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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Although I generally pose my "toys" and leave them (those that I open anyway) I had to quote this for truth. Not excusing Yamato for any one or two "failures", but it's all about knowing the product, where it comes from and setting expectations accordingly - especially as Jasconc stated, Yamato as a company has evolved at an extraordinary rate, with each iteration getting better than the last. They've earned my repeat business. -b.
  2. Can. Not. Wait. The only thing that has me concerned is how Bandai will handle the various armors, in that I hope they aren't all (or any of them really) web exclusive items. -b.
  3. In all honesty Voyager wasn't much better or worse than any of the other modern age Trek series. Granted that DS9 departed a little from the established "Trek TV show formula" that was perfected in ST: TNG but having watched most of the series as they aired, including TNG, DS9, Voyager and what little I could stomach of Enterprise they all blur together in my memory. I thought as much watching them, it just felt like the same olf thing over, and over, and over, and over and over again. And I like Star Trek - was introduced to the original series at a young age and loved watching it and most of the movies but it got long in the tooth which is why I loved what Abrams did with Star Trek, it was a fresh take on an established mythology while opening doors to something new while not destroying what had come before. Hopefully any new series is as, or more bold and doesn't rehash the stories, or formula, that came before. -b.
  4. ^ I'd never read or seen that before, awesome companion to the movie. "I felt sick. I shared my flesh with thinking cancer." -b.
  5. The MP-10 JUST came out and it's only available from importers or stores like BBTS (which was mentioned earlier). Not sure which toy you're talking about but it's not MP-10 Convoy. >EXO< is 100% correct. *for reference: http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT39840 -b. I wish they were! I'd be in my car right now hitting every Walmart in a 50 mile radius. -b.
  6. Your pics are cool, don't stop for a lack of response. If you want to share, then share because you want to. If I had a better camera I'd be posting pics too, for now I just don't think my point-and-shoot would do my collectibles any justice. Re: your recent pics, I'm just not a fan of the VF-19. So you could have snapped pics of it surrounded by Playboy Bunnies in a bed full of hundred dollar bills and I still might not have responded. -b.
  7. Not arguing your right to be excited by the prospect of the new movie or it's previews but do they have to top that, or any part in JC's Thing for this to be good? I say let it be acceptable or feasible that this movie stand on it's own merits and/or flaws. -b.
  8. Very true. SW is still something of a phenomenon but not in quite the same way. quite -b.
  9. Very cool, thank you. I have a couple on order from AmiAmi that I need to pay for. I'll be sure to share my .02 when I get my hands on them -b.
  10. Was teasing...I know you meant. lol Me too. That is the awaiting the movie part, not the nightmares. -b.
  11. So...uh, yeah sorry for the reply 1 page later, but that's exactly what I meant. Your son watched Episodes I and II and had become attached to Anakin as one of, if not the main, protagonist. So to see the transformation in Ep III for the first time yeah he's gonna feel like all kinds of crap. To hear about someone's first Star Wars experience being with the prequels is an interesting side note to the current debate between you/us old-timers about the original trilogy, the changes and the worthiness of the multiple releases and formats. I wonder if he'll feel as passionately about Star Wars as we do when he gets older. -b.
  12. 5. Makes sense. I'd probably be traumatized too, especially if as a young child I identified with him more than Obi Wan, Luke, Han or any of the other main protagonists (assuming he's seen the original and prequel trilogies). -b.
  13. That would make me very, Very, VERY upset. You're not the only one. But if myk has his way we'll hear another creeped-out version of Sweet Dreams or maybe Down with the Sickness. *edit for spelling "hear" vs "here" -b.
  14. Yeah right! I wasn't even accounting for time to watch the extras, but honestly I'm more excited to go thru some of those than blinking Ewoks and the further wussification of Darth Vader in ROTJ.* *and yes I'm aware of how my comments on Vader and my like of Ep. III could potentially contradict one-another -b.
  15. Happy to report no damage at all. Hopefully just an isolated incident. Not that I want to wish ill on you or your Valks Graham, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed this was one of your pre-production samples or one from a super-small batch that never made it into retail distribution. -b.
  16. Ugh. Time to go and check the YF-19 with Fold Booster & Fast Pack bundle. Will confirm either way. -b.
  17. Has anybody picked up the Revoltech DOTM Optimus Prime yet? And if so care to share any thoughts on it...? -b.
  18. So I just threw all order of viewing out the window and only watched Ep. III. I'll get into watching the entire series when I get some more time off from work. -b.
  19. Oh no, you're absolutely correct. At its most basic premise, what "The Thing" represents in it's ability to be anyone or any animal just to slide up next to you and "get ya" is pretty damn scary. Even though I didn't have the same reaction as you to The Thing I did make my Mom check under all of the beds and in the closets after we came from seeing Halloween to make sure Michael wasn't there to get me. I sh!t you not we still laugh about it all these years later. -b. PS - John Carpenter's scores were as much a bad guy as some of the characters - his music adds so much to all of his films. I hope the score in this one can capture some of that.
  20. I love John Carpenter flicks and The Thing and Halloween still...to...this...day scare the crap out of me. If this is half as good then I'll be happy. -b.
  21. Red Band Trailer; http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/09/19/the-thing-red-band-trailer?show=HD Kind of spoiler-ish so view at your own risk. -b.
  22. PS - the soundtrack is full of awesome and also reminds me on some level of Mann's better work, like Heat. -b.
  23. Just saw it...I wasn't as impressed but it was decent. I picked up on a distinctive Michael Mann vibe while watching it (which for me is not a bad thing). I thought the beginning to middle of the film was outstanding with the action and drive sequences superb. I also liked the relationship between the Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan. The move lost me a little at the end as I felt the climax and resolution felt a tad bit, I don't know, rushed. I would still recommend the movie to others, just not a very strong recommendation. -b.
  24. Nice review...its good to see mention of "good" changes vs. the "bad" changes we already knew about. Also like that he rated Revenge of the Sith and Empire as the two best from the set. Why? Because those are my two favorites. -b.
  25. Just picked up my set... -b.
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