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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Cool, thanks, as long as the release was solid then I'm good with that. If I see either of those for sale (outside of eBay) I'll shoot you a PM. -b.
  2. ^Pretty! Makes me regret not picking up the Supers way back when... -b.
  3. Wasn't funding a business but I sold all of my Aoshima Dropships too, except for the screen color variant. And I regret it as well. Sorry to all for the OT - but @sqidd how'd you like that Airwolf? I never had one but was always curious what others thought about it. -b.
  4. ^That is cool, but give me a Dropship instead. The Aoshima releases from a few years ago are the last time I've seen a legit attempt to bring high end toy/replica to the market. There were (4) of them, one with a Colonial Marine, one with an Alien Queen, a "Screen Color" version (my personal favorite) and then a limited "Black" version - here are the couple I could find Google quickly; https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-aliens-dropship-01-aos09066 https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-alien-dropship-screen-color-aos09091 The movie Aliens still, after all these years, has some of the best designs in science fiction. -b.
  5. Thanks for compiling these @jvmacross - I think it'd be very helpful for anyone in the market as a buyer or seller. Especially when the "easy button" alternative is to browse eBay. -b.
  6. Nope, but as everyone is talking about the listing is live now. Sorry, I was/am at work (from home) and got distracted from the fun times here. I also got that same email, I'm not even going to bother with trying to switch my order, I'll live with $30 for two little figures I didn't really want but might turn out to be cool enough. -b.
  7. Nice. Link for the stand-alone (Sold Out); https://www.bluefinbrands.com/eva-01-test-type-eva2020-evangelion-bandai-tamashii-nations-metal-build.html Would have rather had the stand-alone, could care less about those mini figures. -b.
  8. So I'm confused, are there US based, or non-Japanese based sellers with the EVA2020 listing live right now? Or is the discussion re: Bluefin just to hold out because non-Japanese sellers are likely to have a listing up that is less expensive? Provided one knows "where to look" or is really good with Google-Fu that is. -b.
  9. This? Not to used to looking at the machine translations on the P-Bandai site, I get my news from you all lol. April 10, 2020: The order of "METAL BUILD Evangelion First Unit [EVA2020]", which started receiving orders today at 16:00 on April 10th, is scheduled to be re-ordered due to favorable reception. Please wait for the following information for details. -b.
  10. Dammmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnn, I will never complain about a flat State Sales Tax ever again. I would be incredibly annoyed with County, City and TWO "Special Taxes". Sorry -b.
  11. That's exactly why I did pull the trigger, fear of regret of not getting a 'thing'. I've had that far too often collecting. Conversely, if I regret the purchase I'll just sell it, I imagine this will hold it's value well enough. -b.
  12. All good! Part of the joy of collecting is the hunt. -b.
  13. Hey, yeah I saw those too. Funny story about that, another member bought one of them and I bout the other a day or so later, the other member's order shipped and my order was cancelled and refunded stating that they could not ship out of Italy because of Covid-19. So...yeah lol -b.
  14. Posted about this in the Wanted Section, but if anyone has one to sell or has a lead on one (looking for MISB, but does not need the original brown shipper) please shoot me a PM and let me know your price; https://tfsource.com/mo-show-ms-ooq/ Thanks! -b.
  15. Wouldn't say "no" to a reissue of the Premium Hikaru VF-1S. I missed it the first time around and never did find a copy for sale (but I didn't look that hard). -b.
  16. Him and Mantis. Groot gets a pass because original Groot is dead and we all know how Baby/Teenage/Young Adult Groot came about. -b.
  17. Works for me, Rocket was great in Endgame. -b.
  18. Looks like fun. And it's a good time to release anything with BANG BANG BOOM since there's such a large captive audience these days. -b.
  19. Me on literally every single purchase I make. It's impossible to resist. They keep making them, we'll keep buying them. -b.
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