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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Kinda with you on that one. Reloaded and Revolutions were a hot mess, but Keanu-mania is at an all time high so now is as good a time as any for filmmakers to try and use that to their advantage. -b.
  2. Really have to imagine that with all the money at stake that Sony and Disney can't work it out. And while I don't necessarily agree with the talk of MCU fatigue a la Westerns, I can see audiences getting tired of sitting thru another "new" iteration of Spider-Man that's different, but the same, but different from the last 3 iterations (Toby, Andrew, Marvel Tom and then Sony Tom). -b.
  3. Per the article Disney wanted to split financing and profits with Sony, which seems fair to me, and Sony's response was no. The profits are about the same between Homecoming and Far From Home, with of course post-Endgame bump for FFH. IMO it makes perfect sense for Marvel to want to share the costs/profits and it still turns into a win for Sony. But whatever, money rules above all and here's another great example of how the want for more (on BOTH sides) just f's everything up. -b.
  4. Wait, are we talking about toys still? I get it, we're SUPER passionate about Star Trek and the current state of affairs, but can it at least be kept to the Discovery thread if the discussion isn't about Eaglemoss and/or other Star Trek toys/ships/models? -b.
  5. Sucks big time. Sony can kick rocks for this one, and even if Marvel and Sony manage to squeak out a deal as a fan I can't stand becoming vested in a character just for that time to be wasted. -b.
  6. Best of luck with Season 8. And I'll add Disney + to the other streaming services I already subscribe to, no big deal. -b.
  7. Hey @sqiddre: pricing, what the other's said. The 1S should be around $177 at retail; https://hlj.com/dx-chogokin-the-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-use-bans55800 - HLJ and other stores do not mark up their prices, but they sell out of items very quickly. If you're patient and/or lucky you can catch those items relisted leading up to release date and sometimes on the day that they're released. Looking at the price N-Y has now; https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28337-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom.html - you ended up paying $155 over retail I was also serious about having done the same, I paid $260 for the same 1S during N-Y first or second round of markup pricing. Like @Slave IV said, N-Y will list items at or below retail early, once it sells out they tend to relist that item at higher markups. They may do this in several intervals if the item continues to sell out, or is popular. As is the case here. Please don't feel bad about your purchase or anything like that, it's just one of those "things" we have to deal with in this particular hobby. Welcome to the struggle! -b.
  8. Cool, I saw that and congrats on the purchase! You paid a bit of a markup on the 1S but I think everyone here has done that at least once in this hobby. You'll learn the ins and outs of ordering/pre-ordering the various toys, including reputable stores and fair prices. Nippon-Yasan is reputable and you'll get your items but they without fail markup their prices on just about all of their Macross items. Cheers, -b.
  9. Hey @sqidd, check out @jenius blog here; http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4599 Read up and I'm guessing most of your questions will be answered. There are generally only cosmetic differences between later Yamato 1/60 version 2 Valkyries and Arcadia 1/60 (same mold/transformation/etc as Yamato v2) Valkyries. Please don't pay anything close to those eBay prices, there are a lot better deals to be found if you are patient enough. Additionally if you're going to look at 1/48 scale my recommendation is to go with the new Bandai DX Chogokin line. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=12016 It's still new enough that you can get into it without having to spend too much money. Good luck! -b. PS - Go Green, Go White
  10. Well, I'm sure we can credit both to one degree or another. It's just when I think outer space fiction and "darker/edgier/faster/less science but more action" movies and shows of today I look directly at BSG and even Stargate Universe which absolutely owes it's existence to BSG. I never bothered with Caprica, Razor or any of the others because I didn't "ache" for more BSG and I imagine that was a common sentiment leading to those shows/made for TV movies not having the same success. Game of Thrones is what's making shows like The Witcher (despite a devote following from books and video games) to Lord of the Rings (also despite books and movies) getting made by Netflix and Amazon respectively. Really I'm just boiling it down to genre vs. overall tone. Right now Star Trek as a property just seems to be all over the place, not unlike DC and to a much lesser extent Star Wars (which at least strives for continuity across movies, books, video games and television shows (animated and planned live action) is suffering greatly from creative highs and lows. Personally I wish they'd have just stuck with the Kelvin timeline vs. backtracking to the original timeline that doesn't "feel" at all like the original Trek. Push forward with the new and leave the old and beloved alone. -b.
  11. Guess I'll be the one to say the VF-19 Advance, it has better fit and finish than the YF-19 (which had issues with broken head lasers (shipping/packing) and loose stabilizers that won't stay attached). Granted the YF is the more iconic of the two and contains the more desirable accessories, but between the crap shoot on if you get a problem free copy and the over-abundance of print I'd spend my money on the Advance. -b.
  12. ^The only thing I would counter with is that gritty science fiction became in-vogue with 2004 Battlestar Galactica and not the A Song of Ice and Fire books (1996) or Game of Thrones. -b.
  13. Yoooo, so I finally got around to opening the 40th Anniversary Edition, the heads are absolutely swappable (same mold) and the parts that are "white" are pretty close to being the same. *IF* anything the original looks to be a tiny bit brighter when I look at them side-by-side, but its a very subtle difference. Some of the other colors like the blue on the chest, yellow at the neck are noticeably different shades whereas the whites and reds are extremely close. Maybe someone with a more discerning eye could tell you better, but I think you could easily swap the heads and be none the wiser to any color differences. -b.
  14. ^ Well according to that pick Chuck is sort of a bad ass Good thing I already have my copies, otherwise Saburo, King of Enablers would have me trying to find a copy to buy. -b.
  15. Nothing really to add to the conversation other than to say that you both bring up really outstanding points. As an extremely casual fan I really did (still do) have a hard time understanding or agreeing with so much of the hate being leveled at the sequel trilogy (outside of some of the bad/odd writing choices in TLJ). Not trying to pander or anything like that, but it's nice to see people take the time to articulate their opinions that are respectful of different perspectives or thoughts on the subject. Honestly I just want to go see a good Star Wars movie, I enjoyed TFA, TLJ had a couple of good moments and I'd love for this trilogy to close out on a high-note. -b.
  16. Gotcha! Well once my copy of the 40th arrives from N-Y I can confirm those if no one has done so by then. I will say that I just popped the head off of my original, so if the only differences are cosmetic the heads should be swap-able. -b.
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