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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Here ya go sir! Some quick potato quality comparison shots lol I haven't had much time to mess around with the figure, but it feels very much the part of a Metal Build. If you have the 40th Anniversary Gundam Fix Figuration Metal Composite RX-78-02 (or earlier release of the same figure) then this follows in the same vein. It has a really nice heft to it and the joints are solid with a bit of ratchet to them (especially the legs). I now need to find a 2nd one for Box Mode. -b.
  2. All good! For those that enjoyed the show it's got an audience so I'm hopeful for Season 2 and improvement by way of consistency from episode to episode (especially editing). -b.
  3. Very much agree. It very much felt like The Road, but probably more bleak once you factor everything in. Both good movies, but they are not "feel good" stories nor do they provide any escapism. -b.
  4. Truly happy you liked it, as I'm sure there are others as well. For me I had high expectations which were not tempered, so the disappointment with the plot was higher than had I thought of this as yet another DCEU movie. I didn't have any particular issues with the CGI, or the acting which I thought was very good, IMO the plot/story was a mess. -b.
  5. Was hopeful for a sequel too, bummer. -b.
  6. Correct @technoblue, and thank you. I posted the link to the wiki only to illustrate that the show was never intended to be a show that was meant to be adaptations of HP Lovecraft. I totally get why it wouldn't be for everyone but it definitely spoke to me and my own personal experiences. Even with some un-evenness episode to episode I still maintain that the show was outstanding and took risks and moved the genre in a direction we don't often see. Very much made possible by the success that Jordan Peele has had at the box office. Here's an article on the series that I think captures the spirit of the show, AND, how it can improve in (hopefully) future seasons; https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/08/lovecraft-country/615259/ -b.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovecraft_Country_(novel) -b.
  8. Be careful what you wish for! In any event, I'm guessing we've both said our piece on the subject. So moving on. -b.
  9. You might be on to something there...I still enjoy SW but yeah. -b.
  10. So a play on words? Sure. Thank goodness you're so high-minded, I'll have plenty of posts to ignore, or call out in the future as well. Who knows, this could be the movie that saves the Sequel Trilogy for those that really and truly dislike it. I agree that the First Order as a whole (leadership and rank and file) where very much like the parody version of the Empire when looked at across all of the various movies and shows. -b.
  11. No, all that from several posts. But if you want to go there, then lets. I keep up with the conversations on the board, and when taken as a whole there's a trend of backlash against Kathleen Kennedy (in particular) because of what people perceive as her agenda concerning Star Wars and how she hires, firers, or promotes stories as it relates to women and people of color over what people say "real fans" want. I personally don't see it, meaning if she wants to be more inclusive I think that's a GOOD thing for Star Wars. But that's what gets posted about here, a LOT. Now do I think movies are a cure all? No of course not. But do I think entertainment (music, TV, books and film) can be used as a vehicle to help promote more diversity? Yes, and that includes hiring women and people in front of and behind the camera. Those things don't automatically equate to a quality product, and if it's trash then call it what it is. I'm not a Patty Jenkins Stan, I thought WW84 was a huge disappointment coming off of WW and that has me concerned for Rogue Squadron, but nothing to do with women, or roller skating or dudes in makeup or The Attack of Kathleen Kennedy. So back to the point of your post with the X-Wing pilot in makeup titled "Rouge One" which I'm sure you thought was very clever and witty, coming right off of other conversations concerning Kennedy and Patty Jenkins as director I saw it as yet another backhanded comment based on the "real fan" backlash towards Kennedy and this perceived movement towards SJ causes. Now based on your hostility I'm pretty sure I struck a nerve, maybe because you feel called out and I'm right, or maybe you're pissed because I didn't think your post was funny. In any event, I don't care why you've called me a "twit", "a-hole" or "simpleton" - only that you did. I could respond in kind, but I'm not angry, only amused that you're definitely way more in a twist about this than I am. Classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. But how about this, I dare you to explain your joke to me, explain it just like I'm FIVE YEARS old and need to understand why a dude in makeup is so funny. And do it with, or without the context that I've provided in this post. Explain why you think "Rouge One" would be a thing with Patty Jenkins as director. Has she come out as saying men should wear makeup or be effeminate or something? Was she behind the same sex kiss you keep posting from The Rise of Skywalker? Break it down JV, help me to understand - or do you care to hurl more insults? And for the record, I'm not a dude who wears makeup, not my thing - but for the sake of being inclusive I thought your post was the very opposite of that idea and that was/is my point. -b. *side note I recall your occasional posts about Disney's history of racist entertainment (but from that era they certainly were not the only ones), I've never really been able to tell what your point was so I just didn't bother to engage in a conversation regarding them (whether your intent was "good" of "bad", I simply have no opinion on the matter). Your post here however, pretty easy to tell you weren't attempting to have a meaningful conversation about women in cinema and what that means in particular for Rogue Squadron.
  12. The hallmark response of the the guilty. Not all jokes are funny my friend - try putting yourself in the shoes of those that might be offended and try to remember that not everyone sees or experiences the world through the same lens as you. I typically hear "It was just a joke "bro"" from someone who knows that they made a remark they shouldn't have. Just saying. But by all means carry on about women directors, and women executives and their diabolical agenda to bring social justice (be it through story or through decisions about which creators to work with) to the Clan of Neckbeards. -b.
  13. So was I, then I impulse bought one at a pretty high markup (not eBay high, but high). Thanks @carlsylarfor posting those pics, I wasn't even aware of this release before your posts about it! -b.
  14. Nothing really stands-out regarding Patty Jenkins Directorial credits, a lot of television. The Wonder Woman films are her biggest name gigs. With that said, she's 1 for 2 in my book which diminishes my hope for this one proportional to her success in making movies that I've enjoyed. And I didn't even have to result to ignorant cracks about dudes in makeup or roller skating to illustrate why I'm currently less secure about the prospect of a "good" Rogue Squadron movie. -b.
  15. A lot of movie with an overly contrived plot. So many things just didn't make any sense. At least the acting was good, with Gal Gadot and Chris Pine continuing where they left off from Wonder Woman. All in all WW84 was par for the course for the Synder-verse DCEU movies. With WW being the one lone exception of a really good movie. Glad I already have HBO and didn't pay for a subscription to HBO Max or for a movie theater ticket. -b.
  16. Actually, Season 1 ended up pretty amazing. For sure there were some un-even moments/episodes but when taken as a whole there was a cohesive season-long story that IMHO took some pretty daring risks with the genre. And I absolutely loved the subject matter over and above the horror elements. Episode 8 "Jig-a-Bobo" was some of the creepiest TV I've seen in awhile. Hoping for Season 2. -b.
  17. Aux cable. You can enjoy higher quality and clearer sound quality by connecting to an external speaker. -b.
  18. Why? The post credit stinger was ambiguous enough (especially with the coincidental premier dates in December 2021) to lead to the speculation. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that it worked out that Boba is not Season 3 of The Mandalorian but I can absolutely see why people were confused. -b.
  19. Luckily for me it was possible to enjoy (mostly) the Sequel Trilogy and The Mandalorian (which IS better in many, MANY, ways). And it's official, The Book of Boba Fett is a stand-alone series, which I'm really happy about. -b.
  20. Have always enjoyed Chris Stuckman's reviews, even on the rare occasion that I don't agree with him. But IMHO this review is spot on and extremely insigtful; -b.
  21. Also true. Ryan Coogler has options. Fingers crossed that they can make the best of a situation born out of tragedy. -b.
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