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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Not always. Remember he started off as a weapon's manufacturer for the US government and yep, I know that ended in Iron Man. A rebel or maverick in his own right, yes, but anti-system, not necessarily. They could play this up as just a continuation of the side-effects from what the Scarlet Witch did to his mind in the beginning of Avengers AoU or there could be some other catalyst that would make Tony pro-control/registration in the Movie verse, just like he was in the comics. -b.
  2. Shipping would be ree-diculous on a bundle. What's funny is I'm not even a fan of the Reactive Armor (sorry if I said that before and am being repetitive) so I will gladly skip the armor, but would probably pick up another 0S or improved 0D or A if re-released or on sale again. -b.
  3. Ordered one from HLJ earlier - I'm perfectly fine with the May release as it gives me time to budget for it anyway. Thanks for the heads-up mog_kupo! I would agree as well, the later editions are really nice (Ozma, Isamu, Anniversary Focker and Percival). Mostly because Bandai fixed a lot of the issues that plagued the original Alto 29 release. -b.
  4. They're not likely to release this as a bundle - but they are very likely to re-release the 0S and probably the others from Macross Zero. It makes sense if they want to capitalize on the molds and strike while there is demand once the Reactive Armor is released, or soon before or after that. -b.
  5. It's likely that an 0S re-issue would be coming to coincide with the release of the Reactive Armor. Arcadia could do a small run and capitalize on the release. In fact, if I had to bet on that I would. In the mean time, everyone waiting just hold your nuts like David said. -b.
  6. Waiting for an exclusive version of the Iron Man Mark XLVI. And yeah, I have to have one to go with Cap. Sigh -b.
  7. Pretty much in the same boat. I'd be annoyed if I was invested in the EU or other Star Wars properties - but as a "regular" fan, which most of the movie-going audience is, it doesn't make any difference if Disney scraps the EU or cherry-picks parts that they want. -b.
  8. You know, I've never even attempted to attach the Super Parts to either of my opened VF-19's. I like how clean they both look (one in Battroid, the other in Fighter) without them.' Initially I thought that I'd definitely use them on Fighter but after having this in-hand I've never been motivated to try them out. -b.
  9. No issues with the diversity of the casting, but since I fall into a "diverse" category I appreciate that. Re: Tombstone - I'm your huckleberry I never saw the original The Magnificent Seven so maybe I'll check that out before this one, or probably afterwards because if this sucks I'll need something to erase the memory. -b.
  10. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    This, but even more so I really want to see what Bandai can do with a larger scale, modern take on the VF-1. Pass. Then I'll be on the "this cost too damn much hate train". Plus, storage is already way past being at a premium. I really need a garage just for my toys. -b.
  11. ^So there you go, looks like a case of Hollywood being too late to the party. Maybe when everyone and their Mom was playing the game you'd have the buzz. I'll be good to catch this on cable at some point. -b.
  12. Blame the comic book movies for taking all of the attention. Plus, does anyone really play WoW like they used to anymore? Serious question, I never played but I always heard about it. I can't tell you the last time I heard anyone talk about playing. -b.
  13. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    EMS Earlier Pre-Order with stand (1) US - Midwest But hey, this is N-Y. When I saw it I went immediately from WTF to LOL and paid it. Got my shipping notice over night. I may actually order another one at some point because I think I'm gonna keep this one MISB. -b.
  14. For real. And what's the premium for no pre-order madness? Because a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep or even a week or more of not having to worry about getting priced out is worth it in my book. -b.
  15. Not necessarily in those same terms, but I HATE bulbous canopies, like what's on the YF-30. I like the slim profile of canopy the 25 and 29 and what I hope it's that way on the 31 as well. From the pics posted it seems that way so I'm good. But yeah, streamlined canopy = better in my book. -b.
  16. It's the realistic paint scheme. If it was brightly colored like the hero Valkyries, or even carried a similar scheme to the YF-30 I don't think it'd be as popular. Low Viz is usually a crowd pleaser. -b.
  17. Yeah, and Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1 Valkyries used to be "only" 9800 JPY (http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00098/Sci). I see all sides of the debate and others have posted very good point/counter-points on the issue, even in comparing Bandai vs. Arcadia but I don't see the sense in comparing Yamato pricing from almost 7 + years ago to Arcadia pricing now. When taking all known factors into consideration it's an exercise in frustration and futility. In my day gas used to be .79 a gallon, and I could get a bag of chips for .25, but hey... -b.
  18. Cool - a glass half-full type of person! It's also interesting, or maybe not, that the Arcadia VF-4G is still available when just a few months ago if a Yamato 4G showed up for sell it disappeared almost instantly. -b.
  19. Naw, this bundle doesn't need the stand at all for this pricing to make sense. Because a lot of people didn't find the display stand that was included in the first Arcadia releases worth the bump in MSRP, however, let's look at MRSP. Arcadia VF-1S with Stand: 16800 JPY Arcadia 'Simple' Stand: 2700 JPY Arcadia VF-1S with Fast Packs: 21800 JPY Do the math, that's 7700 JPY for Fast Packs. Still not worth getting upset over. IMHO *prices come from HLJ and Arcadia's Tweet. -b.
  20. Every time I read an issue about Arcadia's VF-4G it's so deflating. 1) Because the Yamato release was so good and 2) because I feel like original owners (including myself) hyped this thing up so much that people that only have the Arcadia experience are like W-T-F -b.
  21. Wait. Why is there any shock and awe about pricing? The Arcadia stand-alone VF-1S's were 16,800 JPY at retail, this is only a 5,000 JPY jump for the Super/Strike Parts. Understood that what people find reasonable, or not, is subjective, but looking only at Arcadia's retail pricing for the Valkyrie itself this isn't bad at all. -b.
  22. Yeah...but I'm not talking about the ability or logistics of creating the film, but rather how much story (not talking about how good a person things said story is) is there to tell? I'm not as hard on the movie's story as others have been, and are being right now, and by and large their criticism has merit, I just don't see how he plans to stretch this thing out. -b. *edit, even the guys below me agree with how crazy 4 more movies sound - they just said it more eloquently
  23. Agreed, especially for the VF-1. I can barely stand to see my VF-1's in a bare Fighter, they have to have Strike Packs on. -b.
  24. Four? I enjoyed Avatar for what it was, a groundbreaking visual feature with an afternoon matinee story. I could see MAYBE 1 more sequel just because, but 4...not so much. -b.
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