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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. The third trailer is up...I still think the movie looks good but I really hope it doesn't follow a "everything was futile/we lost" storyline. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/battlelosangeles/ -b.
  2. That's a nice stretch of Sci-Fi/Horror you just put yourself through. I need to put aside some cash to buy the Thing (which would be the third format I've owned after DVD and HD-DVD) and Alien Anthology on Blu-Ray. -b.
  3. Agreed. I finished an Insanity play-through a few months back and I found Horizon and the Collector Ship as the two most pain-in-the-ass-worthy levels. I also find a certain personal challenge/satisfaction with not using Medi-Gel, but that's just one of my own little game playing quirks . -b.
  4. We're already seeing that with the recent wave of web-exclusives. I hate that I'm apart of the group that isn't able to purchase without there being massive discounts. While I may be able to save some much needed coin it means that I'm contributing to an issue that may come back to bite us in the tail when our next favorite item is some 200 unit limited run. I'm truly annoyed that one of my favorite hobbies has to be tempered by real-world economics. -b.
  5. Since Fox has officially canceled the Alien prequel does anyone have thoughts on how the newly titled 'Prometheus' will turn out, and what elements from the Alien universe will be recognized/able? -b.
  6. So...uh...yeah; Everyone can stop bitching about how much the Alien prequel will suck. -b.
  7. If you're talking to me I don't recall saying that it was a problem. Just calling it as I see it. -b.
  8. See, I don't mind the alterations they've made to his costume. I can deal with the stylized look most productions go with because they tend to translate better onto film. I do agree with the school of thought that they should not make this into Spidey the Dark Arachnid or whatever, but it's just one photo and gives off a certain feel that goes against the light-heartedness/almost cartoon-y feel that the Raimi films did. My gut tells me it will be a bit darker, but not so much that it flies in the face of what Spider-Man has traditionally been. -b.
  9. Marvel is riding the Ultimate Universe hard for their upcoming releases. -b.
  10. ^ LOL at Kirk! But the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man pic does not look all that bad. And I got that same Ultimate Spider-Man meets The Dark Knight (or at least a darker atmosphere than the Raimi films) vibe too. -b.
  11. Still not a fan of the design...but the larger scans make me at least interested (maybe curious is a better word) in how well the design gets translated into the DX toy and to the animation. -b.
  12. Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to scan and post. -b.
  13. Yeah, but of the 12 or 13 different variations you referenced only 2 of them have toys made from them (some have a models, some nothing). Honestly I wouldn't care if the YF-29 was jst going to be a footnote, but the fact that it's going full steam ahead as what may or may not be the main protagonist Valk for a major production added with the production of at least one toy and model it just begs for negative and positive comments alike. -b. *edit spelling
  14. ...mildly interested. I get the hole Battle: Los Angeles vibe from it and it just seems like the familiar Hollywood tactic of releasing tons of the same type of "story" at the same time (Armageddon vs. Deep Impact anyone?). -b.
  15. This ^ I've found more enjoyment from shows like The Walking Dead and in movies like Kick-Ass from watching the TV show or movie first and then going back and reading the comics. Some of this has to do with no longer being an avid comic reader so I miss a lot of the better, non-Marvel or DC properties that get released. This probably allows for the ability to enjoy each for what they are and for having no expectations (heightened or otherwise) or preconceived notions about how the story, etc. should play out. Bottom line this show has been really good and if one can let go of the fact that there was another telling of the same story and appreciate this for what it is then I think the show would stand up really well on it's on merits. -b.
  16. That's how Carpenter left most of this movies, they all ended with a sort of ambiguity that either sets the story up for a continuation or allows the viewer to draw their own conclusions about how everything ended. And after all this time John Carpenter's The Thing is still one of my all time favorite horror/science fiction films. Hell I like most of the stuff he did in the late 70's and 80's - Halloween, The Fog, Escape from New York, Big Trouble in Little China, They Live, Prince of Darkness - I even liked Ghosts of Mars . Probably like most I have mixed feelings about the prequel but I am curious to see how it turns out. -b.
  17. As a parent I find that with each subsequent Christmas (or any other gift-giving occasion) I find that I want less and less and it's all about my child's enjoyment of opening their gifts. As far as any actual want of my own this season...just to be able to sit back and relax for a bit. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, -b.
  18. ...met a fellow MW'er while playing Super Street Fighter IV last night - it's funny how small a world we live in. My gamer tag (the same on X Box Live); XkanedasbikeX -b.
  19. I can't speak for others, but my gripe is purely based on aesthetics. They can call it whatever they'd like, it's just not easy on the eyes, or rather MY eyes. Regarding the DX version I really would not be surprised if the production toy is not entirely different (meaning usage of the same already manufactured parts) from the already produced 25 and 27 vs. a from the ground up re-design people seem to be hoping for. -b.
  20. Looks back at all of the various pictures and wouldn't you know it, it's still FUGLY. It's the Valkyrie mash-up that just didn't need to happen. -b.
  21. The new trailer is up...it doesn't look half bad. http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810026342/video/23447610 -b.
  22. ^ Yep, what Eugimon said. And as far as the design itself, do not want, hopefully this is just another random kit-bash. While I like the 25, 27 and 19 I'm not at all a fan of the SV-51 and this mixing pot of the (4) of them is not a good looking Valk. -b.
  23. Cool...thanks guys. My mental image of the YF is that of a more slim profile so that's why this is in such contrast in my eyes. If both are supposed to be bulky/stubby then Yamato's emphasis on B mode comes through loud and clear. -b.
  24. Apologies up front if I missed this explained earlier, but why is the Battroid mode so...stubby? Is that how the VF-19 looks in the line-art and animation or is it a product of the prototype pics we've seen? -b.
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