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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. More like a shift from corporate greed to moral corruption and "what does it all mean?" and how that question can lead to some very dark places. Fassbender was flat out awesome. Based purely on how much I think Scott has missed the boat, as long as the planned next installment in the Prometheus trilogy is his last "Alien" movie then hurry up and bring it on. I don't care if it's Blomkamp or someone else, as long as they can build upon Alien and/or Aliens I'll be happy. -b.
  2. Most if not all movies, regardless of genre have characters that should know better in one instance or another. But therein is the distinction, in Prometheus and to a lesser extent Covenant the characters make choices that are just dumb. There's no other way to slice it. Regarding Alien, it's been awhile since I've watched it but I never in all of the viewings felt that any of the characters were dumb or made obscenely obtuse decisions . Just that they were outmatched by an Alien lifeform. Ash didn't make uninformed or dumb decisions, he was more antagonist than anything else and you could argue that he was more evil than the Xenomorph (a la David). Regarding Aliens, the marines too were woefully outmatched by the sheer number of Aliens combined with a built in arrogance and/or disbelief that they would come up against anything more challenging than colonist daughters that needed rescuing from their...uh...innocence. Burke was a corporate scumbag, presumably the same type that built in the very command override that sent the Nostromo to LV-426 to begin with. I very much agree that nothing took me out of Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 or Alien Resurrection (well maybe the Alien baby-hybrid thing) - and certainly not any of the choices the characters made. I've been watching a few of the presumed deleted and/or viral clips and some of those could have made Covenant marginally better, but again Ridley made an Alien movie with so much wasted potential. I can imagine that after another viewing or two at home my opinion might be less harsh, but it won't change the fact that I still feel like I "stepped in it". It's like someone sketchy asked me to look inside of a weird alien egg or something...and I was like "ok sure". -b.
  3. Saw it earlier today. Saying that this movie was better than Prometheus is like saying "I stepped in a pile of dog sh!t, but it was only a small pile". Covenant is indeed better, mostly because the characters weren't as mind-numbingly stupid with their decision making processes - still dumb, just not AS dumb. Pretty visuals in movie = Check Characters making dumb choices = Check Fassbender giving a strong performance = Check Reaffirmation that Ridley Scott needs to leave Aliens the hell alone = Check I hope that after the third movie in this trilogy Scott never touches the franchise again. If the franchise even survives. -b.
  4. Quoted for truth. I had a red AUTOart Lexus LFA and that LC 500 is too gorgeous to pass up - just got my order confirmation. I really should do a better job of taking and posting pics of my swag, I want to participate in the fun too. -b.
  5. Both my opened 31F and J each have one wing that appears to be ever-so-slightly off from the other. To ease my OCD I just tell myself it's an optical illusion based on the angle I'm looking at it. No shaving, no modifications, no nadda for me. Mildly annoying but not a deal breaker. -b.
  6. Very good point about variety - there are a few very talented folks that can customize their Valkyries and this serves their purposes (I think). And yes, he's still very much proudly on display. If only all toys looked that good out of the box. -b.
  7. Well...almost embarrassed and mildly annoyed to say both. Especially since I think there should have only been 1 standard release, and that should be represented by what Arcadia is calling the "Premium" version. I already have 'regular' Roy and I pre-ordered his 'premium' release so my OCD compels me to do the same for Hikaru. Sigh -b.
  8. Nice comparison shots Anubis. I will likely pick one up sooner vs. later. -b.
  9. Ah, sorry man. Hopefully the suggestions offered will help. This. Good luck! -b.
  10. Have never seen that before on any of my releases. You said that you removed the protective film a few months ago, and these just recently appeared? -b.
  11. Ha! Fair. Let me go with price and features. I'm used to Bandai's issues with making items available for purchase. -b.
  12. Saw that Saturday on Instagram . Really excited for this as well - if it's priced no more than $ 200-$300 then I'm in, but I'm guessing it'll be on the pricier side of that estimate. -b.
  13. Really curious about the Bandai non-model Millennium Falcon, along with any other detailed ships that they'd like to make. Fingers crossed for decent availability, price, features and just the right touch of diecast. -b.
  14. This was hilariously funny - especially about the PT Jedi! This * 10,000,000. I mean just idiots in the purest sense of the term. ^And this, if you are an Alien/Aliens fan, then you kind of owe it to yourself to watch it because like the movie or not, idiot characters or not and poor writing or not, it's in the universe and it is actually a very beautifully shot movie. Just go in expecting that all of the characters will do the most counter-intuitive thing they could possibly do in that given situation, and well, watch the stupidity unfold. And I pray to movie-spirits of Hicks, Hudson and Bishop that Ridley Scott is trying to make up for Prometheus and that he's successful in doing so. And with that I'll be there to see Covenant on opening day. -b.
  15. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha! Not a huge fan of the HMR (sold all but a very small handful) but I like that scheme on the 1S. A lot. IMHO it's the best looking 'Anniversary' scheme ever put on a VF-1. I'm in for two, the novelty alone does it for me. -b.
  16. What's the question - is it worth it anymore? Yes, absolutely. Toys that I love from a show/series that I love. I used to literally dream of Valkyries just like this when I was a kid, and now I have the opportunity to own them. Personal experience (regarding items breaking and the ability to purchase them at a cost that I find reasonable) + personal preference are also key to each person's answer. -b.
  17. Milia up at HLJ -b.
  18. Good points re: the VF-4G, I would suspect because there wasn't a huge gap between releases. Plus the oft suspected cost of licensing and manufacturing/production costs that Arcadia probably didn't have to absorb. I stay away from comparisons to Bandai, Takara or any company, large or small, that produces items from a larger property where you have almost instant profitability. I LOVE Macross (toys), like most of us here, but Macross ain't Transformers or Gundam. -b.
  19. LOL - I remember when people used to complain about Yamato prices 9 years ago. "This should only be $ 40-$60" or whatever the argument was at the time. Anyone who thinks that the price of ANYTHING should remain the same over that same time frame wouldn't do very well in business. And re: whether these are overpriced or not, everything, is "overpriced" when you factor in whatever the true cost of production is. It's called companies making a profit so that they can continue to operate and make the merchandise people seem so intent to obsess and argue over. I wish people would just learn to spend on what they want, or not, and let it go already. -b.
  20. That's assuming Arcadia isn't producing Valkyries the way Yamato did by pure choice. And, yeah I guess if outright theft is your idea of capitalism. Every other post is about licensing and what they can or cannot produce. Boo? lol You miss my point - my point is that I wish Arcadia WAS more affordable for everyone so that there wasn't an atmosphere where people would (apparently) happily embrace a stolen product. But hey - you're in for merchandise made off of stolen goods or ideas. Good for you! -b.
  21. This entire situation bothers me. One, that conditions are such (limited product availability, prices higher than most can either afford, or are willing to pay) that there is even a market for Knock-Off copies of Yamato/Arcadia products and two that there are people eager and willing to support said bootleg market. Don't think that for one second Arcadia won't just decide to exit Macross altogether if their products are going to be stolen and replicated. This isn't Takara where that business can be absorbed in other ways, either volume or with other profitable properties. I'd go without before I bought a KO. Which is completely different than a 3rd party, alternate design, of an already made product or character. -b.
  22. Yes, as long as you have the order confirmation email your stock is 99% assured - there have been very few/very rare occasions when HLJ accepted more orders than they could fill. -b.
  23. ^Soooooo accurate. Especially Aliens vs. IDIOTS. -b.
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