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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Good question, honestly not sure. If so then it's probably a 'stylized' version like their other Iron Man figures. -b.
  2. More curious about the VF-1A/S. AND The prospect of decent Pacific Rim figures. -b.
  3. Thanks! There are probably more than a few differences between the YF-30 and VF-31A, but they do look very similar from the top down view in Fighter mode. Happily one of them looks to be the nosecone and canopy in Fighter, was always my least favorite part (aesthetically speaking) of the 30. -b.
  4. Good point/observation. Wouldn't be surprised if this was a web exclusive or otherwise (very) limited run. Correct and correct. -b.
  5. Absolutely love the Sentinel Iron Men (Bleeding Edge, Extremis (my personal favorite) & War Machine) but there is no way I'd trade or substitute Sentinel's Hulkbuster for Bandai's SH Figuarts Hulkbuster. -b.
  6. F for the win That paint scheme is sexy, so much so I won't even complain about pre-order madness night. -b.
  7. Mirage might end up being my favorite character, but unless she ends up in Delta 02 she won't be piloting my favorite VF-31. -b.
  8. That VF-0S looks amazing Lolicon, really nice job. -b.
  9. So happy! Time to binge watch Archer on Netflix. Again. -b.
  10. ^ Yeah, it's a case of where Bandai SH Figuarts have impressed me enough that I now have a pretty good collection of them and a competing line would have to be amazing to get me to double-dip. In the case of MAFEX it's an unfortunate case of them being not-Bandai combined with having mixed, none (at least here on the boards) or bad reviews. -b.
  11. Yes it is, but only slightly. Along those lines, if the 4G was released with a new scheme that I liked I'd (likely) buy. Hey, different plastic, slightly different tint that is noticeable, who knows anything is possible. And those types of things would not necessitate a price increase. Certainly feel your pain. -b.
  12. Good to know about MAFEX, I was tempted to order Boba Fett and/or Iron Man but something told me to hold off. Mostly because no one here really talks about them. I can save my money now. -b.
  13. As silly as it sounds, if the color were changed, even slightly, I'd be even more enticed to buy. -b.
  14. If the VF-0S went on sale for 35% off I bet it'd have sold out, or at the very least gone Low Stock by now. -b.
  15. Very reasonable, measured take on the Bandai v. Arcadia debate, regarding price. And I agree, I still have to remind myself that Arcadia isn't that much larger than a garage kit maker. Especially recently as I find myself priced out of stuff that I want to buy. And even while I don't fall on the same side of the debate as WM re: Arcadia's YF-19, I can absolutely see where he's coming from and since he spent his dollars he's completely justified to pass judgment on if he feels his money was well spent, or not. And as stated above, this is the internet - EVERYONE'S opinion matters. Especially mine. -b.
  16. Honestly there isn't a huge sample of "everything else" - the VF-4G and the bundle VF-1J with GBP are the only apples to apples, exact re-releases of Yamato Valks, and even the GBP bundle may have been changed (I don't know, didn't buy it). The VF-1S's were both changed and included the infamous stands and different plastic (pink hue or whatever) - 16,800 JPY The VF-1J Anniversary Edition with Special Paint - 15,800 JPY The VF-19 Kai included the Sound Booster and Metallic Paint - 34,800 JPY The YF-19 - new, not previously released by Yamato - 32,800 JPY The VF-1J / GBP bundle - 23,800 JPU VF-0D, A and S - new, not previously released by Yamato VF-4G - re-release - 27,000 JPY Do the changes and additions to the VF-1's and VF-19 justify a price hike, not accounting for inflation or manufacturing costs, maybe - maybe not, but the fact remains that they were not direct re-releases of Yamato's Valkyries. So far only the VF-4G and VF-1J/GBP fit that bill. Feel free to correct anything above, it's possible I missed a detail or two. -b.
  17. Well, it's a coin-flip. Maybe it'll go down lower, maybe not. My bet is that we won't see this in 50% off territory, but one never knows. -b.
  18. For those on the fence, I wouldn't hold my breathe on a larger price decrease from HLJ or anywhere else. Not saying everyone should ignore any issues and rush out to buy one, but even the Arcadia VF-0A doesn't show up often on 2nd hand sites and other retailers aren't likely to beat a 35% discount off of MSRP. So weigh the risk of an issue with the release, or paying more for one down the line. And this sure is deja vu all over again - for those of us that were around for Yamato's boom and bust. -b.
  19. Ha! And to answer the question "No" - I absolutely positively definitely with zero regrets would not give up my remaining VF-1's (or other models) in 1/60 for 1/100. At this stage in the game I'll cherry pick between the two, and *if* I had to choose, 1/60 wins. -b.
  20. For real! But I've learned to get really comfortable saving, or reallocating, my money in situations like this. Very cool of your friend (buy him a drink or something ) and good luck that you got your reservation in. -b.
  21. Got mine yesterday, I haven't even taken the bubble-wrap off of the brown package yet. Glad to know that so far everyone feels Hulkbuster is worth the $$$. -b.
  22. Very good to know. Anyone care to share how they were able to get orders in? PM if you want to keep your methods "need-to-know" only. (N-Y) has it as unavailable to order. -b.
  23. Can't recall...did The X-Files have any other jump-the-shark episodes, because last night's episode... And don't get me wrong, I would have appreciated the tone had this been in the original run, but in a 6 episode event or arc it seemed like a gigantic time-waster above and beyond any 'subtle' messages they wanted to make about Scully, Mulder and the show in general. -b.
  24. Except for Gerwalk. And I'd love to see a Bandai YF-19, word of a release would be nice. On-topic, I decided against another Arcadia YF-19, no other reason than it's just too much $$$ for my current toy budget. -b.
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