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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Sorry, mine is still in it's box, inside the box N-Y shipped it in, sitting in my closet for storage. -b.
  2. Around these parts most people refer to it as "off white" or "DYRL white". I don't think I've ever seen anyone refer to Yamato's DYRL VF-1's as grey until now. -b.
  3. Bonus points for having "no gullet" but this 19 is so stylized, even in Fighter Mode. That's not necessarily a bad thing but I'm less and less inclined to try and do any direct comparisons to the Arcadia YF-19. This because the design inspiration (for lack of a better term) seem so different between the two releases (or released YF-19 vs. prototype VF-19). Line-art vs. stylized/animated model. -b.
  4. agreed Ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha!!!! You're so funny. -b.
  5. Agree, Ghosts for Brera would be cool. And plus 1 for a VF-27 squadron. -b.
  6. Re: price, if this was a general release I'd think the price would indeed drop like the RVF-25 but because this is a web exclusive I see it holding around the 15,000 JPY mark. No significant price increase. -b.
  7. Don't disagree. Honestly Fox has been horrible with the X-movies. It's only because Days of Future Fast was so unexpectedly good that anyone is even talking about the future of the X-Men and/or spin-off films. Fox should take a page from Marvel and now DC/Warner Brothers and lay out a cohesive road map. Especially now that there is both goodwill with the audience because of DoFP and 'excitement' for Age of Apocalypse. -b.
  8. -b.
  9. ^Thank goodness there is a way to differentiate the boxes/releases. -b.
  10. Honestly I thought this was horrible, so much so that it actually slightly sullied my memories of the first Sin City. Was tempted to leave the theater. Hell, Eva Green wasn't enough to save this movie for me. -b.
  11. True, true and true. Wolverine part 8 or whatever. Although the true heart of Days of Future Past was Xavier and his relationships with Mystique and Magneto with Wolverine as the typical male protagonist lead. -b.
  12. Just going to leave this here for those commenting on HLJ placing this on Order Stop. I'll happily eat my words, cancel my pre-orders and re-order them at HLJ *IF* they appear as a part of any sales event, but I'm not holding my breath. My thought is HLJ is managing how many they bring into stock very carefully and basically ordering units to cover pre-orders vs AmiAmi and other web shops. -b.
  13. Ugh, over the 171 too but I'm in for two just because of the Sheryl graphic on the back. Makes me think it'll be the closest I'll ever get to a formal Minmay Moon Guard VF-1S release from that other company. -b.
  14. yep Sorry for OT; I hated the Missile Box (or whatever it's called) on the 30 as well, even removing it in Battroid mode but I put it back on and it's really grown on me as design feature. The 30 toy really is a pretty good effort on Bandai's part. You can still find them reasonably priced on Mandarake (around $ 200), it also popped up a couple of days ago on AmiAmi before selling out again. -b.
  15. Nice, thank you. And thank you to IXTL and joppewo for all of those pictures. Agreed, fit and finish issues are definitely because this is a prototype that Bandai is showing. Agreed that Bandai has taken a much more "stylized" aesthetic with the VF-19 vs. Arcadia's more line-art accurate YF-19. Agreed that unless this is a web exclusive or Bandai ups the production numbers there will be a lot of pre-order heartbreak. At this point any additional pictures are just icing on the cake and the next real news update will be regarding price and availability. -b.
  16. What I currently use - I know other members have this or other IKEA cases as well; http://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?query=DETOLF+Glass-door+cabinet Good luck! -b.
  17. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -b.
  18. Yeah, these angles are weird. I'm still sold but I really want to see a side-view + a correctly fitted/transformed top-view. Agreed. But one thing that shot does show is that the legs don't really secure to anything besides the wings - so hopefully the legs are tight/secure when put into place. -b.
  19. Yeah, add me to the surprised list re: the Anniversary 29 as well. So...is it too soon to start whining for Fighter Mode pics of the 29B? Cause, that's what I really want to see before making a mental commit to buy. -b.
  20. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool, glad to know I wasn't seeing things. Not glad to know that there's that awkward downward angle. I will be very interested to see if these are re-issues with new variants or if there are tweaks in the design. I never was inclined or enticed to pick up any of the last 1/100's. Ha! TJAMC I'm definitely in that club. -b.
  21. + 1 As long as it's not overly complicated or fragile. -b.
  22. You're right! It's either attached and they've found a way to swing it forward in Fighter mode or it attaches for storage while in Battroid. -b.
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