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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. For real. If our expensive, exclusive items come damaged then it defeats the purpose and/or convenience of ordering direct from Bandai. -b.
  2. Well that sounds not awesome. I got a box yesterday from HLJ that FedEx managed to destroy, luckily none of my items themselves appear to damaged and the damage was limited to the box of my MB Seven Swords. I don't blame HLJ at all because they added a ton of air packets, the box was literally ripped on the bottom, the only area of the box no padding was placed. Hopefully Anubis can get some relief AND P-Bandai learns to, or starts to care about, how items are shipped. -b.
  3. And yes, one of the things I really enjoyed this season (maybe more than others) is how many of my favorite characters that were separated by plot and distance have come together and formed some really meaningful connections. -b.
  4. Yep! And it was certainly a fitting end when you look at everything as a whole. For real. Talking to another GoT fan at work and we're both like, what the hell are we going to watch on TV until then??? As if there is literally nothing else of any entertainment value to look forward to until Games returns. -b.
  5. Damn it Bandai! Must have the MB Mazinger Z -b.
  6. Since I've actually met Seto in real life (once) I feel like this is appropriate; Nothing to do with the actual legal discussion, because, well unless there is a very real, very strong possibility that I can get my Arcadia and Bandai toys without having to deal with super-limited supply and pre-order madness I simply don't care who is suing who. -b.
  7. Good - I legit felt bad last night when you posted that awesome headbash gif. Was chatting with another member and as a team we decided not to spend the $ 273, but then he impulse bought one and peer pressured me to impulse buy one. I wish I had self-control too, especially with all of the other stuff coming out + real-life expenses like people getting married and birthdays and the powerful need to eat. See, I thought these generally always sold out quickly, but it's the first time that I've paid much attention to the p-bandai site, let alone ordered from there. I'll be watching more closely from here on out. -b.
  8. Well I somehow was able to get an order placed too. lol Now someone please go buy one or more of my items for sale, I need to figure out how to make up for the budget shortfall I just created for myself. / -b.
  9. Think it's flat rate, I was quoted the same for the Metal Build GN Sword Blaster - $ 33 for FedEx. and thanks F360!!! -b.
  10. Nice! Is payment required upfront with the Premium Bandai shop? -b.
  11. Ha! Nope, I'll pass on that. And sometimes I wish we had a "thou shalt not discuss" status for a few things, namely Macross toys, but then that'd take some of the fun out of being a member of the community. I will agree with some of the criticism that the new trilogy designs are too derivative of the original trilogy. I'm fine with homages (think the VF-25 to the VF-1) provided the newer designs can stand on their own. The new walkers and the destroyer look like remake designs versus design evolutions and the new X-Wing is just a sleeker old X-Wing. *I DO like the new X-Wing Just would have been nice for new designs to become iconic on their own. -b.
  12. Yeah, since at least 6 AM eastern when my alarm went off for work. Hoping for a US release. -b.
  13. This is why I straight-up love my fellow sci-fi fans. I can't wait until someone starts counting how many windows are on each deck of the new Super Duper Star Dreadnaught Destroyer and then screaming about how they're inaccurate to standard Imperial window sizes. Or laser turrets. Or torpedo bays. Or landing bay. Or the power of the tractor beam. Or...or...or... -b.
  14. The 505thAirborne PERFECT EDITION. And I missed the pre-order at HLJ too, this after waking up at 2 am and staying up for just under an hour. The price is incredibly hard to justify, but I was/am willing to pay it because I have zero skill and even less inclination to try and customize the regular edition myself. I have a lot of thoughts on whether or not I really need/want an SDF-1 back in my collection, but it all boils down to if I can secure a pre-order at a site like HLJ. If I can, "sweet", but if not, "no big deal". -b.
  15. ^Fair, and luckily for me I can suspend my disbelief for a lot, especially if it's for a show, movie or property that I like - such as GoT. I just try really hard to ignore it, I do truly and sincerely wish that we had 2 or 3 full length seasons left to tell the story and keep the same pacing as the first 6 seasons, but I get it. Real world budget will beat fantasy travel time any day of the week and apparently 3 times on Sunday. ; ) -b.
  16. Pretty intense episode all around. Really hate the abbreviated season, especially since the final episode is sure to have a gut punch or two which will make it that much harder to wait until next year. -b.
  17. Another Skyline? Fool me once... -b.
  18. ^Agreed and agreed. While I'm not a huge fan of Sansa, Sophie has done a really good job. In fact most of the acting is pretty good on the show. Probably another reason why it's so compelling. Thinking of re-watching episodes, I cannot wait until the series is done just to purchase it on Blu ray. I don't own much TV, I think besides Archer and Boondocks my entire video home library consists of movies. -b.
  19. Mickyg! What's up buddy. So I guess we could guess about Jon and Dany, Littlefinger vs. Arya vs. Sansa, Cersei vs. Jaime and the White Walkers vs. Everybody. lol There was so much other content in the other thread, I'll leave it to someone else to try and rehash the *non-spoilery stuff here. *IMO stuff that's officially aired should be fair game, it's the leaked garbage that is hopefully left out of here -b.
  20. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Was thinking the exact same thing. The Messer VF-1S came out of literally nowhere. -b.
  21. Sure thing, it hasn't been updated in over a month so I'm pretty sure no one there has spoilers. -b.
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