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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Baby Yoda: 2 Mandalorian: 6 Probably just a little overkill on my part, but 2 of those Mandalorian figures will get opened, one for home and one for my office (assuming lock-down is over and/or there isn't a new one in September). I like my extras... -b.
  2. Gotcha. IG isn't scheduled for preorder today - https://tamashii.jp/ -b. *Edit, and all of my orders are either of the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda.
  3. My order took forever at AmiAmi too, but it went through. I started having deja vu from the round of Avengers:Endgame figures that all sold out while the wheel of anxiety was spinning and spinning. They are however still up at AmiAmi as I type this message. -b.
  4. Thanks @Mommar HLJ is either well hidden or they're taking their time. Got orders in at HS, AmiAmi and Amazon JP. -b. *Edit up at HLJ, limit 1 https://www.hlj.com/s-h-figuarts-the-child-star-wars-the-mandalorian-bans60493 https://www.hlj.com/s-h-figuarts-the-mandalorian-beskar-armor-star-wars-the-mandalorian-bans60492
  5. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-057921 https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-057922 Can't find them at HLJ and sold out at HS. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10689193 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10689197 -b.
  6. Sorry! I just now saw this. Yes, I'm sure my order was cancelled because they took in more orders than they could fulfill. Based on how many they're getting/allocated. I have no comment on whether or not this will be produced in extra-limited quantities, we'll find that out closer to release dates. I'm not alone! -b.
  7. Everything is on it's head at this point. I don't want to buy or rent movies via digital because I do enjoy the theater experience, but I will if it's a movie that I want to see a la Quiet Place II, Wonder Woman and maybe a couple of others. I bought Rise of Skywalker on digital as well, even though I prefer to have physical copies - but as you said it was the start of quarantine for my state and I was very much a captive audience. Definitely a matter of taste, I don't go to the movies as often as I used to but I still find a handful to get me to go. I 100% agree that Netflix and Amazon have upped the value of "TV" shows along with HBO. I don't watch much network television outside of local and nightly news. I couldn't even tell you what comes on NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. See, I grew up with a Mom that loved science fiction, action and horror. I was reminded by her when we went to see The Rise of Skywalker that I actually "watched" Star Wars (Ep. IV) in theaters. With my Dad holding 1 year old me throughout the showing. But as you've said @M'Kyuun - it's the spectacle that gets me into theaters first and foremost. Then "date movies" and those that have critical acclaim that interest me. -b.
  8. That trailer was terrible! If everyone that posts on this thread, were adults at the time you'd have ripped this thing apart. Anyone who says otherwise forgets that nostalgia is a very powerful drug. -b.
  9. So Toywiz cancelled my order because of a stock shortage/allocation from the manufacturer about an hour ago. Let the fun and games begin (or continue)! -b.
  10. Trying to hold off my excitement until we know exactly what character Biehn is cast as. But if he's going to be Rex with Dawson as Ahsoka then hot damn. That fan art above is pretty cool (I'm assuming that's fan art). -b.
  11. All good sir, no offense offered, none taken. I would say we're just looking at this from different points-of-view. One could argue that every single protagonist ever, is a plaything of fate. But especially in a high-fantasy story like Star Wars where there's an explicitly stated guiding "Force". "All is, as the Force wills it" My point about mentioning Luke, Leia, Ben and Rey is that their parents/family were also the main protagonists AND/or antagonists in Star Wars - meaning they came from something within the context of the story. Anakin had a destiny and was the Chosen One and all of that, but there were no Skywalkers within the legacy of Star Wars prior to Episode I (chronologically speaking). As such he came from nothing. He might as well had been the little dude at the end of TLJ that force grabbed his broom. Had Luke been a no-name moisture farmer it would not have enhanced his character in any way shape or form - he would have just been that dude that did those heroic things. Having him be the son of the "big bad" absolutely did enhance who and what he was within the context of the story. The same thing with Rey, she was NEVER going to be a nobody. I don't care what Rian Johnson was trying to do in The Last Jedi. Whether he wanted that continued in Episode 9 or he was just trying to introduce a red herring. Believing that Rey would be just a scavenger with low-life parents that sold her was, with respect, setting yourself up for disappointment. Especially given in your own words, how Star Wars uses the legacy trope so often. Now, within the context of social activism and making a statement to little boys and girls in the real world that they too can be great and not have to belong to the "right" lineage - I do agree there is a LOT of value there. But I think representation is more important than a lesson of "you don't have to come from the right family". And I mean representation from all walks of life in positive, leading roles. I know that's a very Social Justice Warrior thing of me to say, and I don't care - it's important that little kids (girls, boys, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, short and tall, and everyone else under the Sun) see themselves in a positive light in major roles. I love the casting of the big three (Rey, Finn and Poe) in the Sequel Trilogy (story for all three, not so much, but casting, yes). That representation can be just as, if not more powerful in a positive way than a message of "anyone, from anywhere". Exactly. And dammit I hate how much this new Trilogy relies on supplementary material. That stuff should enrich the story, not retell it so that it un-muddies the waters. -b.
  12. Across all (9) Skywalker flicks, only four characters come from some sort of lineage. Luke Leia Ben/Kylo Rey Everyone else, up to an including Anakin were average joes that became famous/infamous through their deeds alone. The 'nobodies' far outnumber those with a famous name. This hold true for the stand-alone films, animated series and (so far) The Mandalorian. -b.
  13. ^Yes! Upgrade Mandalorian. Baby Yoda looks weird, I'd rather he be an accessory in the carrier than a stand-alone figure. -b.
  14. Got my Snake Eyes figures yesterday. I ordered 4 and was pretty surprised to see them arrive in 2 boxes. One figure in one box, the rest in another. I really like the detail and accessories, I had a helluva time trying to find the right angles for his feet and lets to get him to stand but that's a minor quibble. I love the box presentation which is surprisingly heavy - really wish that there was a companion Timber figure, but oh well. Not sure how many others of the line I'll get, but Snake Eyes was a must buy and I have no regrets. -b.
  15. That's fair. *admittedly I know next to NOTHING of the old Expanded Universe. I own and read Dark Horse's Dark Empire (6 issue limited series) when they came out years ago, but that's literally it -b.
  16. All jokes aside, it's totally cool to have differing opinions. A lot of what's posted in the ST threads I don't agree with (more the negative tone than the actual subject matter), specifically about why they suck or whatever, but at times I do enjoy reading the more thought out discussions about why. I HATED the PT, but the recent posts re: Anakin I find extremely interesting. Why? Because at the end of the day Star Wars and to larger extent "Anime or Science Fiction" is a subject matter we all care about to some extent or another and it's cool to see the dialog from other fans. -b.
  17. When? I don't remember... This fanboy talk however begs a question, because I thought it was that group that hated the Sequel Trilogy. Am I one because I like it? Or, am I not a "toxic fan" because I don't constantly berate or belittle? So confused by the labels these days... -b.
  18. Flat out Rise of Skywalker should have been 3 movies, so much was crammed into it. And it's so easy to pinpoint what went wrong with the new Trilogy, lack of a cohesive road-map. I have no shame in admitting that I liked The Force Awakens and Rise along, but Disney's execs need to get their sh!t together for the next set of movies. -b.
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