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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Awwwww sh!t, can't wait. Really digging the 80's vibe from this and Guardians Vol 2. I hope that's a running theme through this phase of Marvel movies.* And yeah, I hope they provide some context around The Conversational Hulk. -b. *Spider-Man: Homecoming notwithstanding
  2. Cool, cool, cool It's an action movie now. -b.
  3. HUGE fan of Babylon 5 (the series, the movies not so much), but it's been years since I've seen it. I might have to find the time to rewatch it one of these days. And yes, one of the really great things about GoT is the very compelling characters. -b.
  4. Dang it, I would have been more inclined to pre-order at Amazon. But... Chogokin for sure! ...I ordered from BBTS because I got the pre-order notification in my email. Ha, ha - right! -b.
  5. WRONG (you know the meme). Nintendo never released anything bad. -b.
  6. All good Dobber, I didn't take it that way at all. In a perfect world she would be Queen of the North and it's very likely that'll happen because she's really the only viable Stark. That is unless she gets Game of Throned and doesn't survive. I'm still not at all convinced that plot armor will protect Jon, Daenerys, Sansa, Arya or any of the strong protagonist characters. And no, Jon's reaction to Sansa was not at all, in any way shape or form misogynistic. Even though that mentality exists in the world of Game of Thrones (among many other less than desirable social norms), it was very clear that the only reason Jon reacted that way was exactly as he said. She went against him very strongly, very publically and regardless of her sex it should have been done privately or with a small council of folks, not a whole banquet hall full of people. This first episode had so much interesting sh!t happen. Daenerys The Hound/Sandor Arya -b.
  7. As truly fun as it is to pick apart all things Robotech, it is what I grew up with, and I do have fond memories of watching it on TV before and/or after school. And with that I hope against hope that this gets made by a competent director, writer, producer, crew and cast - but I don't see it happening that way. Because Hollywood. Because Harmony Gold. Because Robotech has been cursed since the 80's. Would love to be pleasantly surprised, but until then... -b.
  8. Fair. Still lol @ Ser Freindzone, but yeah. Hopefully his story doesn't end as tragically as it appears that it will. I really hope that you're correct in that they don't let Sansa go 'full darkness'. Her character can, and really should be interesting. I just find the annoying things that she does, REALLY annoying. And that's probably more to do with how I view the character than how she's actually being written. And regarding your spoiler - that will be a very satisfying payoff. Considering that he is the architect of all the pain that House Stark has been through. -b.
  9. ^ It irks me that there is even a "Team Sansa" to begin with. Granted, granted, as much as her character grinds my gears I appreciate that she's been through some real shi!t for most of the show and that makes me feel in iota of empathy for her. But I sense a real air of arrogance and "I've been through it all so now I know the score" in her and I don't think it's founded. PLUS something I noticed during my first viewing, but didn't realize until I was just 'out and about' on the internet and came across on article on MSN So good luck to her and anyone surrounding her. -b.
  10. Well if we're going there - this article is "fake news". -b.
  11. Speaking of annoying characters. Sansa. I'm almost rooting for her to die, I just can't see any monumental leaps in intelligence or likeability in two shortened seasons. Hope to be proven wrong, but I don't have a lot of faith in her character. -b.
  12. Yeah, from a practical perspective that saucer design looks rather silly. But if you're trying to be different then there's only so much the designers can do with a circle. Especially given the many Starfleet ships that have been shown on film, books, comics, TV, games, etc. -b.
  13. Yeah, my interest level is still set to 'morbid curiosity'. Once there's a writer, and cast and some mecha designs it may go higher than that. -b.
  14. So...uh... http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/robotech-movie-director-andy-muschietti-direct-1021744 Looks like the long-proposed movie is still a thing. -b.
  15. Honestly this might actually compel me to watch Dr. Who again. Like inclusivity and breaks from 'tradition' are a bad thing...lol -b.
  16. The shoulder got loose on one of my Alto 25's but I was able to tighten it using screws on that particular joint/connection. But even then it has still loosened again over time. Ah, yeah. The Super Parts on the VF-25 aren't very secure at all, even without comparing it to the 31 which has amazing design and implementation for the corresponding Super Parts. -b.
  17. Quoted for truth. There are a few folks I chat with to help with info when orders open up and where, and to pass the time. It's either 2 or 3 AM depending on the time of year where I am so I need all of the help/distraction I can get. And when there are different highly anticipated Bandai items is right. Obligated because of collector-itis. -b.
  18. Looks like pre-orders open for the QUAN[T] open on the 28th. Assuming I read that correctly. I'm in for one, I love the 00's. -b.
  19. Happy to report that the one 25A I have in Battroid mode is pretty solid. I'll consider myself lucky. Not comparing it to the 31 (haven't transformed mine) but the hip, leg, and shoulder joints are still nice and tight. *Edit, I think I may have misunderstood the comment about flimsy (sorry!!!), meaning the 31 has overall better construction and feel - in which case I think the overall consensus is that the 31 is a better release than the 25 -b.
  20. They're legit. I've got an order there, and have ordered from them several times in the past, including two other MB Gundams. -b.
  21. ^That Honest Trailers was hilarious and probably very accurate (haven't seen the movie). -b.
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