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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. I've been playing Ninja Gaiden for the better part of (4) days. I agree that the camera angles can be annoying at time, but not enough to make more than a very minor stink about it. Besides, the right trigger button will 're-center' the camera behind Ryu. As a casual gamer, I feel like I got my $ 50 worth. -b.
  2. ...good luck trying to figure that one out. Check the pinned topic at the top of the page for some interesting thoughts on the subject. -b.
  3. Couldn't agree more with Whiskey on this one. Grew up with G1 which peaked with Transformers: The Move. And Beast Wars for what is was worth (especially the later episodes) where damn good. At one time (or maybe even currently) Transfomers was the best selling toy line of all time? I could be mistaken but I remember something to that effect a few years back. -b.
  4. Yeah. But the bike looks so damn cool. -b.
  5. ...very cool - thanks for sharing Shawn. -b.
  6. Echo! --I wouldn't worry too much guys, for all we know, 'no news is good news'. -b.
  7. Actually unless something changed, the price point was at $50. I have a pre-order up at Twinmoons for somewehere in the mid $40 range. I am not sure where HLJ got that 7800 yen price. IIRC, the price point for toys released in Japan has always been traditionally higher for the same item with a Domestic release. It's only because the Escaflowne is being released Stateside by Toycom that it can sell for so much less. Otherwise if Valk Exchange, Twinmoons and other e-Tailers were to import this item (so it would be Yamato's name on the box as opposed to Toycom's) the price would be more in line with the 7800 Yen that HLJ is charging. -b.
  8. See HERE for a complete list of all Yamato Valks that I have. Plus 1 additional VF1A Low Vis. -b.
  9. Whoops! Did I say antagonist with the same ole tired ass song and dance? I meant Genius here to enlighten the Sheep and Elitists with their incredibly intelligent banter on how HG sucks. Get a grip you jackass. -b.
  10. ok ok, I too have the MISB Syndrome - Started with the need simply have one (or more in some cases) of an item be forever in perfect condition and untouched since it left the factory. This I think goes hand in hand with my other compulsive tendancies, which one get mentioned here for lack of space. Depending on how many of each variant I buy will determine how many are opened and how many are 'MISB'. But as a rule I have to have at least one boxed - forever. (key evil laugh). B) -b.
  11. And thats great.... really... I bet everyone was wishing for a new one. <_< Well I for one was... B) Seriously folks this dance is tired. How many times do we have to go through the 'I hate HG/Toynami', 'I hate Yamato' just because spill. I for one will give HG/Toynami some credit for putting out a toy that is different from the same old 'Veritech' variant. (as Yamato did for the Valkryrie with the Low-Vis VF-1A). If Robotech Fans get to have something new - great - I don't piss on the Robotech section of MW's parade - and - I don't expect them to piss on mine. And my two-impartial-cents on the YF-1R - the paint scheme, nice the head - ugly, I do give points for trying, just not money for trying. If you don't like a product - don't support it. I got burned by Toynami with the first MPC (Volume 1, VF1J) and haven't given Toynami another dime. See how that works? Some folks should try that sometime instead of running around antagonizing one Fan Group in favor of another. -b.
  12. Other Anime and Science Fiction = Terminator/Preditor/others = Arnold the action star = Arnold the Body Builder = Celebration of a phenomonal career. Whatever. -b.
  13. As a matter of fact it does. Furthermore, whether or not the 'whole goddamned world is tuning into Macross World's Other Anime and Science Fiction form' does not excuse the fact that this IS a political thread. I don't post my feelings on Organized Religion, Race, or Socio-Economic issues - why should someone else be allowed to post based on a Political agenda that they support? This is an Anime Board, right? Why emulate what Agent ONE has done and create a thread about another one of the "celebrities" running in the election - to have two wrongs make a right? IMO that is very backwards thinking. -b.
  14. Garth Ennis wrote the best Punisher. B) It'd be nice if the movie has some of the flavor of that 12 issue (IIRC) run that he wrote a couple yrs back. -b.
  15. Well, BW has done more on an international scale than HG has done domestically...Bandai as opposed to Yamato with the Mac+ valks is that they (Bandai) probably would have challenged HG over it. They could have just removed the friggin kite (UN Spacy would probably be considered fair use) and any mention of Macross and then just released the friggin thing and this thing (at least outside of the VF-1s and Flashback 2012) would have been resolved. Well I'm not exactly sure of all the legalities envolved with the latest ruling, but nemesis120 brings up a really great point. If HG/TPs' rights are centered around SDF Macross, especially for the US Market, the later works like Macross II, Macross Plus and even Zero (to a certain extent) could be released Stateside with a little name and symbol change. There are a ton of companies that 're-brand' products for release in other markets, both domestically and internationally. Any of you folks that are closer (the white drew carey, wrylac) to this subject care to chime in? ***please note I edited nemesis120's post in the quote to draw attention to the point I wanted to touch on*** -b.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Seriously, I'll take the wait and see approach with this one (Punisher). IMHO there are way too many superhero/Comic Book movies coming out these days. Odds are at least (1) or (2) are bound to be decent. The rest will probably be...less than stellar. <_< -b.
  17. Feel free to let the beating of Kanedas Bike begin - I voted GameCube, because: (1) the system is too damn good to not have any votes at this point and (2) as much as I too would've liked to vote SNES (that was the system when I did 80 % of all my gaming as a pup) I had to vote for Best Gaming Platform, and pound for pound the GameCube whoops on all the older systems (for obvious reasons like newer tech. and all that jazz) -AND- the PS 2 and X-Box which are both highly over-rated. Let me also qualify my reply by stating very clearly that I am in no way a 'Hard Core Gamer' nore do I spend more than 1 hr per week (yes week) in front of my X-Box, GameCube, PS 2, or DreamCast, combined. The anti-gamer. -b.
  18. Thanks TWDC!!! I don't care what people say about what Peter Jackson did with the movies in comparison with Tolkien's Original Work (truly, some of, if not the best, reads I've ever had). The first two movies were stunning and I bet all my Yamato 1/48th's that ROTK will be just as good, if not better. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Kanedas Bike, who now decides it's now time to go and watch LOTR - The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers back-to-back as often as possible in anticipation. -b.
  19. Well here goes nothing...in no particular order, and within no particular genre: 1-Lord of Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring 2-Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 3-Blade II 4-Aliens 5-Macross Plus Movie Edition 6-Terminator Judgement Day 7-Big Trouble in Little China 8-John Carpenter's The Thing 9-John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness 10-Gladiator 11-Scarface 12 thru 14-The Indiana Jones Trilogy 15-Ronin 16-Transformers The Movie 17-Friday 18-From Dusk till Dawn 19-The Fifth Element 20-Face Off 21-Die Hard 22-The Best Man 23-Clerks 24-Escape from New York 25-Saving Private Ryan Made a limit of (25) - otherwise I'd still be typing by the time this topic had sunk to page 2. -b.
  20. After seeing the 1/60 version could you imagine the size and cost for a 1/48 version!OMG!! What Rune said! Damn man could you imagine a 1/48 Monster? -b.
  21. Yep... and if you consider that Wesker worked for Umbrella too... it makes STARS even more part of Umbrella. No way, S.T.A.R.S. was a Racoon City Police Dept. Unit. Mayor Warren,Chief Irons and Wesker were Umbrella pawns and agents respectively, that just makes the S.T.A.R.S. unit suckers, pawns or big dummies at best. But most certainly not a branch of the Umbrella Corp. See HERE for more details. -b. I know... I was just following Dr. Kain line of thought. Ohhhh...ok. -b.
  22. Sorry, I don't agree... I love the Mac Plus valks, but hate how small they are. 1/72 just doesn't give you enough space to put in any cockpit detail or anything else, so you get non-rolling tires, pilots that look like half chewed erasers etc. If they want to keep them in scale, they should do them in at least 1/60, but preferably 1/48. Agreed, it would be nice to keep them in scale with the DYRL line either 1/60 or 1/48. I would be brave enough to assume (I'm pretty sure I remember a poll on this) that most people would prefer 1/48 for the Mac 0 line. With the detail already in place, and with any number of possiblities to improve on the line (all the lines and have room to improve) I would love to have them in 1/48. It's just too bad my wallet would love for them to be 1/60. B) -b.
  23. Yep... and if you consider that Wesker worked for Umbrella too... it makes STARS even more part of Umbrella. No way, S.T.A.R.S. was a Racoon City Police Dept. Unit. Mayor Warren,Chief Irons and Wesker were Umbrella pawns and agents respectively, that just makes the S.T.A.R.S. unit suckers, pawns or big dummies at best. But most certainly not a branch of the Umbrella Corp. See HERE for more details. -b.
  24. Boy, this poll sure is becoming one-sided, the VF-1J Hikaru Super sure is popular (guess it should be a 'no sh!t answer since he was the star ) It seems like most respondents like the mechs from the established heros of the series. And there is certainly no surprise with the VF-1D being a close third, as Yamato is the only company to actually produce this model. But folks, come on show Max some luv!!
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