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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Re: Bumblebee/Camaro at first glance all I could think is "Cylon". But it's not horribly horrible. -b.
  2. Yeah, ordered one a couple of days ago. Don't really need another, but figured why not. -b.
  3. Very nice. Love the clean look and like a few others have said if Arcadia made some of these obscure schemes they'd be a "buy" for me too. -b.
  4. Ha! Exactly -b.
  5. Wanted to go and punch a small animal after finding out this was a "prank". Oh well... *relax animal lovers, I wouldn't actually punch a small animal, it'd be more like a light pat on the head -b.
  6. The movie designs don't really bother me, but when I first clicked on that link for Prime all I could think is holy sh!t, they added more flames and random "stuff". Just call this one Transformers: Extreme -b.
  7. Respectfully disagree. There is an underlying theme in the past two movies as others have brought up in this thread, it's that "the universe" is trying to correct itself and as such you see some parallels or similarities with the original timeline. In that regard Kirk becoming "Kirk" with little more than 3 or 4 years in the academy work to prove that theme. All in all and plot or script issues aside I think the reboots have been a cool way to bring something fresh to the franchise (not necessarily to the genre in general), which had gotten way too long in the tooth. -b.
  8. Love the Metal Build Exia too, was stoked to see it re-released so I picked up a second copy. Happy. Should add that I don't think I've ever watched a full episode of any Gundam series, but I love cool toys and mecha designs, and this one certainly qualifies. -b.
  9. AGREED. Was not a fan of the 17 at all, but those pics are flat out awe inspiring. -b.
  10. On the subject of emotional weight, the part of the movie people are getting hung up on isn't even the real "heart of the film". There were a few moments that provided heart, or soul, to the movie; In the beginning between Kirk and another character (can't do spoiler tags on iPad, so I can elaborate), which provide Kirk's motivation throughout the entire movie. I honestly thought that relationship was first and foremost, and not Kirk and Spock in these Trek films considering how Kirk's father died. Interactions between Uhura and Spock. Even interaction between Kirk and the whole crew of the Enterprise. Take the movie for what it is, let it stand or fall on its on merits and not how you think it compared in one way or the other to the older Trek films. IMO if old school Trekkies did that they may actually enjoy the new stuff. But this film had heart, just not in the places where people want to look in their efforts to compare this vs that. -b. whoops, quick edit on that last sentence
  11. As long as you can accept that one or more of those things existed in Trek before Abrams and you are, or equally critical of old-Trek then "hate on". And let me reiterate that I have always been a fan of Star Trek. If a movie isn't your cup of tea then cool, but what I don't agree with is the negativity against something new because its not the same as what came before. -b. AND I think the new Enterprise is gorgeous. I would love for Diamond Select, or better yet Aoshima, produce a scale replica in toy form. -b.
  12. Because of replies like that. Jk I'm a fan of TOS and older than you, but whenever I see unrelenting criticism of the new Trek movies it's always followed with how what came before was better or how the new movies somehow don't live up to the spirit of them (Roddenberry's utopian future, more science than fiction, etc., etc.). Just smacks of being "cranky" because someone new came along and didn't follow the loooooonnnggg established patter of whats come before from TOS to the various iterations of The Next Generation. -b.
  13. Wondered the same thing, but with Urban's character returning hopefully they will explain. And I'm glad they are returning to the horror sci-if roots of Pitch Black. -b.
  14. Saw it and enjoyed it. I don't remember who it was, Mr. March, I think, that said if you enjoyed Star Trek and Super 8 then you'd enjoy Into Darkness. And I did. Some points kind of off-putting or dumb? Sure. But entirely forgivable given the overall body of work and perspective that this is Star Trek meant to bring in a new fan base while trying to throw nods to (not piss them off, but to pay homage) the crotchety old-timers and long time fans. Hope to see it again, hopefully in 3D. -b.
  15. Does look pretty good. I give it 2 seasons before the inevitable petition to keep it on the air. -b.
  16. For War Machine/Iron Patriot it i thought it was an eject, or safety feature. The suit detected the internal temperature rising and ejected Rhodes. Regarding how those modified w Extremis could destroy or go toe-to-toe w the Iron Man suits I would really recommend reading the Extremis graphic novel (have to state again that it was a really good read). But basically it turned them into super soldiers that could, and one did beat Tony Stark to a bloody pulp. There are certainly some things (plot, action, etc.) that could have been done differently, but one of the reasons I really enjoyed IM:3 was because it did have just enough of a departure from the first two to make it fresh and interesting. -b.
  17. Just checked my first release of the VF-1S in Unassembled Kit and yes there are parts for a gunpod and I'm pretty sure you can swap heads too. -b.
  18. Nice job on the customs and the pics! -b.
  19. For the most part, not aware of HLJ having a bad track record but I did have to wait for a third round of restock (after ordering during the 2nd restock) of the YF-29. If you got an order in with no funky error messages and an email confirmation then you should be OK. I'm not worried and I've shopped w HLJ for over 12 years. -b.
  20. Thank. You. Sir. Got one after all of the nonsense at Amiami and Hobby Search. -b.
  21. Even though everyone already figured it out... Big. Grin. -b.
  22. Ah, gotcha. Thanks very much for the confirmation CF18. Was starting to wonder what all of the fuss was about. -b. Hey, hey UN Spacy, I'm sure Amiami will crash with or without me.
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