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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Got the same email - just checked the price and lol'ed. As a friend of mine used to say, "maybe it's time to sale mine". -b.
  2. While I don't share some of the opinions about Starship aesthetics (personally I never liked the Enterprise D) I will admit that even some of the non-canon or never shown on screen designs look infinitely better than what has been shown of the Discovery. Slice of pizza indeed. Gonna go and see Star Trek Beyond again and try and forget about this whole thing until it's closer to production. -b.
  3. Can't even lie, I'm totally in for pre-order madness. Already debating on taking a vacation day, working from home or straight calling in sick from work the next day after being up until 3,4, 5 or 6 AM. -b.
  4. Yep! As it stands I think the single most compelling Trek movie villain is Khan - from both films. At least Cumberbatch got an opportunity to actually act. Opinion of course. -b.
  5. In Marvel films. Just for clarity's sake, I don't mean extreme in the way he drops MF-bombs, this is more about how the character he is playing is portrayed in the trailer. That cliched borderline insane, but thinks he's doing the right thing, type of bad guy. I hate those characters. Can't think of examples, but I'll edit this post if and when I do. -b.
  6. Thought it was excellent, definitely one of my all time favorite Trek films. I picked up on the DYRL-ish uniforms but I haven't watched enough of the other Macross series (especially 7) to pick up on other queues. My only nitpicks are that I thought Lin brought too much of the impossible to survive situations from Fast & Furious to this, and I felt that Elba was wasted*, but those are minor nitpicks at best for me. This was fun, well acted, no gigantic plot holes, had nice nods to what came before and left me wanting way more Trek with this crew - something Into Darkness didn't do at all. Ranking of Star Trek films just for kicks and giggles; 1. Star Trek (2009) 2 (or 1a) Star Trek Beyond (2016) 3. (or 1b) Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) 4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) 5. Star Trek: First Contact (1996) 6. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) 7. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) 8. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 9. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) 10. Star Trek: Generations (1994) 11. Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) 12. Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) 13. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) -b.
  7. Sweet! Had been stalking HLJ, but I just placed an order here. Thanks man! -b.
  8. So...uh...is that the same shade of blue as the VF-0D? *runs and ducks for cover -b.
  9. Because it's a visual medium. And to be perfectly honest, some 80's cartoons look better than that teaser, like DYRL and TF:TM. I mean really, CBS wants you, me and as many people as possible to buy their subscription service - if you want my money, for your flagship program no less, then bring your A+++++++++ game. And right now, they are failing pretty miserably. This could be the best written, acted, produced and whatever else show in history, but you'd never know that it had that sort of pedigree from what's been shown. And at ST:D!!!! -b.
  10. So cannot wait to get a 31 in my hands. December is going to be an amazingly expensive month. -b.
  11. ^ Yeah, Cheetor looks great! And I guess it does only take one figure to change your mind, I was feeling pretty meh about Primal - and almost cancelled my pre-order from him last night (went on a cancellation spree) But now I think I will keep him, mostly because of how good Cheetor looks in Bot mode. -b.
  12. Looks good. Not sure I'm going to enjoy the two "extreme" characters played by Samuel Jackson and John Goodman, but I'm excited. Is this supposed to be in the same universe as Godzilla? -b.
  13. Nice! I'm totally cool with Brie Larson in the role. -b.
  14. First reaction - That has got to obviously be very early VFX, but it wasn't a wise choice to use PlayStation 1 level graphics if you're trying to sell a subscription service. I'll reserve judgement on whether or not I like the ship design until I see something that resembles a finished product. But for now, LOL - hell no. -b.
  15. Price is about what I expected (it's just a touch more expensive than the YF-30). Happily I'm not that big a fan of 04 so I'm good with just (2) copies of that particular VF-31. -b.
  16. Ha! If that happens, and parts of it actually are plausible given this show's past, then I'll get my Walking Dead updates by reading this thread, the last season finale already has me ready to jump ship. If they don't immediately reveal who died, I'll kill my time by spending more quality time with my PS4. -b.
  17. Want it. Because nostalgia. But that price and timing of release - ouch. -b.
  18. That component post with all of the pictures and stand options needs to be "stickied" to the top somehow - that's an amazing reference post. -b.
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