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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Yep, with at least one more movie to come. Taking place even further in the past (WWII I think). Agreed re: the acting talent! And yes, very Event Horizon-ish. -b.
  2. Can't lie, my eyes rolled at the very end, but I can kind of appreciate the attempt. I agree with the those that feel like this probably started off as a generic "sci-fi/thriller in space" that got morphed into a Cloverfield movie. So this was a prequel that takes place in the future. It caused the original Cloverfield in the past. And somehow 10 Cloverfield lane fits into the narrative with the invading aliens having somehow been impacted by, or drawn to earth, because of the Shepard particle accelerator, presumably also in the past. Or something. -b.
  3. The Iron Man suit looks like nano-tech, and if so that'd be pretty awesome. OR Extremis/Bleeding Edge as portrayed in, or similar to, the comics. But of all the things I'm hoping for, it's that Thanos is a complete and total bad ass. The MCU is in desperate need of a villain that evokes terror. Loki is compelling, but scary he is not. -b.
  4. Opinions are fine, it's whether or not you're swayed by them. Strongly for, or strongly against, any major property based on a trailer (or in this case, trailer for the trailer ) is a risky proposition. Personally I liked the teaser, but regardless I'll be there opening weekend because I'm interested in seeing the movie. Had to Google that guy, he sure does look like a young Harrison Ford. -b.
  5. Yeah, the 25A is the most solid of all of the DX v2 releases. That's a great pickup. -b.
  6. Interesting, I wouldn't mind a sequel that mostly ignores the original sequels. Agreed and agreed. -b.
  7. Perfect for those that may be on the fence or curious about what they are paying for. Thanks for posting! -b.
  8. The 0S's were pretty solid from what I remember reading (mine is in Box Mode so I can't speak from personal experience). But there is always a roll of the dice with these things, hopefully Arcadia hits it out of the park with regards to quality. -b.
  9. Yeah, I'd be interested in the non-hero versions too. I think they came pretty close with the TV and DYRL VF-1A Cannon Fodder releases though. Those along with the canon fodder VF-1J had a lot of printing already. Ha ha ha, all good! -b.
  10. Couldn't have predicted something a little cheaper? *sorry for beating the dead horse!!!! -b.
  11. Exactly she didn't really swim so much as kick her way to the top of the water. That's pretty instinctual. The folks that are really, really upset over it are the same crowd that are vehemently "Mary Sue" flag bearers. And agreed re: Rogue One's and Revenge of the Sith, both had good space battles. -b.
  12. - yeah, there was an avalanche of posts to that effect One thing just hit me, as much money as we've all spent, or are going to spend on Macross - we're also a group of cheap, cheap, cheap individuals. I certainly fall into both camps - Big Baller and Thrift Store shopper. Because you better believe if this thing was $ 100 or so dollars cheaper I'd be all over the pre-order too. IIRC I bought my 0S on one of those clearance sales as well. -b.
  13. I'm *going* to save my money or I'm *going* to spend it on something else. See the hair that I just split? / But seriously, it's all good man, enjoy your future purchase - not sure why you thought I was poo-pooing your choice to begin with. Anyways, cheers to everyone that will be able to pick up their first Arcadia 0S. I also wouldn't be surprised if Arcadia revisited other VF-0 models, although it'd be nice if they just came right out going forward and stated very clearly that items will carry both a regular and premium version. -b.
  14. Kind of like when people say that they're going to buy something - repeatedly. lol -b.
  15. Honestly it was just conversation - especially since most of the chatter that takes place on the boards is always around something costs. I think I've said as much previously, I spend what I spend, on what I want to spend it on. I don't need any convincing, I have the original. -b.
  16. Had fun as well, one of my small-handful of gripes with the film are was it wasn't as fun as it should have been. Mostly to do with the amount of losses the Resistance/Rebellion suffered - and in the manner those loses were suffered. Honestly I like Return a lot less than I did as a kid, which was already pretty low to begin with. The prequels were horrible, but I admit that I liked most of the light saber battles. For me most of what made the original trilogy memorable was the chemistry between Han and Leia and of course the Falcon and X-Wings. That is one thing TFA and TLJ are missing, there isn't a lot of raw chemistry between actors, and don't get me wrong most (not all) of the acting is very good - but there aren't any dynamic interactions between characters. Rey and Kylo came close, and I can only assume they'll build on that for IX. -b.
  17. Yeah, I can see how buying a new Premium vs. paying on the higher end of the spectrum for an original release is appealing for those that don't have an Arcadia 0S. For those of us that have an original (either bought at retail or aftermarket) not so much. I see what you did there. -b.
  18. Yeah man, hard to get behind Arcadia on this one. Nooooppppe Didn't really want one that badly, but with that sticker shock. I'm lol'ing all the way to buy something else. Bless you sir - that's going to be just north of $ 400 after shipping for a bird that has nothing more than some extra printing (unless I missed some details about what is going to be added to the Premium release over the original). -b.
  19. @ Slaginpit Wut? PS - re-read my post, I didn't call you or anyone else a name. I did earlier in this thread talk about butt-hurt (and I should apologize, it is a bit hypocritical to talk about a measured response and not fully uphold that standard) BUUUUUTTTTT (pun intended) you've again managed again to illustrate my point, that and your own fairly "narrow" view of the world. If nothing much else. @ Everyone Else I'm just still amazed that in full retrospect no one is picking apart Return of the Jedi - the Ewoks beat Imperial soldiers at the height of the Empire. Ewoks???? lol It has to be because expectations for The Last Jedi were so sky high, that's the only logical reason people are so pissed off. If no one thought this would be or could be one of the best Star Wars movies ever made before they actually saw it then I think the fan-based criticism (since critics love TLJ) would be articulated in a much more measured, or metered, fashion. It'd be like "I wasn't expecting much, and I didn't get much". I think Rian was bold in some of his choices, but he obviously took one or four too many "risks" with the story and characters and it was too much, too abruptly from the Star Wars "norm". -b.
  20. Just wanted to quote these last two posts from Scyla and Chronocidal as examples of a few of the really well thought out posts that dissect this movie (which I think we all agree isn't perfect) in a thoughtful matter. Honestly not trying to convince anyone to "like" The Last Jedi or not, we are all more than capable of forming our own opinions and whether or not we choose to defend those opinions is also a matter of choice. What I can't stand is all of the overly negative nonsense, some of what's been posted has been outright ugly from an anti-this race-that sex-this whatever standpoint and to think this is re: a Star Wars film, not a real world biopic. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around the folks that can barely write a cohesive post about why they're upset - it's just all piss and vinegar over Star Wars, the Grandfather of all popcorn films. So major props to all of the folks capable of having an actual discussion, regardless of what side of like/don't like, you fall on. PS - Rey is awesome, Kylo's story could be awesome, Luke's and Leia's arcs are polarizing, Finn and Rose are "meh", Phasma is the greatest "all of that for nothing" ever, Holdo had one of the most epic Star Wars deaths ever, Poe who could be an awesome hero/leader needs his teeth kicked in for what he did/didn't do, and the Porgs are still better than the Ewoks. -b.
  21. It'd be nice if that was the case, but Arcadia hasn't really released anything truly new *(Macross related) or indicated that they would. I hope that they do, but until something gets announced this feels like just an obvious cash grab... And with that said, will I buy? That's a big fat maybe - dependent on the price and what else is being released at or around the same time. If nothing else this just makes me glad that I already have an 0S, 0D and 0A from Arcadia. -b.
  22. A lot of someones... It's like a thread for scorned lovers..."I HATE you Star Wars, but I LOVE you" Just kidding fanatics, feel free to keep bitching and moaning about everything. My only real question/concern after Episode VIII is how they will handle Carrie Fisher's untimely passing for Episode IX. -b.
  23. Dunno man, the only real expectation I have re: Star Wars warfare is that the 'disposables' are going to die and the 'primary protagonists and antagonists' are going to live, until it's time for them to say adieu. One could say that Hux called that group back because Kylo was leading the assault and there'd be hell to pay if Kylo died. -b.
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