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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Thought this movie was fantastic and a very worthy sequel to the first. While the emotional stakes felt different, they were still firmly rooted in the concept of family and keeping them safe. The main difference was about the growth of the older kids and what they go through in this movie. Some questionable plot beats; Can't wait for more! -b.
  2. Honestly I hope that she's exactly who she appears to be. Besides there's no need to keep doing twisty-turny, who's the big bad in these series - WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier already did that. Plus episode 2 established that there are Loki variants that range in all shapes and sizes, so just let it ride. Let some things be as obvious as they appear to be and let the real surprises come with other parts of the story. Like the Time Keepers true origins and/or motives, Judge R, the eventual reveal of , etc. -b.
  3. So did anyone try to grab the Walmart exclusive Black Series Captain Rex? And if so, does anyone have an extra they want to sell? -b.
  4. Thanks for the sanity check! Even as a kid that was always my biggest beef with cartoons, the inconsistent quality of animation and the toys that didn't do the things they did in the cartoons (will blame some of that on the really crazy expectations I had). This, really surprised to see these being made at all. While I wasn't clamoring for Silverhawks toys, hopefully this means that someone will get around to stuff I'd really be excited about, like Galaxy Rangers. And with a year wait, I have a looooonnnnngggg time to decide if I want to invest in a few figures or not. -b.
  5. Yep. Can't believe it's been almost 10 years, and looking at The Avengers costume designs compared to Avengers: Endgame - crazy. -b.
  6. Cartoons in the 80's really had some of the coolest openings. A little bait and switch with the animation since that was often so much better than the cartoon themselves. At least, that's what my nostalgia-vision tells me. -b.
  7. Was thinking the exact same thing, the Bandai SHF TECH ON Avengers are extremely reminiscent of Sentinel's Fighting Armor line. Iron Man looks okay (not sure about the head) but I am not a fan of the non-armor characters getting the armor treatment. Just looks a little off to me. --- Does anyone know if US based stores will be carrying the Hawkeye and Black Widow from the Avengers lineup? -b.
  8. Justin Bailey has entered the chat... -b.
  9. Thanks for posting. Hopefully this turns into "something" vs. just some random item getting a listing on BBTS. -b.
  10. One of the few times I'll be jealous of not being 3 hours ahead of you guys! Was not expecting to see that about Anime-Export, but at least they were quick to refund your money. -b.
  11. Poster should say Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Still the best parts of this series were (in no particular order); The interactions between Sam and Bucky (mostly out of costume) Bucky's storyline Sam's unwavering optimism and spirit Zemo Also really looking forward to Loki now, the last preview sold me. Before that I was "meh". -b.
  12. Fantastic! Still love how much of the 25 is an homage to the VF-1. Good eye!!! That's the South Beach look lol -b.
  13. You'd think, but Bandai makes some really odd choices with what they choose to release. Don't get me wrong, I hope that they do - but until I see a pre-order button somewhere I'm not holding my breath. -b.
  14. Ordered a few stand-alone sets, and will order the bundle as well, but damn I hate those big stupid clown hands. Really the TV hands in general are the worst. -b.
  15. ^This. It was entertaining and overall I enjoyed it, which is what I was going for, BUT lack of a really good soundtrack, lack of an actual tourney, and some pretty big plot holes keep this one from being as good as it should have been. -b.
  16. One of these days I'm going to have to take mine out of Fighter with the Armor Parts attached. I'm just afraid to see if it turned into a floppy mess after all of these years! -b.
  17. Indeed! Add some microwave popcorn or Kool Aid to that stash and I'd go to war. -b.
  18. - FANTASTIC! And not to be outdone... The extra SPAM is needed for Fast Pack fuel. "Good" -b.
  19. Good luck with that willpower! I'm in for another preorder night, it has been too long since the last Macross-focused "event". -b.
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