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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Same. Pretty much. -b.
  2. Feel you man. I've been stalking Amazon Japan, but their search engine is the worst and I haven't found a single new figure listed yet. *edit N-Y is now using the Waiting Area system they've been getting hammered so much. -b.
  3. All of them are sold out at HLJ, had all of them (Avengers) in my cart but ended up losing them all as each one went into Order Stop status. I swear between some stores insane checkout processes and Bandai's insistence of only making 100 quantity of each figure it's a miracle any of them ever make it into the wild. -b.
  4. FYI - All of the Avengers stuff insta-sold out at Hobby Search and AmiAmi, Iron Man 85, Rescue, Iron Spider, Cap. The Mandalorian was easy to get at both. -b.
  5. Hard to narrow that down to just 1 choice, so I'm gonna cheat; 1a. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-19 Advance 1b. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-31S 1c. Arcadia Premium 1/60 VF-1S Roy with Strike Parts 1d. Yamato 1/60 v2. VF-1S Max custom To add another wrinkle, if we're talking about only in Animation, then the VF-25F with Tornado Parts in Macross Frontier - The False Songstress. Tried to find a clip of the battle it was in, but my Google-Fu is apparently weak today. Both of Bandia's DX Chogokin efforts left me underwhelmed. -b.
  6. Extremely fair, especially the bit about having to pay for yet another streaming service that has no other content to justify any cost. If this was an Amazon Prime exclusive, or Netflix, something that had more content to entice the subscription cost, sure. But CBS All Access? Please. -b.
  7. This truly and legitimately makes me feel bad for Gene Roddenberry's legacy and all of the time I spent growing up watching the original Star Trek as a kid. To have the fundamental ideals of a Utopian future and everything that it represented argued over because of inclusivity and diversity just makes me; It's like they don't understand the core principles of Trek at all. -b.
  8. Probably for the best. But then, there is the new Birds of Prey movie coming out with Margo Robbie's Harley Quinn to serve as a bleak reminder... -b.
  9. Or Star Trek, Into Darkness and Beyond. Neither here nor there, I like the new trailer. Still not enough to get me to signup for CBS All Access. Maybe if they had something else to justify paying for their service. Otherwise it's just a bunch of stuff that comes on network TV and two new Star Trek shows. -b.
  10. Did it twice from Michigan to Florida and back to MI, each time with a larger moving truck (movers the 2nd time around) and each time within their original boxes stored into larger moving boxes. Re: shipping, which could get pricey depending on how many boxes and/or their size. Breakage wouldn't be my concern, it'd be cost and arrival time to coincide with your arrival to take delivery of them (or I guess you could ask the shipper to hold them at a local way point). My recommendation, if your moving budget allows, is to get a small trailer and tow it with your CRV. Otherwise fill up the rear lift gate area, back seats and leave the front for you and man's best friend. Good luck on the relocation! -b.
  11. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Sorry for the OT folks; https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-053218 -b.
  12. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    Same with their SH Figuarts stuff. I guess at some point they'll get the site back to usable...or not. -b.
  13. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    LOL - HLJ really is the worst now. Can get it added to cart all day long but it won't let me checkout saying the price and or stock has changed. So to my business goes AmiAmi and Amazon.jp. -b.
  14. Kanedas Bike

    Hi-Metal R

    3 AM EST. So I mostly agree with @jeniusbut part of me thinks this could still sell out if Bandai has a tiny production run. I doubt that they're going to make that many of them. -b.
  15. ^Max out front! Sweet pic @Saburo -b.
  16. Yeah, the Jedi Order stand is pretty cool and I don't own any stands that didn't come with the figure that they came with (outside of a few Flightpose stands). I can't un-see the Red Hip-hop Stormtrooper though, so every time I see the Sith Trooper I laugh a little bit. -b.
  17. New figures for Episode IX; https://tamashii.jp/special/sw/lineup_shf.html#shf_rey_ep9 Usually (IMO) SH Figuarts look significantly better than Hasbro's Black Series, but the Rey figure looks exceptionally 'meh' to me this time. Still gonna buy it tho . -b.
  18. Pretty much. Part of me wants to say that this was inevitable, but businesses, especially movie studios make some truly bone-headed moves. So Marvel has two movies to work this out, personally I would have preferred a more long term deal, but whatever. -b.
  19. Nice! Working on #3 or #4 depending on if an earlier Amazon.jp order falls through. Only got 1 at a "preorder price" all others are varying degrees of the "buy of shame" where I bought at a markup. The 1S is going to be a real PITA to get, so good luck to all of us. -b.
  20. Np, and good luck! -b.
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