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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Ozma looking good @Saburo! I think Gojira approves, or is ready to pounce, maybe both lol -b.
  2. Nice job @Saburo - that wallpaper is pretty sweet! -b.
  3. Yeah, it was fun ride and all of that, but having seen it I would not pay $24.99 just for a rental. To buy it, even sight unseen, sure, but rent, nooooooppppe. -b.
  4. It's free (no additional cost beyond the regular subscription (which is free if you already sub to HBO via your cable provider)) on HBO Max if that's what you're asking. I agree the monster fight scenes were outright fantastic, but damn there were some gigantic TITAN sized plot holes in this one. And there's literally a super duper GI Joe and Cobra level secret lair in every city on every continent in these films lol. King of the Monsters>Kong>Godzilla vs. Kong>Godzilla -b.
  5. Yup; https://www.biginjap.com/en/ I searched last week at some of the other usual suspects but they weren't up yet. Still in stock here, I haven't checked at any other places since very early Friday morning. -b.
  6. Very cool. Love reading about the history and stories of Macross and it's creators. -b.
  7. Definitely me. I had low expectations because of how mixed the DCEU has been overall, and I say this not as faint praise but Synder's JL was an improvement in every way. Not only did I not hate this version, I've actually watched it twice because I enjoyed it that much. You answered your own question sir, without the disaster that was Whedon's version of JL and for the pandemic this movie would not have been made, and certainly would not have been released to theaters. This is also the case with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, I haven't watched the Ultimate Edition/Version/Whatever It's Called of B v S but I hear it's much better, aided by the additional 30 minute runtime. The Synder version is proof positive that had he remained director and and his "theatrical version" released theaters in '17 it would have probably been received as "meh" to "it sucked" because it would have to have been edited down, losing at least 90 minutes of runtime. COVID (), HBO Max and the streaming wars made this one all possible. -b.
  8. Face sculpts on Falcon and Bucky are odd for sure, but I preordered both nonetheless. I also finally cracked open Infinity War Falcon and it's really nice figure, I'm glad I finally opened it up. I'm both very equally surprised and disappointed to not see Vision figures, Wanda I can see since she had both an Infinity War and Endgame release. -b.
  9. Thanks for posting that Shawn, the video looks better than some of the promo pics. Would have loved to seen a side-by-side of two 4As (Premium and Regular) but this is still a nice comparison. Good to know, I've been hesitant to ship mine from HLJ because I don't want to be disappointed. -b.
  10. Didn't even try. When I read that this would be like (or worse) than a Bandai PO night I proactively gave up. -b.
  11. Well I ordered one just because it fills yet another hole in my collection. Granted I sold the ones I purchased from the first time Arcadia released the YF-19, it'll be nice to have a brand new one to add back to the collection. -b.
  12. What's next is a reissue of the YF-19! https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-macross-plus-transformable-yf-19-with-fast-pack-reissue-aca82042-2 https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=FIGURE-002551-S002 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10246266 Would be more tempted if this was a Premium version. -b.
  13. Thanks @Seto Kaiba Echoing the comments already, from what I can see of the lineart I also like the original 31A better, but I don't hate this new iteration. I suspect I may actually like it once we can see some product photos. -b.
  14. Has Arcadia tweeted or released any additional info re: the Premium release? Not that I'm in a rush, I really just want to give my wallet a break. -b.
  15. Well, @Lolicon, as long as the Arcadia Premium releases count I do . But to be sure they don't look as good as your own premium efforts. -b.
  16. Nope, WW84 does absolutely nothing for the overall DCEU, if anything it sets the idea of cohesive storytelling across the Man of Steel timeline (or whatever it's called - Synderverse?) back about 10 steps. And the Prequel Trilogy was trash with a handful of watchable moments across those movies. Duel of the Fates is absolutely one. That is if you can manager to ignore Baby Vader in a Naboo fighter... -b.
  17. Actually agree the idea of this thread, it would be GREAT to keep the 85,000 photo shop pictures, and quotes and endless circles of , and other emojis to one thread. It's awesome that members want to show off their collection and photoshop abilities, but it's making the other Toy threads beyond cluttered and it could easily be mistaken as a very concerted effort to do so. One thread for photo shopped photos, quoting said photos, and congratulatory posts would be truly amazing. But most importantly help keep the other threads clutter free and promote actual conversations about the toys - again. -b.
  18. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! -b.
  19. Bandai needs to release more SHF from Star Wars. Especially the items that they've already teased as well as from The Mandalorian Season 2. -b.
  20. Literally just requested a shipment of items this past weekend from Anime Export, including items that I purchased pre-COVID 19 that they've held since EMS wasn't an option. They got back to me in a day (Sunday) and shipped the items have already shipped (thanks to the above I was able to determine the tracking number they gave is also DHL). If there are any issues once the items arrive I'll share. -b.
  21. Anything after Predator was meh to terrible. Pacific Rim: Uprising. Speed 2. Die Hard 2. Blues Brothers 2000. Ghostbusters 2 (not terrible, but definitely not better than the original). Escape from L.A. etc., etc., etcl. On topic, kinda, Batman v. Superman was god awful, especially when compared against the mostly watchable Man of Steel. Regarding Patty Jenkins, I have no issue with seeing what she can do with Rogue Squadron, it's not like some of our (or your) favorite directors haven't made a stinker or two in their time. WW84 suffered from a lot of sequels suffer from - MORE. MORE THIS AND MORE THAT. It was just a bloated mess. There was probably a good movie in there somewhere but it got lost in the spectacle. -b.
  22. Not to derail the topic, but damn that Yamato 1/48 looks dated next to the DX. And definitely prefer the proportions of the 1/60 v2, the legs on the Yamato 1/48 are THICK. We just need Bandai to actually finish the DYRL and TV lines, while they did most of Frontier and Delta Bandai doesn't have the best track record when it comes to these things. -b.
  23. ! Ha ha, that would have been quiet the payment for handling the promotional material/pics. -b.
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