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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. This. And honestly why do we even need to see the invasion? The whole story and premise of the show is about our resistance to the alien occupation, not how Earth was initially lost. -b.
  2. For me the beginning of Batman Begins trumps the sequels, the time spent training with Ra's Al Ghul and accompanying flashbacks were epic. BUT after seeing the Bat-suit improvements in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises I can no longer enjoy the 2nd half of Begins once Bruce dons the v1 Bat-suit. I guess it's an aesthetic thing and the rubber suit is just "meh". And I still haven't gone back for that second viewing of TDKR. Sigh. -b.
  3. Still need to go see it again. Not to re-hash The Dark Knight Rises vs. Avengers vs. Any Other Comic Book Movie but they really are two different "types" of comic book movies. In the same vein as trying to compare Kick-Ass vs. The Amazing Spider-man, they simply tell two different types of comic book stories and go about entertaining (story telling, subject matter, etc.) audiences in different ways. It's like trying to argue which is better between chocolate and vanilla with fudge swirl ice cream. I enjoyed both and depending on what flavor of ice-cream I want I may choose Nolan's Batman films vs. Avengers or anything Marvel related. -b. and I always hated the last set of Batman films, hated them and always thought the Batman and Batman Returns were highly over-rated. If you really want to compare, then compare this trilogy to the other "Bat" films.
  4. 110% Agreed. Great show and I've been pleasantly surprised with how it's developed. *can't really speak to all of the things "underrated" imply as I don't pay attention to ratings or what not, but I do agree that the show doesn't seem to generate much conversation -b.
  5. pssst...spoiler tags -b.
  6. Watching The Dark Knight on TNT because I'm too lazy to put on a Blu Ray and too tired to play any games and it hit me. I've been remiss for not talking about Michael Caine as Alfred, he's been great in the previous two films and he was outstanding in this as well. It's easy to see or say that Anne Hathaway stole the show with her portrayal of Catwoman but Michael Caine had some pretty powerful moments as Alfred. -b.
  7. Si. Then maybe a deep down personal bias against Superman? I dunno. I hope the movie is fantastic, I have reasonable expectations with Nolan attached as a Producer but usually teasers, voice over only or not, do something more to pique my interest. -b.
  8. True. And I would have thought we'd see a flood of v2 customs with the release of the assembled or un-assembled kits by now. -b.
  9. The right and left legs on mine kind of swing in conjunction with one another. And it was when I applied force on the right leg I heard the click too. I was definitely scared to apply too much force as I thought I'd end up breaking something, but the "click" sounded natural and now the legs are more secure. -b.
  10. And a big THANK YOU. Just did this with mine and it worked. The legs lock into place and don't just swing/dangle. -b.
  11. That would be cool, haven't seen any custom battle damaged 1/60 version II but here's a gallery of a customer battle damaged 1/48 Cannon Fodder from one of MW's resident customizers, Kurt; The cheaper route if you do decide to add battle damage would be to buy the regular Max 1S and do the weather and effects yourself. Would save you some coin from buying Yamato's pre-weathered version. -b.
  12. Excuse me while I wipe the drool off of my keyboard. -b.
  13. Very true, been the standard for awhile now. But that particular trailer with that particular music just irked me. No rhyme or reason to it. Hopefully they come out with a better teaser or trailer soon. -b.
  14. Saw the longer of the two during my screening of DKR, and was strangely irritated that they used music from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Not sure why, but it just bothered me. Besides that I was kind of underwhelmed, teasers are supposed to do a better job of making you want more, this one just kind of made me ask "when the hell was Superman a fisherman?". -b.
  15. Odd, I didn't have any of the audio issues with dialog people are describing. Besides Bale's way-too-nasally-Batman I was able to hear what the characters were saying just fine. Will probably see it again in a different location so I'll see if I can tell a difference. -b.
  16. ^very nice - love the weathering, especially on the 171 and 25. If I could secure one more 25F I'd be tempted to weather one too. -b.
  17. Agreed. You don't have to, but your enjoyment, or lack thereof could be greatly impacted if you don't. Besides, The Dark Knight was f'ing epic too and really, if you're going to take part in the end of a trilogy, you kind of have to see the middle installment. -b.
  18. A few other thoughts, spoiler tag; I really wish that this wasn't the end of Nolan's Batman run, the casting, acting and story telling really make you want to see more. I'm sure more will come to mind, but those are the first few things that come to mind that make me want MORE. -b.
  19. Think it's a placeholder just like the 25G. I really hope that Alert add-on works... -b.
  20. Caught a matinee earlier today, thought it was an awesome movie and an outstanding way to end the trilogy. Will need to see it again to take in all of the details as I'm sure I missed some. I truly enjoyed the way that all three were tied together. Just outstanding movie making, my hats off (again) to Nolan and crew. -b.
  21. Seems to be a fairly common practice for them. Ex. BBTS continued to update the release date for the Bandai Movie Realization Batman and Bat-Pod when they had it for pre-order so don't be surprised if they continue to update their release date. My thought is they import using the slowest and most likely most inexpensive method available so it takes time before they actually get the items in stock. If it were me I'd keep the pre-order open since they don't charge upfront and then try to secure stock via another method. -b.
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