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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Can we get a rule in place about spoilers due to hacks and leaks? Please. Peak me head in for discussion and instead end up seeing/reading something that I wish I hadn't. -b.
  2. That would suck, but from a Jon Snow perspective I'm personally okay with him not having to worry about if he should be on the Iron Throne. That's the only book or documentation that if destroyed or lost would leave a plot point unresolved as it relates to the actual characters. We the audience know what's up already. The White Walkers are going to be taken care of by series end in one way shape or form - either for this Winter or 'forever'. So if there is data housed in one of those books that's lost it'll just be for the sake of added drama or tension. -b.
  3. Really good point. I re-watched some of the last episode and froze the part where Arya read the scroll that Littlefinger hid so that I could see read the text. He's definitely manipulating Arya into a deeper mistrust of Sansa. That entire sequence with Sam and Gilly was awesome, I agree that I hope in her wisdom she took that with her. Game of Thrones is literally the only thing that can make me look forward to Monday-Eve. -b.
  4. Sure - a nice crispy Quarter. Ya know, since we're talking about coins. Even though I have some doubts, this is GoT after all, I do feel the same, I was talking to a co-worker earlier and I think that she's safe. Watch out for main characters that have Valyrian steel weapons, those will obviously come into play soon enough. -b.
  5. ^Jorah is done for. And maybe one or two of the Brotherhood. Either drunken priest and/or Dondarrion. And as much as I'd love for Littlefinger to get his I would flip a coin between him and Arya. -b.
  6. Well - hopefully they haven't been too ambitious with what they'd like to do with the Premium SDF-1. By that I mean is it proving too difficult to turn a profit on the release. Although, it would have been wise to have all of that worked out before a product is even announced. *sigh* -b.
  7. "No Sam, that's how many stairs there were." Great, great, great set-up episode, can't wait for next week. -b.
  8. You sure about the Premium Roy? If anything HLJ got shorted on Hikaru, that's the one that wasn't available post-release. And I want a Premium SDF-1 too, I even cancelled my PO for regular because I have no intention of double-dipping, but if Arcadia prices it at some sky-high price point or makes it unavailable or impossible to order I won't lose any sleep over not being able to get one. Mostly because it's going to be even more of a display piece than some of the Valkyries in my collection. -b.
  9. True. I really hope that they were able to give Princess Leia a decent send-off. Also, that picture of Chewie with the thing with the gigantic eyes is really weirding me out. -b.
  10. Debating. Debating. I've been doing pretty well staying away from SH Figuarts lately (the only exceptions being Episode II Anakin and Phase II Clone Troopers). But the Spidey/Iron Man bundle & Batpod are tempting. Might have to try and sell the Bandai Movie Realization Batman and Batpod set I have to justify the purchase... -b.
  11. At some point after the White Walkers started killing everyone. We don't know the amount of time from their creation to the point an alliance was formed. -b.
  12. Damn that cell shaded VF is really nice. Especially the optical illusion that it creates. -b.
  13. Yep. Although you can see Tyrion starting to question his loyalties. I really like his character and how he's evolved over the series. I really hope he doesn't do anything that makes the audience scream "you fu--ing idiot" to him. Also starting to enjoy the banter between Jon and Danny, at first I was annoyed with the "bend the knee" - "no" repetition. I'd love for them to remain leadership rivals with a burgeoning respect for one another. Hopefully it doesn't delve into 'creepy' Aunty/Nephew territory. Ugh. -b.
  14. Cable is (or was at one point) one of my favorite X-characters despite being created by Liefeld. Not sure how I feel about the pics, I definitely don't hate them, just not sure if I like them or not. Just hoping for a movie that's as fun as the first, if it has the same level of 'love' put into it by the filmmakers then I'm optimistic. -b.
  15. ^ Agreed. Absolutely loved the VF-19 Advance and would love to see other releases. -b.
  16. Sorry, forgot to reply earlier. Yep, you are probably right. Patience is a virtue (which I generally don't possess ) Wouldn't be surprised. Yep, the box is pretty compact, especially compared to the older release. It's the same style box of Prowl and Grimlock. -b.
  17. Are we posting spoilers about an episode that hasn't even aired yet??? -b.
  18. For sure, and while from my passing observation it does seem fashionable in TF fandom to level criticism towards Hasbro and praise towards Takara Tomy. Not to say I don't see folks bash on Takara for various flawed releases, it's just that they appear to be viewed in a more favorable light. In this instance the difference in apps is what's drawing me towards Takara. I ran out during lunch a few hours ago and went to a local TRU and saw about 4 of the MP-10 re-releases for $ 159.99 each but found them to be an easy pass since I have the original Hasbro MP-10 and the Asia MP-10. No MPM's however... -b.
  19. Yeah, I've heard random complaints about the looseness of the ankle joints on Bee and missing ratchet joints, but my copy is fine. That said I don't transform any of my transformable toys very often, if ever. A few more paint apps here or there would have been ideal, but all in all I think Bee looks good in bot mode. The issues I've read about with Prime seemed to be mostly with the early reviewer releases from Takara, but nothing that has made me want to avoid a good looking movie figure. I suppose everyone's mileage will vary, I was just curios if anyone knew of a place to secure a pre-order for the Takara vs. Hasbro release. -b.
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