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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Yeah, for the 31J we are very likely to see re-releases, but even then there will be pre-order nonsense. The bottom line is Bandai has a very fan-unfriendly way of producing popular items, from Macross to Gundam to other lines. -b.
  2. 100% agree that Star Trek Into Darkness nearly (or possibly did) kill this iteration of Star Trek. I know it lessened or eliminated my and other fans I know enthusiasm for Star Trek Beyond. Star Trek built up a huge amount of goodwill with fans and average movie goers, but Into Darkness essentially pissed it all away. And it's a shame because Beyond was a GOOD movie, Star Trek, or otherwise. I really hope that there is another and it continues the positive trend, it'd be a shame to kill this 3 movies in. -b.
  3. Big FAT meh to the Hot Rod they're planning on putting in this and to the franchise in general. Although I do secretly wish he gets Prime and/or Bumblebee killed, just to see the fan-rage. And I agree Thom, outside of Optimus Prime there has been little to no effort to make any of the Transformers resemble their legacy namesakes. With Bumblebee the only one, IMHO, that benefited from an updated aesthetic. But hey...my expectations have been in the toilet for the live action TF movies since Revenge of the Fallen. -b.
  4. Good, then I can sleep in peace. -b.
  5. LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA Don't care - negative smegative. I'll go see it, just like any other movie I want to see and make up my own mind. Sometimes I can't believe people still care about reviews, a bunch of mumbo jumbo spouted by someone who fancies themselves a critic or expert gives their .02 about a movie. Good thing I hold the opinion that their .02 isn't worth more than mine. And I want to see Margot Robbie dressed as a drowned rat goth girl with skank tattoos. Why? Because I know enough to vary my taste in women. / -b.
  6. ^Fair. I'll only say that in my opinion it would not find a place next to any of my newer Yamato/Arcadia or Bandai items. Personal preference nothing more. -b.
  7. No sarcasm or anything intended, the Evolution VF-2's must look much better in person and the pictures (everyone of them that I've ever seen here, or elsewhere) and must not do the toy any justice. Understood aesthetics are a matter of preference, but I would not display them based on what I've seen. No comment on the breakages, because yes that could have been from an accident or user error or whatever, but the pictures give the impression that's straight out of the box - which is early-ish (up to the first run of 1/60 v2) Yamato level of quality. *edit - techoblue got to the bottom of that Count me in the camp of hoping for a much improved version or another company to pick the design up. I'm not a huge fan of Mac II but I can and often am easily convinced to buy more toys. -b.
  8. Probably, at least that's been the case with the HMR and to a lesser extent some of the Frontier DX's and even the VF-19 Advance (that one saw at least 2 re-stocks at HLJ). I think I sound like a broken record saying this, so apologies to all, but it really is a coin-flip. Every time I think I see a defined pattern something comes along and debunks it. -b.
  9. Ha, it's all good, just a price that needs to be paid - provided one is willing to take part in this pre-order madness. Really hope that HLJ's method of cancelling or purging is not arbitrary. -b.
  10. Hey, don't forget about us East Coast folks - 4-5 AM over here. And the more I think about it, the less I blame HLJ - every website has issues when it gets inundated with too much traffic. I blame Bandai and how they flat out refuse to produce based on how items are ordered. -b.
  11. Hmmm...I'd get Hikaru's 1S again, and wouldn't hesitate for a Max VF-1S, I just wish the climate was more favorable for Arcadia to broaden their release schedule, and do so in a way that wasn't so pricey for fans. -b.
  12. ...at this point (damn near) anything besides another Focker VF-1S would be nice. That thing has been issued twice now. -b.
  13. Agreed - trying to get both was crazy. And I got cart jacked at Hobby Search and N-Y. I have to think that the Bandai marketing guys get some sadistic kick out of all of this. -b.
  14. Yeah, I remember talking to mickyg during each of those occasions, I'd never heard of HLJ not being able to come through before, but in each instance nothing. I even got bit during the last Alto YF-29 re-release. HLJ, and other stores sometimes re-open orders after the first pre-order window, closer to release and then after release. All provided stock is available. There was no special circumstances, HLJ just happened to have orders open and it turns out that they were unable to secure the amount of stock they thought. Re: last night, that'll be 'interesting' (only for lack of a better term) because HLJ's checkout system was having issues. I got 31 before said issues, but it took me the better part of an hour or more to complete a 2nd checkout (separate orders) for a SH Figuarts Clone Trooper. My uneducated guess is that if HLJ's checkout system does not allow cart-jacking like Hobby Search, AmiAmi, N-Y and other stores do, and if you got an order confirmation you'll be good, but if HLJ does, even with an order confirmation it will be a coin flip on whether or not they can fulfill all orders. I really hope everyone that ordered one last night/this morning can get one, but really it's all guesswork and speculation right now. Even though my order was 'early' with HLJ and before all the nonsense I'm still going to jump through hoops to secure another one, just in case. -b.
  15. Agree with the limit 1 at HLJ for these being dumb - mostly because Bandai has done a good job keeping most of the Star Wars SH Figuarts available before, at and after release. And I used Hobby Search to get extras. I really hope these are solid, the promo pics are what sold me. I'd love some Clone Wars variants like Rex, Wolfe and others too. -b.
  16. The pre-orders for Messer and Mirage are going to be even worse. Provided the 31J turns out to be a solid release. -b.
  17. Did anyone pick up the Phase II Clone Trooper? I picked up a few at HLJ and Hobby Search (my HLJ order for this one got caught in last night's fiasco, luckily my other orders were placed earlier before their Shopping Cart started having issues). -b.
  18. Wait...there was an attack at N-Y? Totally missed that...I must have been under a rock at the time. -b.
  19. Flip a coin, no announcement yet. -b.
  20. Got 1 at HLJ, cart-jacked at Hobby Search, missed AmiAmi and N-Y. I'll grab one domestically too, not too worried about the Metal Build. -b.
  21. Going for (1) or (2) of the Metal Build Blue Frame - while I was never really in love with the Red Frame, this one actually appeals to me. And re: David, he left on his own terms a little bit ago but still lurks every now and again. -b.
  22. That's not entirely true, the 25A has no floppiness in the hips, shoulders or arms. And my YF-30, which has spent it's entire life in Battroid mode is still fairly tight and not at all a floppy mess, unlike my original YF-29 Alto. And why are we (as a group) complaining about pictures...AGAIN? Even if this turns out to be a turd of a release, it's hardly fair to say they've (Bandai, Arcadia, whomever) learned nothing when every time there is new release people go apesh!t over every little detail on pre-production photos or promotional videos. Wait until it's in hand before making sweeping generalizations. Can't wait for new pictures or details>these new pics and details suck!>I can't get a order placed!>I got one!>I broke it/it broke on it's own>Mine is good>When's the next release? Every. Single. Time. Rinse, wash, repeat. Not a rant, I'm not angry, it's honestly kind of funny, I just wish people would be more predisposed to being more rational, and objective. But...carry on for the next 4-5 months. -b.
  23. Personally I think that no one should even buy this thing because of the crooked, upside down, whatever nosecone (seriously, what is the issue? I missed it). Just sleep in if you're not in Japan and wait until people have this in-hand before you make the decision to buy. I'll bite the bullet, buy multiple copies and post all about them. -b.
  24. Thanks guys...much better to ask than assume, and I guess my Google Fu was weak yesterday because I couldn't find anything prior. -b.
  25. You know, I've been hoping for a re-release as well (I did sell one or two extra's I had last year) - but Bandai is so random with what they re-issue I have serious doubt about the Advance. The only chance, I think, of seeing that mold again, is if they move forward with the YF-19 from Plus. -b.
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