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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Because they did a Metal Build Freedom; http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN969767/Gun -b.
  2. Sorry guys, I honestly didn't mean to open a can of worms. I see where you're both coming from though; IF as Chronocidal talks about, the intent was to add details in the interest of accuracy then yeah those details should be accurate (and I have no idea if they are or are not), however IF the intent was just to add more detail to make the design "pop" or be reflective of the fictional source material then cool, as Shukenzero said "giant, space-faring plan" By no means is the amount of tampo a deal-breaker, it's just something that is really noticeable in the pictures and in-hand by virtue of the amount of print applied to the toy. -b.
  3. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I'd pre-ordered the VF-1J with GBP when that was first announced and I really like that Bandai updated the head sculpt on this VF-1S so I guess I'm officially "in" for this line, or at least these first two releases to see if I like them or not. And if nothing else I can put them at my desk at work and not care too much if anything happens to them. -b.
  4. Should have added a smile. lol It's all good, I actually cancelled my pre-order for the re-release MP-10 at HLJ. Those Bandai VF-19's + stupid unexpected real-world bills killed my budget. On topic, as much I as I enjoyed the Beast Wars cartoon I'm not really enthused about a MP Optimus Primal, so that'll be an easy pass. -b.
  5. At the price I sold it for, more like gave it away. -b.
  6. They really can be - especially at places like HLJ and AmiAmi. They are sometimes (or maybe usually) available at Amazon.com for US customers. But count on this as another in the same vein of Bandai Macross pre-order madness. -b.
  7. Not going to lie, when I was much younger ID4 was a guilty pleasure. I cannot watch it now but in keeping with my youth I'll give this new one a go - unless the trailers look like absolute trash. -b.
  8. Like most everyone else I like, or appreciate that Bandai used tampo printing for so many markings, but for me it's almost too much. For me part of the 19's appeal (well the YF-19) was how clean it looked. Not a complaint, just more of a statement that I need to recognize it as the VF-19 Advanced vs. a YF-19. -b.
  9. Put me down for a Metal Build Strike Freedom, price is a bit high, but not in "ridiculous" territory. -b.
  10. Aliens. Seriously many of those scenes with the Colonial Marines in combat would not have been the same without Horner. RIP -b.
  11. And (1) is for me? Thanks dude! Seriously, I want one but it's only to be pseudo completionist. I have the (3) most recent Hasbro (Hasbro US, Asia and YOTH) so I have no reason for the Takara re-release. And yeah, count me in for Ironhide as well. So freaking happy. Now we need Ratchet (which is a given), Hound and Jazz. -b.
  12. Well that's it I've decided to never transform mine - just like any number of variable Fighters I own. If anyone decides they want to sell one that's already transformed to Battroid mode shoot me a PM. -b.
  13. Talk about a roller coaster of purchases! I've only had a couple of hours with mine, and as per usual I'm gun-shy to try and transform it but I don't think you'll be disappointed, at least not right out of the box. I may attempt to transform it after I get off of work this evening. I have (3) total paid for, I may pick up a 4th if I can find a gently used one for a good price. And yep, I'm always here, usually daily and usually just lurking. Macross Ninja -b.
  14. Just got the first one I ordered (via HLJ, during the original pre-order window, others are coming from N-Y) and I absolutely love it. I'm happy that Bandai released an iteration of the 19 as I thought we'd only have the Isamu 29 as an homage. I'll stay away from the Arcadia vs. Bandai discussion but only say I like them both for what they are. @David - don't even know why you were kidding yourself, you knew you were going to buy one. @Spanner - awesome pics! -b.
  15. Steering clear of the comparisons, Fringe was amazing. And honestly/and a bit sadly because I liked X-Files, I'd much rather see a rebirth of Fringe than of X-Files at this point. -b.
  16. Used? Wow. Might have to put this pretty far down on the wishlist. -b.
  17. Lighting. All of the Yamato VF-0's look lighter in those pictures as well. Anywho, thanks for all of the new pics guys, looking forward to getting mine at some point. -b.
  18. Since I work until Midnight EST this Sunday I'll most likely still be awake anyway. Sigh -b.
  19. Yeah, me too! I skipped the VF-0A from Yamato and sold the original VF-0S's I had years ago so I'm stoked to get updated versions. -b.
  20. Stupid Arcadia. That's the wrong color grey. Too soon? -b.
  21. I could literally hug you for posting that. Please, please, please, please be true. *Edit, have to add that I still want new "hero" characters to star along side Ripley and Hicks, direct sequel or not Weaver and Biehn are still kind of old to be running around with Pulse Rifles -b.
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