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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. After finally transforming a VF-25A I have to hope that Bandai takes their sweet time in releasing/re-releasing any additional VF's like the 25S to make sure that it's a perfect as the 25A. All the joints were extra tight and the fit and finish just seemed to be a spot above earlier releases. Also keeping my fingers crossed that the Isamu YF-29 and YF-30 releases are as good (especially considering my initial Alto YF-29 is a useless floppy mess that loosens no matter how many times I've tried to tighten the joints). -b.
  2. Got my copies in today from AmiAmi and ditto, agreed, agreed, agreed and agreed. -b.
  3. Well at this point as long as they don't change the color/shade of white in between re-releases of the DYRL lineup. That said I think the Hikaru and Max color schemes might look good in "TV" white, but with the Roy it really does seem like a waste of time/money/whatever when you consider a minor change here and there between SDF and DYRL. -b.
  4. ^ Re: early releases of the v2 1/60 the amount of pressure you do, or do not exert, on the shoulders isn't necessarily a factor on whether or not the shoulders develop cracks. My VF-1S and 1A Hikaru's both developed cracks on their own while displayed in both Fighter and Battroid modes. As long as you know what you're getting into (since based on feedback from sreichma, myself and others may vary) and are aware of how to repair/replace then purchase whatever release you want but for my money I'd "assume" breakages will happen with the very early v2 releases so that expectations are set accordingly. -b.
  5. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... -b.
  6. When, when there is a Tornado release. The power of positive thinking! -b.
  7. Well my fingers are crossed and wallet open for the DMK line. I bought one of each Prime and Bumblebee for the first release and (2) of the re-releases of Prime. For my money I think it's a great concept that I wish they'd expand and improve upon. -b.
  8. ^ Nice, now you just need one more Alto and for Bandai to release a Tornado Pack for it. -b.
  9. That's actually a really good idea. Since there's already an established relationship with Hasegawa they could offer a set choice of let's say 5 schemes. And like the VF-4G and the YF-19 build to order. Maybe I should put this in the "One wish for Arcadia" thread. -b.
  10. 100% Agreed. And regarding the sequel there a few years too late for me to care about it. Maybe if they'd released this closer to while the novelty was still new for 300, but as of now "meh". -b.
  11. Ah...Liefeld. Is he still allowed to create, write or draw comics? As a fan of a lot of the X-Men comics I really hope that Fox and Singer/creative team can pull this off, but for me seeing will be believing. -b.
  12. Going to be REALLY upset if there are no option parts included. That's the only reason I ordered it. -b.
  13. Just paid for mine w AmiAmi and I'm guessing it should be in hand next week. I'm also curious to see how it compares to both Yamato v2 DYRL and TV versions with respect to color. -b.
  14. Guess I need to hurry up and watch the copy I bought on Blu ray as I honestly don't remember it being that bad. Agree with the criticism leveled towards the end of the movie, especially towards Silver Samurai but I thought that the movie all-in-all was OK. Kind in the same vein as my feelings towards Man of Steel (that it was the best Superman movie - certainly not the best comic book movie) I think that this was the best Wolverine and maybe even "X" movie (have to re-watch X-Men First Class though to be sure of that opinion). -b.
  15. Honestly I'd be happy if Takara or Hasbro would decide to do a Bandai Gundam Metal Build style DMK model of the movie designs. I know it's blasphemy to have Transformers that don't transform, but I'd really like some screen accurate figures. I haven't purchased one movie-based transformer besides the Optimus and Bumblebee DMK releases. -b.
  16. Uh..almost speechless. She wasn't half-bad as a kick-ass chick in the Fast & Furious movies, but as someone as iconic as Wonder Woman? Seeing will be believing. And yeah, she needs the gym AND a sandwich to pull of WW. -b.
  17. In direct relation to the car seat what he said was that there was a lot of blood in the seat as if to say someone got munched on. Honestly who knows, and I'm sure the show runners are glad there's this big debate over it so that they can do whatever they like later on down the line as a potential ratings grab. He did mention that fans of the comics would recognize story and/or character elements but that was in relation to another character and the Governor (IIRC). -b.
  18. Did anyone else watch Talking Dead after the last episode? Kirkman, in a very coy, yet matter-of-fact manner addresses the car seat situation. -b.
  19. Best Buy had/has a sale on for Seasons 1 thru 3 on Blu-ray at $ 11.99 ea (IIRC the DVDs were marked $ 7.99 ea). Not sure if it's online or in-store only as I only saw them on the shelves at a few of my local stores. -b.
  20. It's all good. I think most of us appreciate the real-world feedback people leave as long as it doesn't devolve into if you like/don't like an item then you're an idiot post. Even among my friends that have similar interests (anime, Sci-Fi, etc.) I'm still in the fringe as the only one that spends any money, significant or otherwise on actual toys. So I'd be in the same boat with no one but those of us on the boards to talk, or vent to about these things. -b.
  21. In case anyone is interested, Sideshow just put up for pre-order a limited edition Iron Man Mark XXI - Midas. This was initially an overseas convention exclusive with some pretty ridiculous prices on eBay. http://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/marvel-iron-man-mark-xxi-midas-hot-toys-902134/ Get it while the getting is good! -b.
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