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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. This is probably the truest, and funniest things I've read all day. I hope that Bandai knocks this out of the part, I want to see Bandai give Max variants some love, especially his DYRL 1S or TV 1A. -b.
  2. Saw that Re:EDIT Iron Spider the other day when I was ordering/looking for SH Figuarts Episode III Obi Wan. Definitely noticed the price, but absolutely missed that it was 1/6 scale. I hate that Sentinel did that, at a cheaper price point I would have been tempted to add it to my collection of Re:EDIT Iron Man figures, all of which I love. -b.
  3. Shrugs. Opinions and all of that. Personally I'd give Bandai MORE props for the 19 since again it had to be "engineered" from line-art and animation vs. CGI models that were more than likely designed with these exact toys in mind. -b.
  4. Since this is the YF-19 thread, it wins in all things by default. But honestly, from a Bandai DX perspective the 31's have the edge simply because they were designed and built off of CGI models, so most of Bandai's work was already done. Whereas the 19 had to be designed from old line-art and/or animation. Aesthetically speaking, the 19 looks better to me in Battroid, but I give a slight edge to the 31's in Fighter, especially the 31A. IF, I had to choose just one to buy and have in my collection I'm going with the DX YF-19 based off of all the accessories that are included, and pure nostalgia and love of Macross Plus. -b.
  5. Ugh That MPM-7 looks so...cheap. I actually enjoy MPM-3, I liked the movie Bumblebee so I was happy to see a Masterpiece release. That's the only movie Bumblebee figure I have so I can't compare it to any others, but based on those pictures MPM-7 is a huge pass for me. When is the new Masterpiece Prime going up for pre-order? Sorry if I missed it posted already. -b.
  6. See, that whole next screen thing on HLJ, been there done that. Then "refresh your cart" or some such nonsense, cause it's sold out or the site has spazzed. -b.
  7. Noooooooooooppppppppeeeeeee HLJ spazzed HS I got cart-jacked N-Y, added to cart and then BAM, the site went down Ami-Ami only loaded after it was already sold out Didn't try CDJ, or Anime-Export but I was told they are long sold out too You? -b.
  8. Agreed. If nothing else the discussion is entirely too polarizing, illustrated by how the comments more often than not devolve into "you're a this, or you're a that, because I don't agree with your perspective". -b.
  9. "Look into my eye" To this day I still quote that in real life... RIP -b.
  10. Really enjoyed this as well, and while I couldn't help but be reminded of Jack Bauer's 24, Jack Ryan managed to avoid falling into the more annoying tropes of 24. Would definitely check out any follow-up seasons. -b.
  11. ^Nice! Super excited for the Obi Wan, and I want to pick up another Episode III Anakin if I can. Only managed to secure 1 preorder when it opened. -b.
  12. IV At first I was thinking that I went overboard, but the more I look at pics the more I think I want to get up one more. -b.
  13. -b.
  14. Hey guys, not to rain on your parade or anything like that - but MyKombini was one of the stores that couldn't deliver on the 31A. I had my order cancelled and money refunded immediately but a few members reported that after that happened they briefly listed it for an inflated price (I didn't see for myself). I have ordered other Tamashii exclusives from there before with no issues and hopefully this Metal Build is fulfilled with no issues. Good luck gents!!! -b.
  15. ^truth -b.
  16. *whew* Had a good night. Good luck and congrats to all who got their orders in. -b.
  17. Nice pics everyone! Got mine yesterday and I'm really surprised with how much I like the 31S over the F and both iterations of the J, especially in Fighter mode. The C still wins the best Delta head design. Can't wait to get the Armor pack whenever that's released. -b.
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