alone it's a great casting choice for the character. You can look at a certain big-budget movie coming out in December directed by Ridley Scott as a prime example of poor, or all-too-typical Hollywood casting. I'm stoked for this release, hopefully the Director, Writer and other cast fall into place as well. -b.
  2. Very cool, would love to pick up both. -b.
  3. For me it was Silver Surfer (#50 with the foil cover), Thanos Quest and Infinity Gauntlet. After that Marvel had begun to dip into the well one too many times and started pumping out Infinity This, That and the Other and I lost interest. At the time it was originally published Thanos Quest was a really good limited series and is what kicked off all of the Infinity Stone series and sagas. -b.
  4. Sure, ok. Emo Sarah Connor instead of Emo John Connor. Got it. Kudos to the filmmakers for doing something different, hopefully it's well executed. -b.
  5. Nice. There's so much Marvel can do with their movie properties post Infinity War (you know, Reality Gem and all). -b.
  6. http://marvel.com/universe/Inhumans Lots of other pages and reference material if you search (Google, Bing, whatever). -b.
  7. Yeah, my Ozma YF-29 is currently getting the most "off of the display stand" time of any of my Valkyries as well. -b.
  8. That's what she...uh...he said. -b.
  9. Tonight's episode was excellent. It had some of the pay off that I was impatiently looking for last week and sets up future character/story arc development as the season progresses. Good action. Good story. Plenty of humor. Fairly dark at times. And the Avengers: Age of Ultron scene + trailer was epic. -b.
  10. Awesome scene from the movie shown during tonight's Marvel's Agents of Shield (followed directly by the trailer that everyone's seen). LOL @ Stark and Rhodes -b.
  11. We're more likely to see the new female Thor in movies than Beta Ray. They still have to put butts in theater seats and you're more likely to do that with a female lead than a, well whatever Beta Ray Bill is. Marvel has shown they're willing to go outside the box (for lack of a better term) with GotG and Inhumans but for a big name like Thor, I wouldn't bet on it. -b.
  12. Hoping the same, I used to be a huge Dr. Strange comic fan from the late 80's early 90's run. I think Khan will be fine but I was more intrigued by Joaquin Phoenix getting the role. -b.
  13. Very true, but as you can see with the Infinity Stones that theme is being stretched out across multiple films and "phases" - as opposed to the Civil War which looks (for now) to be across only one film. -b.
  14. Yep, I really like the color on the most recent update (Photoshop or whatever). -b.
  15. Ha! I know that feeling. I'm just (still) really curious about the price. -b.
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