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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. How were you trying to help out fellow collectors? I ask seriously because I don't see what your end-game was. More quantities weren't going to be made available as a result. Additionally, who are you to judge how much of any is too much? Many non-scalping collectors buy several copies of a given item. Take a look at the pictures of long time forum members. Your pro-scalping thread was accusatory and not based on fact, only your view or interpretation of how things unfolded. You're hot about HLJ about how many of a particular item a given customer is allowed to purchase, some like myself are hot at Bandai over quantities produced, but the end result is the same. Throwing tantrums about how you're never gonna do this, that or the other don't change anything and only add to the opinion of non-level headedness. Just relax. -b. PS just read your edit about what people can do with themselves. You're a class act alright. Go "help" some other fandom.
  2. There is so much I want to say in response to one or two threads and or forum members, instead I will just say thank you to Major Focker for emailing HLJ and posting the reply. -b.
  3. Quoted For Truth. -b.
  4. Even if you initially had a point, you undermine it with posts like this. The fact is you have no idea who bought what and in what quantities. Your question to HLJ was asked and answered, leave it at that. You're raging at HLJ but in the same breath happy to give them your money since you got an order in. Just let it alone and don't have a fit if people don't agree with your assertions. -b.
  5. Not sure if the original pre-order window for HLJ on the 25-G was more, but I was able to get one a few weeks ago for 13,300 JPY which was 5% off of retail. Re: the 171 Cannon Fodder I've been watching AmiAmi for the inevitable re-opening of orders as well as HLJ. -b.
  6. Yeah, I'd probably order at that price too.
  7. Agreed. Otherwise it's kind of high. But then again they're sold out everwhere I usually shop. -b.
  8. @ jvmacross, I just drooled all over my keyboard (luckily I couldn't see it from my iPad, that's a no-drool zone). @ locidm, It looks like a custom 1/48. I remember a forum member was working on one a while ago but I lost track of their progress. -b.
  9. No love for the SDP-1 Stampede? For those not familiar with this beast of a Valk, Link courtesy of the Macross Mecha Manual; http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossga/sdp-1.htm I would pay VF-4 money for one. -b.
  10. "You f'ed up my day off" is now officially my favorite Arnie one-liner. Mostly because that's how I feel about my staff in real life. Lol -b.
  11. Going to pass on the marked-up preorders, whenever businesses pull stuff like this I speak with my wallet. Whether it be vendors like NY taking advantage of demand and raising prices less than 24 hours after the product goes up for sale or Bandai and how they've chosen to produce or distribute the DX line. If I can't get these at retail then oh well, the more for everyone else. -b.
  12. Sorry, not sure how I missed that. My order hasn't been cancelled so I still have some hope of getting one thru HLJ. So good luck to everyone that hasn't had it actually ship yet. -b.
  13. If you paid then they have one for you. I ordered the 25G at the exact time and its been paid and shipped after HLJ split the initial order (initially both items on ONE order) in two. -b.
  14. Still waiting for Netflix to get season 3 available for streaming. I think I watch seasons 1 & 2 more than anything else Netflix has to offer. Can't wait for Jan. 17th! -b.
  15. Mine is sitting in my HLJ Private Warehouse hoping for some other stuff to become available to ship. I had actually planned to keep it boxed forever as a "collectible" but all these great reviews and pretty pictures are making me rethink my previous plans. -b.
  16. Chances are 50/50 really. It's my understanding that HLJ will open some orders based on anticipated inventory. I'm guessing you're in the same boat as me waiting to see if more stock becomes available, and if so good luck. -b.
  17. Bandai-ed! Yeah, I emailed them and they said that they received less stock than originally anticipated and that mine along with a few others could not have their orders filled. They're still trying to get stock so my order is just sitting around until they can or it's determined that they cannot. I swear the folks in charge of production and distribution of the DX Macross line have no clue. -b.
  18. Whoops, yeah meant the 29. Hmmm, guess its time for an email to HLJ. -b.
  19. Has anyone who managed to snag an order from HLJ on the 10th received a payment request yet? I've long since paid for the 25G that opened up the same time but nothing regarding the YF-30. -b.
  20. Tell you what, I love this iPad (which I'm posting from) and yeah the retina display is amazing. Last year I got an AutoArt Lexus LFA (red) and I still have it displayed. And Happy Holidays -b.
  21. Some pre, post and on Christmas loot as gifts to myself; (2) VF-25G (1) YF-29 Anniversary Edition (once HLJ invoices their December restock!) (1) VF-4 Gifts from others include an iPad, clothes and other non-Macross, non-toy related stuff. -b.
  22. Saw it earlier and I really enjoyed it, a lot more than what I thought I would. I had an expectation that maybe I'd suffer a little from LOTR exhaustion, but I didn't. I was also concerned about all of the too-high-a-frame-rate issues but I saw it in IMAX 3D and didn't have any headaches or other issues. Never read The Hobbit and I won't read it (and then Lord of the Rings again) until after this trilogy is done, it'll help with any of those pesky preconceived notions. Also, I agree with most of Twoducks' feedback above. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the Lord of the Ring films. -b.
  23. Saw the 9 minute preview earlier today at The Hobbit. In a word Star Trek Into Darkness looks like it's going to be awesome. For me one of just a few anticipated Sci-Fi movies coming out next year. -b.
  24. Sure you do. Go for it. This will be my second... -b.
  25. Odd, it still shows open when I look. -b. ***Gotcha, from what I can tell going back to the 25F this is the longest these have been up and available.
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