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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. ***Some Spoilers**** ...saw Underworld yesterday, I'm a harsh a critic as most (I assume) but I didn't think it was all that bad. I do agree that the Vamps were a bunch of wimps, but whatever. Did anyone else get the impression that the Lycans were 'throwing the fight' so to speak? In most of the engagements they would simply change forms and open a can of whoop @$$ on the Vamps. That being the case now that the hat's out of the bag with Lucian (spelling) and Kraven's plot - what would stop the Lycans from just putting the smack down on the Vampires? As far as film is concerned I thought it was a fairly original take on each mythos. ***Please note I said original for film, not any book, Role Playing, Novel, Comic Book or other.*** -b.
  2. It's cool, Lone Wolf. Again, as long as the writing gives the character some depth - then green light it. Otherwise just another blah attempt at Hollywood capitalizing on an over-rated one dimensional character. Hey, you never know they might base the movie off of Superman Blue - and Red from a couple years back. -b.
  3. That pretty much sums it up for me too, athough the VF-1S Strike is a very close second. -b.
  4. I'll repeat from before - 'that would be a big fat H#ll Naw.' But seriously, Stuperman sucks, he always has and more than likely always will. Overgrown Boy Scouts or Camp Fire Girls, (take you pick in this case) are boring and too one dimensional. If, and I say this with a huge grain of salt, they were to add some depth to the character, and kill the whole bubble gum good is good and bad is bad routine of his character then it could possibly be interesting. Otherwise - <_< And I tend to agree with Abombz on the whole Superhero, from Comic Book to Movie a bit overblown these days (maybe they always were) but perception is king - and I percieve too many craptastic Comic Book adapted films. I tend to disagree with Abombz on the Green Lantern issue - Green Lantern should never be mentioned in the same sentence with the words lame, Spawn and queen. At any rate it will be rather interesting to see how Hollywood plays this one out. Probably more interesting than the movie itself. If you have the "misguided" notion that Superman sucks, may I suggest some required reading. Mark Waid and Alex Ross's Kingdom Come series, JLA, and Superman/Batman issues 1-2. Superman kicks boottay!!! I've read the entire (4) part Kingdom Come series, I never said Supes was a wuss, I stated that the character as typically written or portrayed - Sux, big time. Oh yeah and IIRC (and I can go brush up on my reading if need be) Shazam let his @$$ have it a couple times in book 3. <_< But I digress about how the character was written in Kingdom Come, it was great. But will they make a movie about Supes with that much depth? Nope - and that's why the movie will more than likely be garbage and that is why I have a serious dislike for the character. And don't start on Grant Morrison's JLA, without Batman that book would be nothing. B) -b.
  5. I'll repeat from before - 'that would be a big fat H#ll Naw.' But seriously, Stuperman sucks, he always has and more than likely always will. Overgrown Boy Scouts or Camp Fire Girls, (take you pick in this case) are boring and too one dimensional. If, and I say this with a huge grain of salt, they were to add some depth to the character, and kill the whole bubble gum good is good and bad is bad routine of his character then it could possibly be interesting. Otherwise - <_< And I tend to agree with Abombz on the whole Superhero, from Comic Book to Movie a bit overblown these days (maybe they always were) but perception is king - and I percieve too many craptastic Comic Book adapted films. I tend to disagree with Abombz on the Green Lantern issue - Green Lantern should never be mentioned in the same sentence with the words lame, Spawn and queen. At any rate it will be rather interesting to see how Hollywood plays this one out. Probably more interesting than the movie itself.
  6. I hope your joking. Superman IS the original. Geez... Really? What about Achilles for one....or Odysseus(or however you spell it) Geez Beowulf is the original. You can tell Max is a Hulk reader. B) I like Superman as a comic and Kristin Kreuk makes Smallville worth watching, but I don't like the idea of them making a new Superman. Especially if they try making it with Shamalayian and Brendan Frasier. Do we really need more Superman? that would be a big fat H#ll Naw.
  7. Hmmm... the first Halo is coming out on PC next month. but trust me.... its not all that cracked up to be. As far as halo 2 goes.... its still up in the air. MS claimed it was Xbox exclusive.... but that might change in time. And trust me... not game is good enough to make you buy a system just for it. You're right about that, but Halo was d@mn close. And for the record, I am not a hard core gamer by any stretch of the imagination and I hated 1st person shooters before Halo, but that game was great. and more on topic - I have F-Zero GX and from what I've played it's 'nice'. There's just this place in my heart for the Super Nintendo version that no future racer for any system has been able to invade. -b.
  8. I hope your joking. Superman IS the original. Geez... Yeah he's the original alright...originally Lame Superhero - and the old movies are God-Awful. I'd laugh my @$$ off if they cast Brendon 'Monkey Bone' Frasier as Stuperman, that would be par for the course. I for one hope this project never, ever sees the light of day. WB should put some resources behind a hero that hasn't seen any screentime like Green Lantern or somebody. B) -b.
  9. Hot Damn!! Now I remember how much I hated math when I was in school. At any rate great job mcpaz - the next time I have to crunch some numbers I'll remember who to PM. -b.
  10. The most prized item in my Macross collection (collecting being the key word, Yammies for the most part are still too easily found on eBay and the like, i.e. that there is no real 'thrill-of-the-hunt' for most of them) would have to be: 9.5 MIB Bandai Strike - with all Stickers, Inserts, Missles, Minmei Figure, etc.. I've wanted one of those for the past 10yrs or so (never had the money or know how to secure one before). I finally scored one on eBay for a pretty penny about 2 yrs or so ago. That was the higlight of my Macross collecting career.
  11. -Sorry no mods to add - don't think I have your's (and others' skills with modeling and what not) - But I do want to say the Hikaru VF-1J is pretty d@mn sweet after all your improvements. If I happen to think of something worthwhile I'll post it up. -b.
  12. 1/72=6 1/60=17 1/48=3 -b.
  13. Still KB - not that I ever posted enough for anyone to notice anyways - -b.
  14. Have to say I like the new boards - Thanks Again to Shawn and Graham - MW Rulez. -b.
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