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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Dang it. LOVED Scooby-Doo growing up but I always hated the episodes with cameos and/or Scrappy. Still, glad Scooby is getting some love after all of these years. -b.
  2. ^FFS - that pic pisses me off too. For the properties I like/collect Bandai is not very consumer friendly. And on top of it, either someone porch-pirated my Mandarake MK 85 or DHL delivered to the wrong address. *Edit - so DHL delivered to the wrong address (transposed a 6 and 9) and the wrong address was good enough to call me (phone number on label) to let me know. I just got back from my expensive in money and time and effort MK 85. -b.
  3. That's how I felt about Iron Man Mark 85, I did the purchase of shame from N-Y and found another one on Mandarake for 11,000 JPY which has been the "best" price I've seen. HLJ still has MK85 at Order Stop which boggles my mind. It was released last week so either HLJ is getting their shipment late, or significantly short of stock. I found both Cap and Black Widow on Mandarake for very modest mark-ups/close to retail so I don't have cause to complain. I agree that in general with Marvel's embargo on Endgame toy releases and how Bandai handled it with a SURPRISE preorder this round of SH Figuarts purchasing was a colossal pain in the ass/f'up. -b.
  4. Damn @Lolicon, you're making it very hard to look at my out-of-box Vakyries and remain satisfied. -b.
  5. Good news on top of good news Noel. Glad AE and N-Y gave you satisfactory answers! I'm not going to worry about the Strike Parts too much, as long as I get a brand new set I'll be happy. -b.
  6. Well ain't that a kick in the teeth. I ordered and paid on June 8th and sure enough, April 2020 for my release date as well. -b.
  7. Quoted for truth. -b.
  8. Want Blitzwing as well, but I've got entirely too many preorders as it is (among a few other things I want (but don't need) to buy). And what you said is true, I like pretty much all of the figures you named off. I'd recommend the DLX figures to anyone that's looking for a REALLY nice representation of Bumblebee and likely Blitzwing and Prime from the most recent live action movie. Also, big meh on MP Lio Convoy, personally I like the look of the Perfect Effect Leonidas better. -b.
  9. So did anyone get the ThreeA DLX Bumblebee? It's a damn nice figure and for about $ 160 (shipped) pretty worth it to me. But I'm one of those folks that doesn't mind Transformers that don't transform as long as they look, feel and pose amazing in bot-mode, which this does. Also pre-ordered the DLX Optimus Prime. Just curious if anyone else is into the line... -b.
  10. Order Stop for pretty much the entire day Friday and today (like I said, I've been literally stalking a few sites looking to get one at or close to MSRP). It did go to Discontinued for a good portion of Thursday but I never saw the orders re-open, so I missed it when it reopened. -b.
  11. same -b.
  12. Congrats on getting yours! There are still marked up Mark 85s available, but I've been looking for a loooonnnggg time and haven't seen orders open up at HLJ, HS (outside of this morning around 2 AM EST and AmiAmi). If I happen to find any at a 'decent' price I'll post for anyone else who may be looking for one as well. -b.
  13. The Bandai release date is/was the 15th. I just missed the HS reopen and I'm not sure if AmiAmi ever reopened prior to the status being change due to "Released". I guess no Iron Man for me. : ( -b.
  14. My opinion is definitely a moderate compromise between the two of you. lol I did buy the Best Buy 4K/Blu-ray Steelbook to add it to my MCU collection. -b.
  15. Same. Out and about and had to order on my phone. Happy to have gotten an order confirmation email. -b.
  16. Nice! ^ -b.
  17. Thank you! Was able to get one earlier (it's currently unavailable). -b.
  18. Don't know about that, I missed out on MB Eva to pre-order madness both times. The problem is the low quantity compared to demand that Bandai produces. -b.
  19. You could be right, I remember them as being pretty spot on the moment something opened up but I never really timed it out to see if there was a delay. But anytime I checked as soon as I received the notification the product was available. It was only if I was late getting to the email did I miss out. Either way, that or a similarly reliable service would be great. It's 5:38 AM EST and I've been up since 2:45 AM (only because I don't have work). -b.
  20. sure do miss Fig-In-Stock -b.
  21. Likely all they did was change the URL/Product Page. During the initial window the 1S said "special page" based on the expected number of views. The page now is missing that header. -b.
  22. Oh HLJ, why you do you suck so much these days; -b.
  23. My budget doesn't like NY. -b.
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