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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. If it's that big it'll cost $ 75 just to ship. Good thing vaporware ships for free. -b. j/k!!! I have no idea if this is vaporware or not, no one get in a Macross-fueled rage
  2. LOL, Spoken like a true business person. Well, I guess importantly we all hope this re-issue has all or more of the improvements of the YF-29B, and later 29 releases which would make it similar to those models in that regard. But yeah, the 29's are all the same minus paint schemes, head units and small changes to the gunpods (don't recall the differences off-hand). -b.
  3. Very much looking forward to this, the Exia and Repair III remains my favorite Metal Build release (the Gundam's design). So much so that it's the only "extra" MISB Metal Build that I have left (sold all of my others) and refuse to sell. The one I have open/displayed actually get's time out of the Detolf for play every now and again too. -b.
  4. Dude should have never said "$200" and "v2.2 30th Anniversary VF-1D" in the same sentence. And unless the item is broken or damaged, micotree33, you have your answer, based on the responses in this thread, on whether or not you should spend the money. -b.
  5. Those are some cool mods Bobby! The real question for this release, is did Bandai correct the issues with floppiness with the hip and other joints? The first releases of the Alto 29 were absolute trash in that regard. -b.
  6. Is what the same as Percival? Besides them both being YF-29's that is... -b.
  7. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    The detail is actually pretty nice on the Hikaru VF-1S HiMR, I was pleasantly surprised. Ha! I just got that after reading both of your posts. I'm still sticking with the thought that Bandai just just apply the updates with regards to transformation, details, gimmicks, etc. to a renewal 1/55 scale line of Valks. The Valkyries are just too small (personal preference). -b.
  8. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Regult - HLJ - Low Stock - Go; http://www.hlj.com/product/BANN01899/Act -b. Also, Glaug orders are open as well, Edit, and Monster -b.
  9. Don't know why, but I just can't get excited for this. Yes, I'm going to see it and I hope it'll exceed expectations but the clips and previews have done nothing for me. Which sucks because as much as I'm enjoying 99.9% of what Marvel has put out I'd love for DC to do well too, just for the sake of variety. -b.
  10. Red Frame and Flight Unit up at HLJ! http://www.hlj.com/product/BANN03571/Gun http://www.hlj.com/product/BANN03572/Gun Go! -b.
  11. Back in stock at HLJ; http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960617/Act -b.
  12. Quick on the draw. / -b.
  13. 0S back in stock and still on sale at HLJ - Low Stock so go go go -b. *I should get a discount from them for all of these free plugs
  14. Posted this in the Gundam model thread as well, but since this is a hybrid model-toy I'll throw it up here too - High Resolution Barbatos orders are open again at HLJ; http://www.hlj.com/product/bann06007/Gun -b.
  15. High Resolution Barbatos open again on HLJ; http://www.hlj.com/product/bann06007/Gun -b.
  16. ^Yep, that's how I have my YF-30 displayed, in Battroid. I wasn't a fan of Fighter mode because of the more rounded canopy. Ok, I must have misremembered so carry on 31A fans! -b.
  17. To show how tortured he is internally. Or whatever you want to make of it, the point was to show more of John Wick as a character vs. John Wick as an ex-hitman bad ass. -b.
  18. My wallet can wait for the MB Red Frame. -b.
  19. Not sure I understand the 31A love, not whether it's deserved or not, and I'm not debating whether it should be loved or not, just it's very much a re-hash of the 30 and I don't recall all the adoration for that Valkyrie. *shameless plug, I have a MISB 30 for sale in the Sales section -b.
  20. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi-Metal R Monster available for order at HLJ and Regult at Hobby Search. -b.
  21. Not surprised that they sold out, honestly I'm surprised they didn't sell out yesterday. When Hobby Search had the Arcadia VF-0S on sell it was gone in hours, I missed the boat then, not this time. -b.
  22. You do. The fact that you're even asking is that you're seeking validation - so go for it. Do it. -b.
  23. W00t! So happy that I took some time to browse the forums. Just refreshed the page like 8000 times so that I could get one on sale. Thanks guys! -b.
  24. Who wants to put money on the responses in this thread being more entertaining on the actual movie? Because based on the past page and a half... -b.
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