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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. No worries. Just searched, the authorization is for the full amount, then they release the funds before charging you at the time of shipping. Just need to get through the security process w my CC issuer. Thank you! -b.
  2. Interesting. Just out of curiosity is it for the full amount, more than the full amount (like restaurants) or some portion of the grand total? -b.
  3. You should totally let me buy it or trade you something for it. -b.
  4. Regarding Han, what did he know that the Empire didn't know already? Yavin? Nope Possession of Death Star plans? Nope Obi-Wan? Nope/dead Luke? Maybe, but he was engaged in the battle to destroy the Death Star and he wasn't considered a secret weapon or ace-in-the-hole, just some kid that helped Leia Part of why I've had such a hard time enjoying Rogue One was because it was too dark in the wrong ways. I'm perfectly fine with the Rebel Alliance needing to use some guerilla tactics, but the flat out kill-orders was too much. It sullies what we know of the Alliance from the Original Trilogy. That much more than anything Vader did or didn't do, and actually it was the first time EVER, even as a kid, that I had a sense of fear or "what a badass" from Vader. Just never found him that scary or imposing. And I actually didn't like the CG characters, human CGI always takes me out of the movie because you can tell the difference between them and their human counterparts. Rogue One wasn't a bad film by any stretch and it's certainly one of the best Star Wars films, but looking in hindsight I can't say it was better than The Force Awakens (my current #1) but I truly enjoyed the change in tone and more grounded approach within the Star Wars universe. Just wish someone made it off of that really pretty tropical planet. -b.
  5. Agreed - that was the first thing I did when I freed one of my 31's from box mode. I haven't transformed it yet, it's a great looking Fighter mode but my immediate thought was "I don't know if I like this as much as the Advanced". Not sure if it's the stronger (nostalgic) connection to Macross Plus compared to having only watched the first episode of Delta. Saburo's pictures always make me want to spend more money than what I have in my budget. They're that good. lol I'll get around to transforming it to Battroid if I get a 3rd copy (looking at you Spanner) or once I have the 31F in hand. -b.
  6. Re: which is better I think it may come down to whether you want a display piece (especially if you have other Yamato or Arcadia Valkyries) or if you want one to "play" with. For my money the DX Advanced has tons more playability but the Arcadia has a stronger shelf presence. And for what it's worth, my last remaining Arcadia is MIB in a box in storage, two of my Advanced see the light of day daily - one in Battroid the other in Fighter. -b.
  7. ^As new beginnings go, very nice! -b.
  8. It really is luck of the draw with these, another thing is to watch AmiAmi and HLJ like a hawk this week and next. It's been a fairly common occurrence for pre-orders to reopen (as arbit mentioned a couple of posts ago) and then stores to have stock come and go shortly after release. Good luck -b.
  9. Honestly, you could flip a coin and have better odds trying to guess. Of those listed, Nippon-Yassan and Anime Export are very likely, if they restock, to raise the prices higher than retail. -b.
  10. No problem sir! Bandai is certainly the way to go if you want more bang for your buck with regards to variety, cost and again companion Avengers and other Marvel characters, and they really are nice figures. Agreed, they will probably be my primary line for Iron Man as well. Those Comicave armors are really nice so if they release any other armors that I want I'll probably pick them up. But Re: Edit for the win in my book. Now I'm just waiting on some really good deals so I can actually have something brand-brand new to post in this thread about. -b.
  11. Re: the Comicave compared to Sentinel Re: Edit Iron Man question/discussion. I own Re: Edit #'s 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 with multiples of # 2 Extremis and I have (2) of the Comicave Omni Class Iron Man Mark XLIII figures. They are all awesome on their own individual merits, the Sentinel Re: Edit figures are stylized versions of comic book armor whereas the Comicave are MCU accurate figures. I agree that it's probably more appropriate to compare the SH Figuarts figures to Comicave just because of their relative scale. It's almost like comparing Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 scale Valkyries to the Bandai DX Chogokin Valkyries in terms of what you are inclined to display in a cabinet vs. what you may be inclined to actually play with. The Comicave are very very nice, poseable, have accessories but feel more like high-end display pieces vs. how much more playable the Bandai Figuarts feel. All of my Re: Edit figures are very playable and hands-down my favorite Iron Man figures. Especially Extremis and the Red & Gold Marvel Now armors. Anyway, I'd say if you can get them all or had to choose, my stack-rank is Re:Edit>SH Figuarts (most due to sheer number of available armors and companion figures)>Comicave and on topic - great purchases everyone!!!! -b.
  12. same and same -b.
  13. Not for nothing, the same thing happened when I happen to snag a Yamato Focker VF-1S (30th Anniversary w Option Parts) a few months back from HLJ. It's entirely feasible that they found extra stock laying around. It's also entirely feasible that there was an error. 50/50 until someone who got an order in confirms that HLJ has asked for payment. -b.
  14. Same here. And the reason, IMO, he's good in this is Keanu does emotionless and/or angry really well - and John Wick is basically both of those. -b.
  15. It's not, the re-issue or whatever of the Metal Composite RX78-02 is tomorrow (Friday morning) but the MB F91 pre-order date hasn't been announced yet. And good luck to those that want this one, I'll be catching ZzzZZzz's. -b.
  16. Would be nice to get a larger discount, but I doubt it. Especially once Ami Ami sells out again and places like N-Y sell out too. -b.
  17. From TAG Hobby; http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/takaratomy-asia-2016%E5%B9%B412%E6%9C%88%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE-master-piecemp-series%E3%80%8Atransformers%E3%80%8B-shattered-glass-optimus-prime/ -b.
  18. Nice purchases guys! Lol'ing at the same pictures getting quoted on the same page 3 and 4 times. I'm pretty sure that even if I didn't have a Max 1S (or 1A) I'd never forget what it looks like now. -b.
  19. This. Except I actually do have an issue with the commercials. It's why I cancelled Hulu way back when. The Star Trek fan part of me wants all things Trek to do well, and for this to be a show worth paying for, but this has literally all the hallmarks of a train wreck in progress. And happy Anniversary Stark Trek! -b.
  20. So.....hot garbage? All jokes aside, I love her too, but with makeup and a maybe (I dunno) little nip/tuck she managers manages to stay very attractive. -b.
  21. That's what most, if not all of us are doing. I think the comment about tax breaks, or whatever, was more about the irony (or maybe absurdity) of the situation. -b.
  22. Quoted for truth sir. And honestly, between the subscription nonsense, the horrible teaser and the ship design, yours, mine and probably a lot of other people probably already lowered expectations. I respect Meyer for directing (IMHO) the two best prime movies, Trek II and VI so I'm inclined to keep a partially open mind, but they're making it very hard to do so. -b.
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