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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Nice pics! I only have Noble Six, one of these days I'll complete the Halo: Reach line-up. -b.
  2. LOL! I was thinking more along the lines of him not being such a punk, but ok.
  3. Very cool. I'll say one thing for the Bay TF movies, they made Bumblebee cool. I really could not stand him as a character from the cartoon, but he's been pretty kick-ass in the movies. -b.
  4. If the Kakizaki and Max are TV versions then they come new and improved. I don't think the DYRL Hikaru 1A ever saw a re-release, so yeah, all old stock. -b.
  5. LOL - really? I always thought he just looked like a cartoon "space/sci-fi" cannon. I'm in for the new MP-10 as I really wasn't wowed by original MP Prime and sold my stand-alone version on eBay about a year ago (kept the MP-04 version with the trailer MISB). I also like that he's supposed to be in scale with MP Rodimus. -b.
  6. Thanks! I'll be adding this to my small Gundam collection very soon. -b.
  7. IIRC Tony actually had a house in Cali (not sure of the exact location) that looked just like the exterior of the house from the movies. It was during the whole Armor Wars timeline when he had the Red and Silver armor. Re: the proposed changes for the live action Akira...NO. Edit to add; http://www.comicvine.com/tony-starks-house/34-56706/all-images/108-359584/shapeimage_2_1_/105-1168719/ -b.
  8. Thanks for the scan Midi_Amp. That actually looks pretty good...like a lot of others I'd love to see a much improved DX 25 come from this. -b.
  9. Thanks for ruining Tuesday >EXO<. -b.
  10. It's sure to be better than "Daybreakers"... -b.
  11. Man...I used to love the toys. Damned if I can remember any of the character or vehicle names but I used to have sooo much fun as a kid playing with them. Maybe I'll invest some time and $$$ to find a few pieces. -b.
  12. My bad...hadn't really read into the different variations of "Figuarts" and what those toy-lines mean to the different maker/manufacturers. -b.
  13. Yup. Made by Square Enix. Noble Six available at BBTS I have to say very impressed with the quality. I currently have mine posed next to my X-Box 360 Halo Reach Edition. -b.
  14. Had such a crush when I was younger... And for someone who got sick in Blair Witch and was annoyed with Cloverfield I didn't notice any "shaky" cam syndrome. -b.
  15. Damn, in a way I found that review to be harsher than Ebert's. He was spot-on with the Patton Oswalt clip though. I won't apologize for enjoying the movie, or even recommending it to friends, but again for me it's all about expectations and knowing (or hoping you know) what you're in for. -b.
  16. Ditto - go with Max and Kakizaki. I love seeing my Vermillion Squad posed on the shelf. -b.
  17. indeed -b.
  18. There was a longer teaser trailer shown in front of Battle: LA. I don't see any clips on Yahoo! Movies or at the iTunes Movie Trailers site but I'm sure it will be online soon. The trailer showed a bit more but still not enough to really call if this will end up being ET part 2 or have a darker tone. -b.
  19. So many cool Macross toys and collectibles, it's really hard to narrow a choice to just one, however after much thought... Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1A Max TV Version As a kid watching that certain cartoon on TV Max became my favorite character and since that time I've always wanted an ideal representation of his Valk - for me the Yammie v2 fits the bill. -b.
  20. Saw it. Very much enjoyed it. Chewie summed up my experience as well. Even with guarded to low expectations I was very pleasantly surprised. I would recommend seeing it for anyone that wants a well-done Marines vs. aliens action flick. -b.
  21. I have to assume you're being facetious, but in the off chance that you're not I expect that said popcorn movies not intentionally, blatantly and maliciously assault my intelligence - which is what Skyline did. And if you're wanting to see "Aliens", then yeah, go watch "Aliens". Going back to Battle: Los Angeles, I hope to be able to see it this weekend and even more so I hope that it's decent. -b.
  22. Perhaps,but if the major selling point of the game and style of play is your choices and the consequences I would have liked greater consideration to those that may have played ME1 on the 360 and are now playing, or re-playing ME2 on the PS3. Especially since I already know how those choices impact the game from importing character(s) from the first to second game on the 360. *no expectation that it be exactly the same, just more consideration to how different people may have played the game -b.
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