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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Yep, keeping my fingers crossed for us! Agreed! -b.
  2. Then maybe I read his post wrong, I thought we were of a different mind on a few key points. Either way, all good. LOL - yep! -b.
  3. Well sh!t, I'm definitely down to get a MB Strike Freedom. Hopefully they won't be too difficult to get. I sold my original awhile ago and I've been kicking myself ever since. -b.
  4. We will have to agree to disagree on some ideas, even while I see your point about applying whatever "today's" social standards are to "yesterday's" social standards, - some things are abhorrent no matter when they occurred and what was the "norm". Slavery (no matter the culture or continent that it occurred on) wasn't an accomplishment. Genocide, child sacrifice, any number of things people did across the globe or here in the good ole US of A should be looked at as horrible. I don't see mine or anyone else's disgust for those things as irrational or fickle. We agree that history shouldn't be changed or re-written as is so often it is, usually to the detriment of all, it should be remembered as is, the good, bad and ugly, so that we can learn and grow from it collectively. But to be honest, some monuments need to be torn down. It is a slippery slope and where the line in the sand is drawn can be quite arbitrary based on one's own value structure. Mine tells me that I won't blindly respect the past just because "things were different back then". The part in bold - Disney absolutely pulled a CYA. Whether they were right or wrong, I can certainly see how a quick and decisive decision had to be made. Agree with them? Ehhh, maybe so, maybe no, but blame them I don't. -b.
  5. Wait, did we just equate racism to the "PC standards of today"? And I've read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, I don't want it banned any more than I want those old Disney cartoons banned, but ugly is ugly and evil is evil - there is nothing PC about that. And yes racism in all forms, at any point in time, is just that - ugly. We shouldn't care what the societal standards were at the time. I really wanted to stay out of this discussion because there really is no "right" or "wrong" as far as we know. We can debate the topic 6 ways from Sunday but no one knows the mind of the person that made the "jokes" in question. At best they were in poor taste and at worst...well there's a special place in hell for folks that hurt children. I'm in the camp that I believe Gunn was trying to be a provocateur vs. airing out some perverse personal desire. But I don't know, and at the end of the day it's not my place to pass judgement. I've formed an opinion and nothing more. All of that said, I sure hope no one judges me as a person based on some nonsense I said 10 years ago. -b. PS - get the Director from Ragnarok or Ant-Man and the Wasp to take over GoTG, Gunn is entirely too toxic at this point, petition or not and support of the folks who actually know him or not
  6. Also quoted for truth, I wouldn't mind if this was an amazing revival of the old 1/55 line as well. I think it'd play well from a nostalgia perspective AND scale better with the current line of 1/60'ish Valkyries. And considering that I sold every single 1/48 I owned years ago I don't have anything in that scale. But I'm still planning on buying 1...or 2. -b.
  7. Quoted for truth. -b.
  8. Ah, thanks very much for the info! Sounds like another item to be added to the wishlist. -b.
  9. Ok, now you guys are making me want one too. -b.
  10. Nice pick-up @Lolicon! @anubis20would you say the same regarding the #0000 Limited GN-000 0 Gundam TYPE A.C.D? I picked one up from Mandarake about a two months ago in anticipation of getting Ready Player One on Blu Ray. Also, this thread reminds me of how completely and utterly neglectful I am of taking pics of my new purchases (not to mention the stuff I'm trying to sell). -b.
  11. There will certainly be some sort of "twist" that no one saw coming. Honestly the only thing I'm convinced will happen is that Tony and Pepper will get pregnant. Everything else, including who comes back from the dead, and if they come back the same way are up in the air. Another thing people are forgetting is that Captain Marvel will have or introduce Skrulls into the MCU, so who knows if the heroes we saw die are actually the originals. -b.
  12. Cool, and agreed! There certainly are enough Valks out there to appeal to just about everyone who likes planes and robots. Frontier>Delta 31>25>30 -b.
  13. It's hard for me to remain unbiased regarding the 30 v 31 discussion since I'm selling my last YF-30 in the For Sale Section, but I honestly do like the 31 more. I like the Fighter and Battroid modes better (I'm not a fan of Gerwalk and so no comment either way there). Contrary to Scyla (no offense meant at all) I really love that the 31 is reminiscent of Frontier Valkyrie designs. And awesome pictures as always Saburo, you're actually making me want to keep the Chronos even though I really want to sell it to make space. lol -b.
  14. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Why, do they run MyKombini or the factory that messed up the packaging of the HMR VF-1A? Obviously rhetorical - but Harmony Gold has nothing to do with either of these issues. And if we're saying that if it weren't for HG's stranglehold on Macross preventing us from getting these items locally that's very much putting the cart before the horse. A lot of local sellers are sh!tty too. Anyway, good luck to Amptor and everyone else whose 1A's have missing or incorrect pieces. -b.
  15. Sentinel reissues are up at HLJ (use Advanced Search to find them) and Hobby Search. -b.
  16. Don't necessarily disagree with the overall concept presented in that article, but Marvel is and has been so methodical with the interwoven stories through the MCU, the planning, scripting, casting, etc. of these movies that I don't buy the commentary in that article at all. But ONLY, because it's Marvel and how much effort they put into, and how they're lauded for having a road-map for their films. Anyway, hopefully I can get to a second viewing this weekend, the more I think about Infinity War the more I like it. Far more often than not the more thought I put into a film the less I enjoy it so when that's not the case I can't wait to view it again. -b.
  17. Chosen Prime is another decent option, I've only ordered from them once but it was a pretty good experience... -b.
  18. Yeah man, no problem. I've ordered from Entertainment Earth a few times myself and they've never let me down either. Side note, $ 274.99 seems to the magic number for US based stores... -b.
  19. Hey, you might want to check out the plan B you referenced. -b.
  20. Agreed with keeping Thanos alive, I very much enjoyed Loki as the only multi-dimensional villain in the MCU, but Thanos is just too damn compelling to kill. IMHO -b.
  21. People not able to get a pre-order (at a decent cost) for the DX YF-19 and many other Bandai DX Valkyries. And the economics and theorized business practices related to that subject. -b.
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