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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Ok, I'm really not trying to hate or anything like that, considering Bandai has so much of my money in other future releases but the Fighter mode pictures look "off". Especially the area front of the Fast Packs, like the canopy or front section has a droop. Is it just me? -b.
  2. That's why I didn't include it, especially with the modified cockpit but I guess if I count the RVF which has a radome the yf-25 should be included too. So (6) 25's to (4) + (1) pending 29's. -b.
  3. Indeed. White/purple? I haven't seen that variant but it sounds interesting. Space. Tell me about it, even with selling stuff it seems like I'm still not making any appreciable room for anything new. But it's a welcome problem and if need be I'll just keep stacking toys on toys. -b.
  4. Trouble-maker. I see you MickyG. -b.
  5. Exactly! But I figured that wouldn't be a fair comparison, especially since the VF-1 has variants from a tv show and movie. -b.
  6. Hopefully just a display set-up error. Dunno, to me it looks like from front to back you have the black neck cover, head, shield. -b. *EDIT* - thanks for all of the pics!!!!!
  7. Good grief! Where is that kid throwing money .gif???? Bandai is going to kill any chance I have of saving money (by volume of releases vs. Arcadia and (1) expensive release per year). -b.
  8. Ha ha, looking only at Frontier/Frontier-era not quite. The 29 has (4) Variants with; Alto 30th Anniversary Isamu Ozma This will be the 5th. The 25 already has (5) variants with; 25F 25G 25S RVF-25 25A But Bandai sure does love the 29, no doubt about that. -b.
  9. Parts swapping wouldn't bother me (looking at the black neck cover in Fighter mode right off the bat), it's the "something silly" that's sure to turn up that will grind my gears. -b.
  10. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    LOL! Well, here are those "most" wanted Bandai VF-1's. -b.
  11. Well, that 29B was unexpected. The color scheme is nice but that visor color is not terribly attractive. On topic the Fighter Mode for the VF-19 is wonderful, except this is one time where the canopy tint really takes me away from the "good" like all of the tampo printing and sleek profile (at least at that angle) and just draws too much attention in a negative way. And agreed, approx. $ 200 (+ or -) for the 19. -b.
  12. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jamie Chung isn't a horrible actress but she's not a terribly good one either. And there is nothing nice I can say about the idea of casting Chloe Moretz as Jean Grey, who I think is a decent actress but would be horrible casting for the role. -b.
  13. No, she did not. You could also say the same to Rick about Lori and Little Ass Kicker before she was shown to be alive. But it's called character development and evolution. Carol is a good character and I appreciate what her arc has brought to the show. -b.
  14. Just got caught up in other stuff to comment, but essentially what Mog and Keith said! Good episode which I will have to watch it again to catch the usual obscure Marvel comic universe reference because I just don't remember seeing any (or flat out don't remember ). -b.
  15. Goodness, some of the stuff that y'all talk about... But for sh!ts and giggles my .02 is that I doubt that the producers will do any shark jumping with Daryl, especially in that regard. This considering how many women viewers like and watch The Walking Dead specifically because of him. -b.
  16. Nope, Hobby Search has it listed for a November release while AmiAmi still states late 2014 (also surprised that the FFR-31 is still available). -b.
  17. Cool, thank you. You, me and I think most everyone else hope the same, for a Tamashii exclusive vs. general release. Fingers crossed!!!! -b.
  18. The 30th Anniversary YF-29 isn't priced too bad at around 25,000 JPY on Mandarake. -b.
  19. You think so? They'd have to be pretty amazing to compete for my money, especially considering all of my memories of Go-Bots involve around how crappy I thought the toys and cartoon where (Scooter and Turbo, I'm looking at you). -b.
  20. ^^Thank you! Got really excited for a moment when I saw a Fighter Mode picture but then quickly realized it was the YF-29 ( ). There are some dates on the lower right hand side of the page but I couldn't make them out... -b.
  21. Having my MP Wheeljack(s) sent from HLJ Private Warehouse in a couple of days, too bad as I wanted them to ship with Bee. Unfortunately there were no Go-Bots in stock for me to order. -b.
  22. Just watched it and The Talking Dead, both of which I thought were great with just a couple of exceptions, the van sequence as one and how Carol got caught off guard being another. The flashbacks worked great and the combo of Carol and Daryl (so good it rhymes, HA HA HA) continue to work well. I'm kind of mad that they didn't have a "moment" but they still had some excellent character growth and interaction (Carol telling Daryl that he's a man now was awesome). I am tired of GA as the backdrop but at this point I think they will reserve other settings for the spin-off. It's too bad as I'm borderline sick of them running from woods>rural town>woods>woods>rural town> woods>facility>town over and over again. Still looking forward to next week though - so all complaints moot!!!! -b.
  23. Interesting indeed, but I'm happy with the placement of die-cast. And good for Arcadia managing production by instituting/continuing what is basically a made to order run for the VF-0D. -b. *but yeah, a nice sale on pre-orders at HLJ would have been nice
  24. This * 1000. -b.
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