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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Thanos. Please oh please oh please oh please let him be (or rather, become) as captivating in the movie universe as he was in Thanos Quest. The only HT/Sideshow item I have left out of Iron Man Mark IV, VII, XXI (Midas) War Machine I, and Star Wars Captain Rex is Iron Man Mark XXXIII (Silver Centurion). But I'm seriously tempted on Thanos, Iron Man Mark XLIII and of course Baby Groot. -b.
  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Not going to lie, my expectations for this are set so low that they're slightly above a SyFy original movie. But it's Terminator that actually has Arnold again, some other folks, and action. It's not like any of the other Terminator films were cinematic masterpieces. Nostalgia vision-inducing and possibly genre defining as they were (looking only at T1 and 2) none of the previous Terminator movies are known as cinematic story-telling masterpieces. -b.
  3. ^ Not yet, but rest assured it'll get posted as soon as there is any news. -b.
  4. QFT Pretty sure I still have a couple MISB Yamato v1 1/60 VF-1's somewhere around the house but I have no desire to find or open them. That said they were good releases for the time and still significantly better than anything Toynami came out with. I'm very happy that Yamato came out with the v2's and I sure do wish the days when they were being released on a regular basis. -b.
  5. And I wonder if there will be a transition for any of the characters to the movies, one could reasonable assume but still, I hope so. -b.
  6. ^Ha ha ha ha ha. I actually wanted grey goggles too, but not that big of a deal. They can however certainly leave out those TV clown hands, hate those. -b.
  7. Just for confirmation, has there been an official announcement from Arcadia on price and/or included accessories? -b.
  8. At the very, very least. Rita said she re-lived her day 300 or so times and you are given the impression that Cage has done so many, many times. -b.
  9. Ha Ha Ha! That Wes Anderson version was actually kind of cool. But jvmacross is correct, the Lucas version was the best. And it was actually funny. The others...eh..well... -b.
  10. In my case, not paranoia, more like an apathetic disinterest. -b.
  11. Well, I'm down just so I can see the ridiculous school bus mid-air flip. Everything else I've already seen in Terminator, Terminator 2, 3, 4, some other movies and in comics. And John Connor's scar looks really...bad (as in it was making my face hurt just looking at it). -b.
  12. Yep, but born really of having made really good friends with cast-mates and others and having to say good-bye to them. -b.
  13. Damn. And when it first happened I thought that "Shut up" would be one of the most powerful moments in the episode. Boy was I so, so, so, wrong. -b.
  14. Ha ha - right! Even with that I'm not a huge fan of how they did the face sculpt. Maybe that looks like standard Shepard, but it still looks 'odd'. -b.
  15. No, a few episodes back (when Bob was bitten) it was revealed that the preacher locked people out of the church, ultimately leading to them dieing. Hence his "guilt" and the carving on the outside of the church that says he'll burn for this (or whatever). He opened the floor boards to get out of the church w/out being seen and to bypass the barricades that Carl and Michone put up while the rest of the group went to Atlanta to get Beth and Carol. -b.
  16. Surprised that no one has mentioned the threezero 6th scale Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. http://www.threezerostore.com/index.php?type=Categories&id=21&pid=72〈=en-US -b.
  17. ^Agreed and me either. There are graphics on the wings as well. Are there any other pics that show the full Valkyrie and/or markings? -b.
  18. Although the Arcadia 30th Anniversary VF-1J would like to have a word with you. -b.
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