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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Just want to make sure that I understand the ruckus. People are upset because a Black person was cast? I mean that's what it boils down to, don't try to sound so enlightened when your bias is showing. As stated earlier, I mean, as always just vote or speak with your wallet, don't see the movie but there's no need to make this into a crusade because "someone" that doesn't look like you, or what you think they should look like, "took a job". And no, I'm not likely to see this because I don't have a reason too, no small children in my life. I also didn't see the live action Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin nor am I likely to see the Lion King. Not because of any principle or sense of indignation around casting, storytelling, Hollywood lack of originality or other issue, but because they just really aren't my cup of tea. If you guys were just dying to see Little Mermaid I might get it, but you're a bunch of grownups poo-pooing a kids movie that you probably weren't going to see anyway, even if the most red headed red head in history were cast. -b.
  2. Hopefully they catch and release soon. Have been watching this closely, didn't order at Bluefin but I certainly hope all orders are filled. The (selfish and probably irrational) fear is that if this particular domino falls, it could mean bad things for other e-tailers. -b.
  3. Okay, misery loves company! lol Indeed, good to know. Right! But I don't want to complain (too much) since it's kind of a trade off with how easy it is to order items I wouldn't normally be able to obtain. Also good to know, very much appreciate the perspective concerning what might be occurring behind the scenes. Thanks all! -b.
  4. Has N-Y shipped anyone their METAL BUILD - GUNDAM ASTRAEA + PROTO GN HIGH MEGA LAUNCHER - LIMITED EDITION yet? Mine has been in Preparation in Progress since June 25th. I know that N-Y has been these days to ship lately (or at least inconsistent) but I wanted to check before I decide to either (1) remain patient or (2) reach out to them. -b.
  5. Just got back from seeing the Endgame re-release. @sh9000 listed exactly what would be there before the YouTube videos started popping up. Personally I was glad to see it again (on a huge IMAX/EMAX screen). The deleted scene was kind of meh and the Far from Home clip was also pretty meh, but the tribute was very well done and touching. Considering the emotional ending of Endgame the tribute hit the right note. It's like this, don't go strictly for the extra's, but if you enjoyed Endgame then go see it again and enjoy the 'extras' for what they are, a small nod to those that enjoyed the movie and who would enjoy seeing something more. Also very much like the poster of the Iron Gauntlet. -b.
  6. Placed an order yesterday when the listing showed (7) Eva 01's available. Now there are more than (10) with (19) sold. Still feel like it's a roll of the dice, but it's a decent enough bet since they have close to 5000 ratings and are at 100%. I even looked at some to make sure they weren't cheap items or items that weren't high-end collectibles and nothing I saw raised any red flags. Still I'm insanely curious about where they're getting their stock from. -b.
  7. Getting real tired of PO night... The Amazon.jp link never worked for me, meaning when I tried adding it to my shopping cart the site kept saying it was empty. AmiAmi severs crashed and even when it reopened for a second...gone The HLJ link that was posted initially was odd, I had to modify the link in browser to get it to the right page, then after refreshing a couple of times did it actually show up. Appreciate everyone posting the links that they have, the websites ALWAYS get stupid during this time so I'm not surprised. Hopefully US sellers like BBTS carry this one like others have assumed. -b.
  8. Sure...I mean, if you really want to. lol The fact is Avatar literally inspired an entire generation of 3D movies at the theaters, not to mention at home technology from High Definition 3D televisions, Blu Ray players and the like. This doesn't make the movie any better or worse from a story perspective, but to say that Avatar's 3D was "garbage" is pure fallacy. A movie that was so successful because of it's groundbreaking visual effects, 3D included, that here we are, 10 years later talking about how Avengers: Endgame is coming back to theaters to try and catch/surpass the Avatar's box office records. Records that were created, not because of story, but because of the visuals created for 3D. So yeah... Anyway, I keep checking AMC, Atom and Fandango for tickets/showtimes for the Endgame re:release and nothing. -b.
  9. Sweet! Thank you, kind of a bummer that the Mark VII isn't exactly in scale, but it sill looks pretty sweet. Ha! That analogy fits with most of what I've read. And what was that about an XL Runabout? lol -b.
  10. Thanks, and probably. Bandai does not miss an opportunity to double-triple-quadruple dip. Was actually considering selling my Full Metal Panic Arbalest MB, but not now, that booster looks sweet! Say it louder for those in the back. I need to buy like 3 more Detolf shelves. Sigh -b.
  11. Wake me up when they make the Skygrasper thingy from this link; http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2015/04/pg-160-strike-gundam-aile-strike-pack-w.html That's what I keep hoping for with the MB Strike. -b.
  12. So for those of you that own the XL versions or the Battlestar Galatica Vipers (any of them) are these worth the asking price? Everything I see gives the impression of very mixed reviews so I never pull the trigger on buying anything Eaglemoss. -b.
  13. LOL! Avatar is a guilty pleasure for me, but if I never see it again, or if the sequels never see the light of day I won't shed any tears. The thing about box office records is that they just don't tend to last that long. We're in an age of "Blockbusters" so the title of highest grossing just doesn't carry much weight to me. The more I think about it, the more excited I am to see Endgame again, the time heist plot was so-so, but the beginning and ending of the movie are awesome. -b.
  14. You're probably right, I was too young to be cognizant of ratings or anything like that. I just know how much I HATED Scrappy and the celeb cameos. If I can I'll give this an episode or two just for sh!ts and giggles, but otherwise I'm good with my nostalgia for the original. Never watched any of the "newer" Scooby shows, sounds like I didn't miss anything. -b.
  15. All good sir. I will also agree that everyone has their own "triggers" (no pun or insult intended that goes along with the word "trigger" these days) and I should be better at acknowledging that. At any rate, I'll be there for the extra "stuff" -b.
  16. Hey, I'm "old" too! For a point of reference I've been on MW since 1999 And you're not wrong, "regular" theaters would sometimes do second runs and then you had the $1 movies. I'm just coming from the stance that not everything is inherently evil, so more footage a month or two later, alright cool. If you're inclined go see it, otherwise don't. It just doesn't have to be a super master evil plan to rob everyone of $7 to $20 per ticket. -b.
  17. that's normal for them, in my own personal experience they require 50% deposit -b.
  18. Not gonna lie, that Spider-Man Stealth Suit looks kinda nice. I wish his hands were fully gloved (seems silly for his fingers to be visible) but otherwise I think it's a cool throw away costume. -b.
  19. If you're asking about the Strike parts, yes most places require either full payment or deposit (MyKombini). N-Y Anime-Export Big-in-Japan Other places are listed throughout the thread, but HLJ (did once a couple of years back), AmiAmi and CD Japan don't normally carry Tamashii Web Exclusives. -b.
  20. Cynicism yay! Anyway, as previously alluded to, I'm pretty sure the folks that saw this in theaters multiple times (2 myself) aren't going to be up in arms. I'll go see it again for the 'extra' 2 minutes or whatever it turns out to be because I like to enjoy things, and I enjoyed Endgame. -b.
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