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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. It's okay dude,no one is saying they want Sesame Street in Space, I'm certainly not. Never saw any of the Trek cartoons but I'm referring to Rodenberry's underlying social messages that were highly prevalent through TOS, TNG, & DS9 and the original movies. I didn't watch enough of Voyager or Enterprise to know if that was present - but I could reasonably assume. There can be a balance of the original *intent* of Star Trek with the current trend, or want, of fiction that is more gritty or 'realistic' to how we think people would behave based on the notion that being good or heroic is a somehow a struggle or unrealistic. Balance, balance, balance. -b.
  2. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Do it! -b. *that way I still don't have to open mine
  3. Personally Bandai would not gain my business for the Hi Metal R line even if Arcadia couldn't produce 1/60 VF-1's anymore. Now if they were doing a DX scale VF-1 (no, not the 1/35) to be in-scale with their Macross Frontier items, then they'd get my $$$. Just have to wait and see. Which is hard when most information is only a click or web search away. -b.
  4. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Just for my own sanity I would never seriously compare Bandai's Hi Metal R to a Yamato/Arcadia v2 1/60 scale anything, VF-1, YF/VF-19's, VF-4 or any other Valkyrie. Two totally different lines created to fill two totally separate product segments. And I still haven't been able to convince myself to open my Hi Metal R VF-1J GBP, just something about that makes me feel like I'm not missing anything. And to be fair, I have other Macross items that make me feel the same way. -b.
  5. Yeah, Rodenberry sold us a future free of a lot of the pains and ills current (recent past) that afflicted society. So give us our Utopian future, with techno-babble and cool science-fiction action and give it to us on Network or Cable television. -b.
  6. Me too! Thanks for the .GIFs Yeti. -b.
  7. Oh! Whoops. Sorry guys. Back on topic, I'd still love for Arcadia to make the Max and Milia TV VF-1A Arcade Valkyries. I think the last time I mentioned that Jenius even suggested clear plastic, which would be amazing for exclusive or made-to-order releases. -b.
  8. Help me understand how my post illustrates that? Pretty sure I was trying to be fair to all sides of the issue... -b.
  9. Dang it! Put me in the Glass-Half Full camp on that one, I hated the SV-51. / -b.
  10. Ha ha ha! Was looking at what I have on display last night and I prefer Yamato's DYRL releases personally, even against the Yamato SDF:M versions. Sold all of my Arcadia VF-1's, except for the 30th Anniversary NASCAR Edition. -b.
  11. Where's the popcorn smiley?! Honestly this is almost a glass half-full vs. glass half-empty debate between a few members here - and I'm sure I've fallen on one side of that debate myself. That said, either one in excess can get rather annoying (no offense meant, just lack of a better term). Can we actually speculate or talk about what IS actually next for Arcadia? VF-4G, VF-0S, VF-0 Reactive Armor, and what may follow in a logical progression? -b. *Edit for text formatting
  12. Ha! Hell no. I like Trek, I grew up on Trek watching as a kid with my Mom. It's probably one of the largest factors I'm into Science Fiction, cartoons, toys and the like. But CBS can pound sand if they think I'm going to pay any additional monthly premium on top of the large crop of other subscription services. And yeah, unless it's a fresh idea and not a re-heat of recent successful sci-fi properties set in space color me not interested even if free. So ends my rant of righteous indignation. -b.
  13. From my recent experience it's been fairly easy to find most of the SH Figuarts figures I've wanted. At HLJ, AmiAmi, Hobby Search and other places. Luck I guess, plus I stalk vendors like crazy. I have all Star Wars Force Awakened stuff ordered thru HLJ. -b.
  14. Yeah, I was tempted to do the same, but there are too many other things competing for that dollar. I'm certainly expecting to pay more than 19,000 JPY, but I do have a mental "limit" on how much I'm willing to spend. I hope you're right about a wider availability if it ends up as a web exclusive at some point. And enjoy your copy! -b.
  15. Still can't find an open/decent pre-order for the Metal Build Heine. Anyone have a source they want to PM me? -b.
  16. It most certainly is. -b.
  17. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Would love to know what the Gundam department felt about that...lol -b.
  18. It's sure to have optional hands just like 99.9999999% of everything Bandai releases, and yeah the hands that are shown look pretty good. And the lights are a big ole "Meh" - all it does is evoke feelings of Toynami. Give me real features in a Valkyrie that size. -b.
  19. You know, that really is an excellent good point but that's all relative to whoever is spending the money. -b.
  20. As much as I like Yamato/Arcadia hands down my favorite iteration of the 19 is Bandai's VF-19 Advanced. So a Mac + YF-19, sign me up. Y'all can keep the VF-19 Kai. -b.
  21. No doubt, that was more a statement on my cowardice ( ) than on your design skills. -b.
  22. Thanks Noel! Everything has it's flaws and pros and cons, I only argue that the Arcadia VF-4G should be really nice. I've had some good and bad from both companies. And again, relatively speaking, the cost to acquire isn't much at all. And I'd guess a Hi Metal R VF-4 would be at around $ 100 + shipping (I'm assuming a higher cost than a bare VF-1). -b.
  23. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, anything I sell will be simply to trim the collection size. I'm actually very partial to 1/60, but I give credit where credit is due. The 1/100 line certainly fills a void in the market and offers the ability for people to collect at a relatively lower financial cost. @ Exo - very clever! I would actually say both - a Feast of new Toys causing Famine for us collectors -b.
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