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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Well nobody is perfect. You found the loophole! Agreed, but more of a machine of war than anything else. -b.
  2. + 2 -b.
  3. As much as I want to disagree, I can't. The VF-1S (or pick your VF-1 variant) is still THE most iconic Battroid of all Valkyries. I will argue about Fighter mode since I think it looks a little dated, especially compared to most of what's come out afterwards, but that Battroid is King, errr, Queen of them all. It's clean, it's elegant and simple, and it still manages to look like a machine of war. -b.
  4. B&W will (probably) never happen. It defeats the purpose for the unique look Fury Road has among all the other Mad Max films - with the rich reds and blues that appear for many of the landscape shots in the film. -b.
  5. Well, if you ever decide to sell or trade said VF-0S let me know. And honestly you're good, vent away. There are people (myself included) complaining about toys that came out months and years ago - some WAY more than others. ps - we need Saburo to come in here and post some sexy pics of his Valks -b.
  6. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! -b.
  7. Meeee! Digital Media is too much like simply purchasing a software license that can be changed or revoked. Give me my physical copy that only I have control over. This is mostly me operating on general-principle and holding on to the way things "used" to be - like records, tapes, CD's and VHS. -b.
  8. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep! And more OT, I'm rolling the dice on waiting for a sale on the VF-0S (missed the one that Hobby Search had). On-topic, I'm kind of excited for the Regault, it may, kindle more of a passing interest in this line once I have it in hand to go along with Hikaru's VF-1S. -b.
  9. That's pretty rough. As a somewhat consolation there was a 1/48 scale VF-1A that is "close" to that scheme; http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00044/Sci http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00048/Sci Long out of print now, but they pop up for sale from time to time hear on the boards and on sites like Mandarake and Jungle Hobby. Good luck! -b.
  10. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Even though HLJ has, or had, these in stock I still haven't received a payment request for my Regault and MP Hot Rod. They are so painfully slow some(all)times. -b.
  11. Count me as also happy that the Blu Ray release is so soon. I really enjoyed TFA. For my .02 it was a much better addition to the Star Wars universe than the prequels (even if I only look at the "good scenes" from that trilogy). I also don't have the same love for the original trilogy that others do, I enjoyed them, and still do, but they're not sacred (for lack of a better term) to me. And I have to check out the Disney store pre-order for their extra's. -b.
  12. Nice collection JIS! -b.
  13. Quoted for the truest thing I've read all day (even while I'm reading and writing emails and updates for work ). -b.
  14. Dry humor at it's finest. -b.
  15. Well that's genuinely disappointing. I've had thoughts about getting the Queen one of these days but I guess I'll keep on avoiding NECA's products. -b.
  16. ^LOL Damn, really hope it wasn't that bad. I have it on my DVR to watch for later. -b.
  17. Fair. Business is business. Full disclosure, I'm not rooting against these guys at all, it's an interesting study in Macross/toy collecting. Also for the record I bit on the Yamato 1/72 YF-19, if it wasn't for that I would have never found Macross World - so thanks Yamato! Sure do miss those days. If the stuff I liked (still) cost that much I'd have entire colonization fleets of Valkyries. -b.
  18. This thread needs more pics. Bandai's marketing department needs to step it up. -b.
  19. Well if this is essentially a kit (garage) made into toy form, it's not much different than Yamato's original Macross Plus offerings, especially the YF-19 and that would explain a lot of how this toy came out. I really think that people (or speaking only for myself) would be more forgiving, or even willing to make a purchase if; 1- It's known, and you're okay with buying, a pre-built kit/hybrid toy 2- The price was a little lower, given the price AND quality of current releases Maybe one of the economic PhDs could see how much a Yamato 1/72 YF-19 would cost in 2016 dollars. And again, bright side, maybe a renewal or improved version will come out sooner vs. later/never. -b.
  20. 100% Guaranteed it's fine, besides Excelsior himself made an appearance too. And I think it's easy enough for people to miss, this iteration of the Helicarrier looked far more like the old comic book counterpart than anything in the Disney Marvel Movieverse does anyway. -b.
  21. Both Minmay Guards and Enigma - on VF-1S. They seem cliche at this point, but those are still my favorite custom schemes. -b.
  22. Right! Hell, it was crazy brave to even attempt that customization. It's one thing to do a 'straight' re-paint or add decals here and there, but something that intricate. Ballsy. -b.
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