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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Outside of a few cosmetic changes and mention of a redesigned part here and there is this an actual "renewal" or modification to accept the super parts? The pics at Amiami look very much like the original release, unlike the 25 that had some very noticeable improvements. -b.
  2. Don't necessarily agree with all of that, but if ones interest in an Iron Man movie is purely to see lots of suit action then David has a valid (and funny) point about Avengers vs. IM3. I still think its worth a watch and would actually see it in theaters again if the opportunity presents itself. -b.
  3. Apologies in advance for any potential spoilers, haven't figured out how, or if I can, add them using an iPad. Am also glad they didn't turn Tony into an alcoholic, and as Twoducks points out they replaced it with him becoming a workaholic and then gave him anxiety attacks to boot. The other point to consider, while IM 3 felt a quite a bit darker than the other two Marvel hasn't really seemed interested in pursuing that type of story-arc for the franchise. Especially if you consider that IM is arguably the most popular character in the current Marvel movie verse. -b.
  4. Just saw it, I think this one had more "heart" than the other two exploring Tony's demons. Personal and those he created. For the first time in a long time of watching adaptations of other works, I wished this would have followed more of the Extremis comic ark (which was f'ing amazing if you've never read it). Loved the plot twist, but was mildly annoyed that it negated a really good debate a friend and I had about Sir Ben Kingsley's casting as Mandarin. All in all I liked Iron Man 3 more than the other two if for no other reason as it didn't explicitly feel like a set up for another Marvel project but rather as a stand alone Iron Man story. -b.
  5. Actually prefer the costume from Amazing Spider-Man. Nevertheless I'm still down to see this one in the theatre or on Blu-ray (as if costume aesthetics is the determine factor to see a movie). -b.
  6. Not really messed up, but they show up upside down for me. Doesn't diminish your purchases though so it's all good. -b.
  7. It's a haul so awesome it can only be shown upside down. jk/jk -b.
  8. Appreciate the link, just bit the bullet and ordered for PS3 since its impossible to find the white Play Arts Kai Raiden anywhere at a "decent" price. Need to stop spending $... -b.
  9. Give me lots of lens flare, ship to ship combat w the Enterprise, Alice Eve and Zoe Saldana. And oh yeah, the trailers look awesome. That is all. -b.
  10. Saw it. Enjoyed it. Fairly predictable but a good ride nonetheless. There were a few parts that visually speaking reminded me of Tron Legacy, understandable considering the movies share a director. I can't wait to own it on Blu-ray. -b.
  11. Got lucky today and found a Metal Build Exia at retail. Should have it by the end of this week. Even though I sold my other Metal Builds months ago I was fairly impressed w Bandai's efforts. -b.
  12. Pre-ordered Iron Man Mark XLII from Sideshow Collectibles over the weekend. Hopefully a nice addition to Mark VI and War Machine from Iron Man 2. Really love Hot Toys items but damn are they expensive. -b.
  13. That's so awesome, and exactly how I feel whenever my son sees my collection. I get the teenager "I pity the old dude" look, the same as I gave my folks when I was his age. -b.
  14. So...uh, did anyone catch the extended look that showed with last night's viewing of The Walking Dead? -b.
  15. Agree 110%. The original series made an impact in the story department by making a social commentary via a utopian future with a mutli-cultural, multi-national crew. But each episode was action on top of action. I'm really happy with the reboot and I truly can't wait to catch this one in the theater. -b.
  16. Just had my first experience with Ikea and the way delivery is set up. Among other things I had (2) Detolf shelves delivered and I will tell you the boxes are ridiculously heavy. So whether or not you opt for shipping/delivery or to pick one up yourself keep that in mind. I've had them for about a week and they're not fully stocked w items so I can't speak for long term exposure, but they've done a good job keeping dust out as compared to something just laying around. Assembly is also really easy, about 30-40 minutes each, put together on my own. Good luck w your choice. -b.
  17. Just paid for mine at HLJ. One less item to worry about. -b.
  18. Nothing (yet) from HLJ either... -b.
  19. Rather enjoyed the first, favorite scenes with Hit-Girl. That said the new trailer left me very underwhelmed with little to no interest in catching the sequel. Hopefully it's better then the preview indicated. -b.
  20. Like others have said it depends on the Valk. While fighter is by default my favorite some models have a Battroid mode that demands to be seen. -b.
  21. The trailer did its job, to keep me interested in going to see Iron Man 3 in theaters. I also agree with some of the funnier responses like keeping up with a gazillion Hot Toys releases and how ridiculous the Hulk-Buster suit looks (but then, it never looked good in comic form either). -b.
  22. Hey TCracker, your custom 25 G/S certainly has an interesting look to it, not bad though. -b.
  23. True, forgot about the scene with him in Sam's room. And he looked CGI there too. The ones w him giving the speech worked for my suspension of disbelief because it was presnted as video. Unless the technology has advanced to the point where we can't discern the difference w our naked eye, my preference is to not digitally de-age any of the original trilogy actors. That and I'd really rather see new characters as the focus of a new movies. -b.
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