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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Gave me the impression that... -b.
  2. Odd, I just purchased a VF-1J 30th Anniversary from Hobby Search (7,900 JPY) during this sale and my shipping costs were only $ 37 for EMS (3,600 JPY). -b.
  3. In response to the above; -b.
  4. There's a "that's what she/he said" joke in there somewhere. Test shot looks good to me, I just can't wait to see some shots in color and in different angles. -b.
  5. Had to take some of the GBP-1S armor off I have on it to check, and yes it has rescue and a few other markings tampo'ed (sp) on the nose. It's been awhile since I've seen it armor-less but there are really a ton of markings on it. I guess it's funny I have it wrapped in armor so that I can't see any of them. -b.
  6. Did a quick Google search and found the following review w pictures of Yamato's 1/60 TV VF-1A (v2) and it does indeed have a lot of 'tampo' printing on it (lots of pretty pictures, gave up reading because I didn't agree with his assessment of this line of Yamato Valkyries as to fragile to handle). http://www.mech9.com/blog/2011/08/160-vf-1a-valkyrie-mass-production-version-by-yamato-toys/1/ I do own a VF-1J Mass Production/Cannon Fodder and it also has a ton of print, and sreichma is correct, there is no printing on the wings, not of Prometheus or anything else. *edit, not wings but tail fins -b.
  7. Misery loves company - at first I thought it was just me and that I missed some random promo code or something. -b.
  8. Yeah, I hear you on that. I like everything "easy" and clean. Certainly not a deal breaker or anything I'd put in a "con" column, but so odd to make something that basic anything but. -b.
  9. Yikes. Is the interface that much different (probably an obvious YES) in a bad way from the PS3? It's gotta be hard to mess up something as hard as insert disk, press X to play. -b.
  10. Agree with the sentiment that it would have been very interesting to have the Governor's story arc continue (no cliff-hangers though, a nice tidy wrap-up at the mid-season break would have been perfect). I think stories being too short/rushed are a function of the shorter seasons for The Walking Dead over anything else. -b.
  11. To the best of my knowledge X-Men was Marvel's commentary on race and/or other "isms". Since those are themes still very much prevalent in society I'd not call those particular plat points one-trick ponies or take away from the fact that these for many folks are still very real issues. If you mean that the X-Men movie franchise should not take itself so seriously because the size and scope of the story can't be "epic" or "serious" then I'd disagree, it'd just take the right mix of creative talent to make it happen. Whether or not that happens with Days of Future Past happens remains to be seen, but I always thought the story as presented in comic was pretty epic. -b.
  12. For sure, I guess it depends on someone's perspective on whether or not the commentary is nitpicking or valid feedback/criticism. And sometimes the product is so bad that even the most die-hard fan, or most forgiving viewer can't forgive it. For me I just usually shake my head with the thought of "well that could have been better because of X, Y or Z" and try to move on. And Man of Steel certainly had a few X, Y and Z issues but it wasn't Skyline (or whatever your choice of a truly sh!t movie might be) by any stretch of the imagination. -b.
  13. LOL - "I'm handsome, see". Honestly one could make one of these "what's wrong with", "honest trailer", "how it should have ended" for just about every fiction ever created, but they sure are funny as hell to watch/read. -b.
  14. Just got an email from AmiAmi pushing the release date for this into early December. -b.
  15. Think so, all of the pics I've seen have that stand (I remember seeing one picture of (3) of the black bases included in the box). -b.
  16. The character played by Kirk Acevedo (the Gov's new "right" hand man aka the brother of the guy the Governor stabbed to take control of the new group). My thought, or just SUPREME hope is that the Governor is killed during the mid-season finale amongst my hope that there is NOT a really messed up death from one of the series regulars. The whole Governor two-episode arc just sets his inevitable death up nicely by adding some more depth or layers to the character. -b.
  17. Thanks, and be careful, collecting Hot Toys/Sideshow 6th scale figures can be addicting as collecting Yamato/Arcadia & Bandai releases! -b.
  18. Apologies in advance for the less than stellar pictures, taken with an aging camera phone. Included in the picture(s) are; (2) Takara Tomy DMK-01 Optimus Prime kits (2) MP-17 Prowl (1) MP-18 Streak (2) Cannon Attachments for MP-18/17 (2) DX VF-171 Armor Parts (1) YF-27 v 1.2 (5) VF-25A (1) Dark Horse 18" SSV Normandy Replica Statue Went just a tad overboard lately with purchases, but most of these were spread out over about a month and a half/two months. -b.
  19. After some thought I'd be interested in a gloss finish too. Not for accuracy or anything like that, but just for a departure from a flat/matte finish. I don't care either way, but in my perfect world Arcadia could produce these and make a profit while pricing them so that they "felt" affordable to purchase in both finishes (YF-19 Matte and YF-19 Gloss). How cool would that be... -b.
  20. @mikeszekely - thanks very much, now I don't really feel bad for passing on the purchase. And edit to add @skullmilitia for the extra feedback below -b.
  21. Re: the fan poll Masterpiece, not really a fan of the design and like Jenius I have no idea who that is as a character (although the face gives off a Prime/Convoy vibe, even if he's not). Good on those that know/care if it's a good fan choice. Depending on how it turns out then it might be worth a purchase if for nothing else being a pseudo-completest. Was at TRU and saw Jetwing Optimus Prime. Was tempted to buy to try and satisfy my want for a Hasbro MP-10 but wanted to ask if anyone familiar with the movie molds if it was worth the $ 99 asking price. Is it? http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=22431746&cp=&parentPage=search -b.
  22. I loved the episode and within context of what happened was glad that it was Governor-centric. Can't wait for next week's episode. And that PTSD zombie side-step was pretty sweet. -b.
  23. Was bored earlier this evening so I went around looking for a PS4 at a couple of local Best Buy stores. All the Blue Shirts were really cool, even while laughing at me when I asked if they might have any in stock. I shouldn't be looking for one since I still have a game or two to finish on PS3 (and for my 360 as well), but as someone said earlier - gadget lust. -b.
  24. Heads-up for those looking for the Metal Build Destiny, it's currently up at Hobby Search for pre-order; http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10241739 -b.
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