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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Was pretty excited for this when it was first announced, and the new TV spots are making this look better and better. -b.
  2. As a former Detroit resident that still has very strong ties to the city, and who grew up in one of the communities (North Rosedale Park) bordering Grand River Ave and the Southfield Fwy (aka M-39) that City Council clip was pretty painful to watch. Almost as painful as hearing people talk down about a city/community that I love because of it's current socio-economic status. So moving off of Detroit, which has nothing to do with the movie Battle: Los Angeles my initial impression is that this will at least be a pretty good popcorn flick, with a good chance to surprise people with what hopefully turns out to be a half-way decent plot (translated: better than the Syfy movie of the week) and solid acting from the top-billed cast (Aaron Eckhart, Bridget Moynahan and Michelle Rodriguez). -b.
  3. Correct, you're buying X product from retailers, who buy from Yamato (or their suppliers buy from Yamato)...the point is if the merchandise does NOT sell at price point where the retailers get a decent enough return on their investment they will not order from Yamato and Yamato will not see the demand to make any more of X product, or variants of such. It's more likely that the Patlabor toys you referenced were already in the pipeline and were to be produced regardless. If we don't buy, or we buy at heavily discounted prices and retailers, manufacturers, etc don't make a profit then the likelihood of new products getting released gets greatly diminished. -b.
  4. Didn't know this was based on a comic...I'm torn about hunting this down because I don't want to pick up preconceived notions of how the movie should be based on how the comic was written. Also, for some of these recent obscure comic adaptations have turned out pretty good. I say obscure because to the best of my knowledge Cowboys and Aliens isn't a household name like Spider-Man, Batman or Superman. I'm looking at you Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim as examples. -b.
  5. ...looks good. I'm excited, especially considering the talent lineup in front of and behind the camera. -b.
  6. Listing only what I've seen; 1) Macross Frontier: TV 2) Macross Plus: OVA 3) Macross Plus: Movie 4) Macross Frontier: Movie (Pt 1) 5) DYRL 6) Macross Zero I've never seen SDF Macross...it's on my to watch list though. No current interest in watching anything Macross 7 related and I don't really consider Macross II an official part of the Macross mythology. -b.
  7. This does look promising, if for nothing else that it will NOT be at all like Monsters OR Skyline (besides what appears to be the main setting). -b.
  8. Honestly...the story, and with most Sci-Fi/Action/Horror or genre movies you generally have to accept that the plot and/or script isn't going to be Oscar worthy. I'm not good at writing reviews, but here's my .02; Characters: I really wanted every character, including those set up as the main protagonists, to die horrible deaths. Sometimes the filmmakers try too hard to make the characters feel more "real" by showing them with character defects, but with the exception of one character (the building manager) everyone was a self-centered douche, or whiny tag-along and they deserved their fates. Plot: It really didn't help matters as you never really get a true understanding of what the invaders wanted ( ). The invasion was worldwide but for some reason you're only shown the action in and around the f'ing high-rise the main characters are located. And It was just dumb. Effects: Where honestly not bad, up until the end with a very special aerial combat/crash sequence. I think in another thread someone mentioned that they thought this was a SyFy movie of the week, and if it wasn't for quality of most of the CGI they'd be spot on in their assessment of the film. -b. PS - it pains me that I've written more about a movie that I hated than any other movie that I enjoyed
  9. fixed -b.
  10. Cool, thanks for all the additional info. I'm not as versed on the designers the various shows and/or toy-lines but as long as the Metal Build has the same (or very similar) overall fit and finish as the GFFMC line then the 00 should be a nice addition to the collection. -b.
  11. SKYLINE I want to kick my own ass for seeing that crap. Seriously. I could have called my last three exs for a rundown of what went wrong and still come out better for it vs. watching this POS. -b.
  12. Cool, thanks! I guess the price really does make sense for the GFF Metal Composite Unicorn (I own one and it is pretty awesome) when you take into consideration the two "modes". Thanks for the breakdown of the varying GFF line/sub-lines. I wish there were more details about the Metal Build...just have to wait and see. -b.
  13. I'd also love to know the differences from the Metal Build, Metal Composite and other "premium type" figures as well...as a super casual Gundam (hell anime in general) fan I seem to gravitate more towards the toys then anything else. The Metal Build 00 Gundam on HLJ retails for less than the GFF Metal Composite Unicorn did but they seem similar in terms of the type of toy. Anybody know how the two are supposed to compare to one another? Thanks, -b.
  14. Sorry for the late reply...honestly I just let it run all day and didn't pay much attention. If I had to guess I'd say about 4 or 5 hours, but there weren't many seeders at the time. Anyway, I'm letting it seed again tonight. And to Tobi54, thanks again for putting this up...I put a copy on a flash drive and I've watched it on my PS3 a few times - the quality is top notch!!! -b.
  15. Thanks! My download finished last night and I'll leave it open to seed the rest of the day/evening and then off and on throughout the week. -b.
  16. Agreed! I've never even liked the 25th Anniversary schemes but after your pics I was browsing around to find a good deal on one. -b.
  17. Cool, thanks for the recommendation. I didn't know that he directed that until you mentioned it. No plans to see it in the theater or anytime too soon so I'll probably have to take your word on that one. *I saw that post on WWTDD and laughed just a little, I just hope that the story and direction are appropriate for the subject matter. In all honesty I'd love to see the movie made in the same style as Batman Begins and Dark Knight films vs. 300 and Watchmen. -b.
  18. ...very mixed feelings on this one. For the most part I've enjoyed Synder's work but from what he's done on 300 & Watchmen and from what the previews show for Sucker Punch I don't see his "style" translating well for Superman. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. -b.
  19. ...in no particular order. Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1J Cannon Fodder Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1S Low Viz Yamato 1/48 VF-1A Low Viz Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1A Max TV Version Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25F Tornado Alto -b. *wishes I was as cool as eugimon and post pics instead of plain ole list
  20. Sigh... The question was around whether or not Kawamori's love, like or lack thereof of Gundam influenced the design of the Macross Frontier mecha. Not whether or not that love, like or lack thereof of Gundam had anything to do with the design, approval, build, quality assurance, etc. of the Bandai line of Macross Frontier toys and/or models. The two points are independent of one another. And to the OP's question. I would say Bandai has stayed the same. The overall quality of Bandai's Macross Frontier or other Macross toys and models is pretty much on-par with their other product lines. And those range in design and quality that would show Bandai putting forth tons of effort, to those that look like the interns designed them. -b.
  21. Nope. And don't rely on her to keep your fish alive, you'll still want to feed them after every 1 to 2 missions (at least that's what I've always done). The one play-through I left it up to her they died. -b.
  22. Pretty stoked about the confirmation that MP is Hot Rod and Rodimus Prime in one. I was always afraid that the best they'd do with Hot Rod was the Binaltech/Kiss Player/Alternators line (which were all decent figures, just not "Masterpiece"). -b.
  23. Oh good...now Bay can kill Optimus again. -b.
  24. Very nice MM...Don't you have at least one other Minmay Guard custom? If you do you should photograph them together. Looking at all of these kick ass custom Valks and killer displays makes my list of "one of these days I'm going to get one" get longer and longer. -b.
  25. This. -b.
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